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"It is quite loud in here." Charlize said to Stanley as they entered club Seis with Glenn and Faye.
"Take it you've never been to a club before?" Stanley asked. She shook her head. "This place is pretty chill. But whenever you want to leave just let me know."

"Oh, no. This is exciting." She beamed.

"Drinks?" Glenn asked

"Long Island." Faye replied.
"What is a Long Island?" Charlize asked.
"Don't tell me you don't drink either?" Faye asked.
"Champagne." Charlize replied with a shrug.
"Ooo, you fancy." Faye teased.
"Nothing stronger than that?" Glenn asked.
"Wine?" Charlize said. They laughed.
"Get her a Long Island." Faye said. "You'll like it. It's like juice."
"Yeah right." Glenn snickered.
"I'll come with you." Stanley said to Glenn.
"We'll meet you at the booth." Faye said before leading Faye to a booth in the back where there was a group of young adults laughing and drinking. "Ayo." Faye said getting their attention. The group got excited and greeted her with hugs before Faye introduced Charlize. "This is Charlize, a family friend visiting Stan."

"Oh word? They're not related?" A young woman with box braids in a bun asked.

"Don't she look just like him?" Faye said. "But no, they're not related."

"That's wild. But my name is Cliff." A young man decked in all black introduced. The rest of the introductions began. There were five others. Izzy, Sarah, Joey, Tony, and Kellan. Both Cliff and Joey were of Latino descent and Sarah was Caucasian. Charlize was glad that Stanley's friend group was as diverse as what she was used to back home. It brought her comfort. 

"Where are you visiting from?" Izzy asked.
"Canada." Charlize replied.

"So that's where he's been hiding you, huh?" Kellan asked with a slight smile.
"No one was hiding her." Faye rolled her eyes.
"Where's Glenn and Stan?" Sarah asked.
"They went to the bar really quick." Faye replied.
"Come sit." Kellan said standing. Joey offered up his seat as well.
"Thank you." Charlize smiled and sat down.
"How long are you staying?" Tony asked.
"For a little while." Charlize replied.

"A little while?" Sarah asked suspiciously.
"Yes. I just needed a...vacation." Said Charlize.
"You've ever been to New York?" Cliff asked.
"No. My first time traveling actually." She said.
"Oh, so you've never been outside of your hometown?" Izzy asked. Charlize shook her head.
"The furthest I have gone is a few towns over to visit friends." She said.

"That's wild." Izzy said. "But welcome to New York. How are you liking it so far?"
"It's so exciting. I'm having a great time. Stanley is so kind to show me around. And for letting me follow you all around." She said. The group laughed.
"It's like you honestly fell out of a time machine." Faye said. "She's never been in a cab before or on a train or to a club."
"This is your first time in a club?" Cliff asked, slack jawed.

"I do not get out much." Charlize shrugged.
"How old are you?" Sarah asked.
"Twenty." Charlize said. They all nodded.
"Makes sense." Sarah said. "Clubs really aren't that fun unless you are old enough to drink."
"There is an age limit?" Charlize asked.
"You have to be twenty-one in order to legally buy and consume alcohol." Joey said.

"That is quite strange." Charlize said.
"Yeah. In Canada you only have to be like sixteen or something right?" Izzy asked.
"Uh, y-yes. We start early." She said. They laughed.

"What's up y'all?" Glenn greeted as he and Stanley rejoined the group.
"Here you go." Stanley handed Charlize her drink before greeting the rest of the group. Charlize took a sip of the strong but sweet drink.
"You like?" Faye asked. Charlize nodded and took another long sip.
"Whoa, you probably should slow down because that is just going to go to your head." Cliff warned.
"Let her have some fun. She'll be fine." Sarah said waving them off.
"Stan, how come you didn't tell us your twin was visiting?" Kellan asked.
"She's not my twin. We're not related." Stanley said.

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