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Henry was rarely ever angry with Elizabeth. The most he would get is frustrated. As of late, he had been losing his patience with her much more easily. Particularly in the past month. She had been doing everything except admit that she played a part in Charlize's leaving and making an effort to understand why. She felt instead that manipulating everyone around her to try and force Charlize home was a better tactic. Henry was attempting to arrange a meeting with the Ramsey's since things have been going so well with Darlene and his son, but was promptly told that the arrangement was off and they assumed Elizabeth informed him already. To make matters worse, he received word that Elliot and Dimitri had gone and no one knew where. He had enough. He barged into Elizabeth's office and glared down at her.
"What have you done?" He demanded.
"I beg your pardon?" She looked at him incredulously.
"I was just told that my son disappeared. He would have told me if he was leaving so I am asking you again, what have you done?" He seethed.
"Relax, he's just going to see Charlize." She said, sitting back in her seat.
"To – Charlize? What?" His tense shoulders dropped slightly.
"He decided that it was time to go see her." She said. He narrowed his eyes at her.

"I can't help but feel you put him up to this after news of the Ramsey's pulling out of the arrangement."
"How did you know about that?" She sat up.

"When were you going to tell me?" He asked.
"I wasn't because I was going to fix it."
"Fix it? How could you possibly fix it? What even happened?"
"The only reason they don't want their daughter to marry Elliot is because of Charlize." She said. "They claimed it looked bad on them if they let her marry into a family where I apparently don't know where my own daughter is."
"So you manipulated Elliot to go ask her to come back." He said.
"I did no such thing." She stood. "I only told him the truth. I was concerned about her and needed someone to see in person if she was truly well. I didn't ask him to bring her home."
"But you know seeing him would make Charlize reconsider."

"Whatever she decides is her personal choice. I was not trying to influence her either way." Elizabeth argued.
"Then why did Dimitri go with him?" His glare returned. Elizabeth's jaw clenched momentarily.

"That was his decision. I had nothing to-."
"It blows my mind how you can just lie to my face so easily." Henry snapped. "I can't believe you Elizabeth. This whole thing with Charlize has revealed just how devious you are. You need to accept that this is all your fault. Even if Charlize decides to come back, she will never forgive you unless you own up to it."
"I have done all I could as a mother-."
"But listen." Henry said. "This whole time, all anyone has been asking of you was to listen. Listen to her wish to have some time to herself. Listen to the reasons why she left in the first place. Just...set your expectations aside and listen to the fact that your daughter needed you and you neglected to acknowledge that." He finally let out a breath. Elizabeth never left his gaze. "I am very disappointed in you Elizabeth." He shook her head before turning to leave her office, slamming the door on his way out.

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