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Evening came and Elizabeth was in her room reading. After her argument with Henry, she needed some type of peace and something else to distract her from the venom he spat at her. It stung more because she could see the truth in it. She hadn't been listening, but she refused to believe that it was all completely her fault. She did all she could for her children. She was a good mother, right? A hasty knock pulled her from the one page she had been stuck on for at least a half hour. Before she could even call out, the door pushed open.
"Arielle?" Elizabeth nearly tossed her book aside as she sprung up from her chaise.

"Mother, I haven't been gone that long. What on Earth has been going on?" She demanded with her hands on her hips.

"What are you doing here?" Elizabeth disregarded her inquiry and went to embrace her daughter before looking her over.
"I heard about Charlize. What happened? Is she okay?"
"She's fine dear. Come sit." Elizabeth pulled her to join her on the chaise. "How have you been? How is your husband?"
"I have been fine and he is fine but mother, are you alright?" Arielle asked delicately.
"Why wouldn't I be?" She forced a smile.

"I stopped at Charlize's room just now. Is she really gone?" Elizabeth let out a soft sigh and nodded.
"She left about a month ago." She admitted. Arielle's jaw fell open.

"What? How? Why?

"Apparently everyone but me knew she was miserable and was looking for a way out. I still don't understand from what because her life has been nothing short of perfect if she would have just...listened." She looked down at her hands, trailing off.
"How did she get away and where did she go?"
"Archibald helped her get away. He wouldn't tell us where because he said she needed time and space for herself because she had been struggling for some time now. I tried finding her myself but I couldn't." She said. "But, Elliot and Dimitri left earlier today to see her so she should be home soon." Her content smile returned. Arielle looked at her mother with a puzzled expression.
"Trust me, it was the last thing I wanted, but I have tried everything else to get her home. Those two are my last hope."

"So they went to convince her to come home?"
"More or less so." She said.

"I can't believe this." Arielle shook her head.
"Neither can I." Elizabeth admitted. "But I am glad you are here. You are such a good sister to come running when your family needs you." Arielle gave her a weak smile and left her gaze.
"Where is Archibald? What did he say about all of this when you spoke to him?" Arielle asked.
"He is in his home. Same place he has been for nearly a month when he outright disrespected me."
"You sent him away?"
"For now. When Charlize returns, I can probably find it in my heart to forgive him when he realizes all he was going on about was nonsense."

"What exactly did he say?" Arielle was genuinely curious of the events that occurred after her departure that led her sister to up and disappear. Things were going well with her new husband but then rumors had just recently started to float around that Charlize had run away. Normally, Arielle would have assumed that Charlize was being her usual dramatic self, but she was shocked to find out how long she was gone. She was worried about her mother because she knew how the news on top of the gossip would have affected her. But she was also concerned for Charlize. It was the second time in her life where she felt physically sick about something pertaining to her sister. It was almost as if a switch went off in her head and she needed to get to the bottom of it all. She had been restless and uneasy ever since the news hit her.

Now, as her mother was explaining all that she knew about the situation, she couldn't help but feel as though she played a part in it all as well. On her journey home, the memories came back of her and Charlize growing up together. Knowing they were never close, but realizing how awful she was to her at times. The only time she vividly remembered them showing some semblance of closeness was that night Charlize was crying in her arms when they were younger and visiting their Aunt Liza. She did not leave Charlize alone until she figured out what happened. She was appalled when Charlize finally told her. There was a different type of rage that developed within her that day. She confronted her aunt and did everything in her power to protect her sister. When their aunt finally saw it with her own eyes, they were told to keep quiet about it and sent home immediately. She was relieved, but then Charlize started to pull away again. Instead of trying to be there for her still, she gave up. The memory made her heart ache.

What her mother was saying was nothing new to her. She had noticed it. She had noticed Charlize's change in behavior but, just as her mother, assumed that was just her nature. Wanting to be reckless and disobedient for the fun of it. They grew further and further apart because she realized how different the two of them were. Arielle's goals seemed to line up with their mother's plans for them, yet Charlize was the complete opposite. After their father passed, Charlize seemed to show that she was capable of abiding by the rules, but it quickly changed once again when their mother married Henry. That was when Arielle completely abandoned hope that they would ever have a relationship.

Most especially this came after Charlize shut her out after the incident with Dimitri. She did not care for him either and also believed he was Charlize's downfall. When she caught them in the garden, she knew something had to be done before their household name was ruined because of her. She thought she was doing the right thing until their mother threatened to send her to their Aunt Liza. She was relieved when the plans changed and thought Charlize would come back, finally ready to be who they expected her to be. Hoping the punishment would set her on the right path. It seemed promising when she first returned, however, she noticed a complete shift in her sister. It was a little jarring at first. Even though they barely spoke, only giving one another formalities, Arielle watched her closely. That was how she found the letter in her book that was addressed to Dimitri. She was angry with Charlize because she thought she was just fooling them all to get what she wanted: to have them off her back about Dimitri so she could continue to see him in secrecy. She immediately gave the letter to her mother, not caring what the punishment would be. There was no more helping her. Although, Charlize somehow convinced their mother with lies that she was never planning to send it and Elizabeth decided to have her under scrutinous watch rather than have her go to Liza. Since then, she and Charlize stayed far from each other.

"Mother, there is something I need to tell you." Arielle said suddenly, interrupting Elizabeth's rant.
"What is it?" She asked, looking at her daughter concerned.
"It is something we – I probably should have told you a long time ago. Maybe then none of this would have happened."

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