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"This is maddening. I cannot believe she is doing this to me." Elizabeth fumed, massaging her temple.

They managed to keep the news of Charlize's disappearance quiet as the night ended. As always, they kept face in front of the guest even though they were all on the edge of their seats. Elliot was keeping his eye out for Archibald, but he never returned to the party. Now that their guests had gone, he wondered where he could have been and had a strong inkling that he knew of Charlize's whereabouts.

"And you can't tell me you know nothing of this." She said to Elliot, bringing his focus back. 

"I'm sorry but I do not." Elliot replied. "I am just as stunned as you are."

"Then why did she leave only you a note?" Elizabeth asked suspiciously.
"I think we know why." Elliot said.
"Careful Elliot." Henry warned.
"I just mean that she's my sister." Elliot corrected.
"I am sure if he knew anything he would tell us." Henry said. "He wouldn't have encouraged her to run off like this."
"I just do not know how we start a search for her without alerting the whole Isle. No one must know she's gone. That would just look terrible on us." Elizabeth said.
"Your daughter went missing and the only thing you're worried about is how it will make you look?" Elliot asked in disbelief.

"Elliot." Henry gave him a hard stare, but it didn't seem to shake him.
"If you were actually concerned with her well-being then you wouldn't care who knew that you were looking for her."
"She is obviously just doing this for attention. She wants to rebel for me wanting the best for her." Elizabeth said. "She will be back in a few days when she realizes she cannot survive on her own."

"I doubt that." Elliot said under his breath. Elizabeth stood and straightened her gown with a sigh.
"We will postpone our plans for the upcoming week, keep up the charade that she is still ill and by the time she returns, we can resume as planned." She said, satisfied with her idea.

" don't want to start a search for her?" Henry asked.

"No. She will be back. I will give her two days. She will see that I am right about the path I want for her." She said. "As long as she is back within a reasonable time, then I will forgive her."
"And if she doesn't return? She seemed pretty sure in her note." Elliot said.
"She will." Elizabeth said confidently. "Now I must go to bed. I am just exhausted from the trip and all of this talk of Charlize and her rebellion. Wait until her sister hears of this." Elizabeth said walking past Elliot with Henry behind her.
"Not like she would care anyway." Elliot said to himself before letting out a sigh. He read over the note again and smiled. As he walked to his room, he spotted Archibald walking by the grand room. "Archie!" He called. Archibald turned to him and smiled.

"Mr. Elliot. How are you this evening." He said with a bow.
"You haven't heard?" Elliot asked, keeping his voice low in case they were overheard.

"Heard?" Archibald asked.
"I know you helped her escape." Elliot cut to the chase. Archibald was quiet for a moment before nodding. Elliot was relieved. "I knew it. How were you able to plan this? Where did she go."
"Where she went I cannot say, but she came to me and I could not refuse her." Archibald said.
"I understand. But why did she not tell me? I would have helped, or even gone with her."
"You know why she did not tell anyone." Archibald said.
"But what of you? If her mother finds out..."

"Then I will accept whatever consequence I'm given. However, I have a feeling she knows I know something. It's only a matter of time before she asks."
"Will you tell?"
"Not right away. I promised to give Ms. Charlize a few weeks before I gave anyone the chance to start their search for her."
"How far has she gone?" Elliot asked suspiciously. He was starting to get the feeling that she wasn't just a few towns over.
"Quite far." He said.
"You don't mean...?" Elliot said. Archibald nodded.
"I can't say where exactly but just know she is safe. I made sure of it." Archibald assured.
"I trust you. And I won't say anything about you having any information. But at some point I would like to speak with her. If I can." Elliot said.
"Just give her time."

"Thank you Archie." Elliot said. Archibald nodded and bowed before he was on his way once again.

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