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            "Charlize has been gone for quite some time now hasn't she?" Charles said looking around. Eric, Jacob, Alexa and Prince Lewis were off dancing and chatting with other guests while Elliot and Dimitri continued to make small talk with Charles while they waited for Charlize's return.
"She has, hasn't she?" Elliot glanced around as well.
"Must have needed a break from all of your...charm." Dimitri said. Elliot nudged him. Although he was amused by his friend's witty jabs at the Admiral, he figured it was time to ease up since Charles showed no signs of backing down.
"I think I'll go look for her." Charles said.
"We'll take care of it. You sit tight. Enjoy another drink, please." Elliot insisted before pulling Dimitri away.
"I'm sure she'll be back any minute." Dimitri said. "You know how she is."
"That's what I'm afraid of." Elliot said. "She did not seem like herself at all today."
"What do you mean?" Dimitri asked.
"She seemed much more distant and quiet. You know she would have told Charles off seven different ways until he ran off with his tails between his legs."
"You're right. She was unusually...polite." Dimitri said.
"So where do you think she has run off to?" Elliot said.
"Let's split up and meet back here in ten minutes." Dimitri said. Elliot nodded and they both went off to start the search.

         They looked in the multiple rooms of the house and in the bathrooms but came up with nothing. The regrouped in the ballroom, hoping the other had found her.
"Nothing?" They both said in unison.
"Maybe we missed her." Elliot said.
"She may be at the stables." Dimitri suggested.
"It looks like it's raining outside." Said Elliot.
"As if that would stop her. You know how she is." Dimitri insisted. Elliot nodded and they made their way to the large mahogany front doors. The rain had let up and left behind a light drizzle that created a cool breeze. They glanced around for a moment. A large fountain stood in the middle of the long gravel pathway, creating a loop for carriages and cars. Wide valleys of lush vegetation were on either side. As they stepped forward, something caught Dimitri's eye. He hurried over and as he got closer, he was sure it was what he thought it was. "Elliot." He bent down and picked up the ring with the large, deep blue gem that he had purchased for her. She often wore it for special occasions. He stood and showed it to Elliot.
"Oh no." Elliot breathed. "Look." They turned to see more items strewn along the path. Her white gloves, tiara, and her shoes.
"Did – did someone take her?" Dimitri's heart was pounding.
"No. That couldn't have-." Elliot stopped himself. "We need to find Archie."
"Right." They sprung into action but could not find Archibald anywhere either. They heard the loud trumpets coming from the ballroom, informing everyone that Elizabeth and Henry have returned.
"This is just getting worse and worse. What are we going to do?" Dimitri asked.
"I need to tell them. Something could have happened to her." Elliot said. "I mean, how do we explain her things out on the ground like this?"
"What if she wasn't taken?" Dimitri said.
"What do you mean?"
"Well you know how she was always talking about leaving before. And sure if she was taken, she could have left her shoes and tiara. But not her gloves. Not this." He said holding up the ring. Elliot looked at it and thought it over for a moment.
"Quite the contrary. If she ran off, she wouldn't leave that behind." Elliot said reassuringly. Dimitri looked down at the ring.  "Okay. You search take these to her room and see if you can find anything and I'll keep our parents occupied." Elliot said. They parted ways once again. When Elliot arrived in the ballroom, his parents were already making their rounds, greeting guests. He quickly caught up to them.

           "Mother, father." He said getting their attention.
"Elliot, darling, so good to see you." Elizabeth beamed, greeting him with kisses on his cheeks.
"How was your trip?" Elliot asked.
"Oh, exhausting. But worth it. We finally were able to get Henstone and the Mercomb Estate to agree." Elizabeth said.
"It was quite the long conversation." Henry said.
"Where is Charlize?" Elizabeth asked, taking a glance around. "Occupied by one of these possible suitors I hope?"
"No, um, unfortunately Charlize was not feeling too well so she had to make an exit." Elliot said.
"Of course she isn't." Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "She is always pulling something like this. What am I going to tell all of these people who are here for her?"
"Darling, if she is not feeling well I'm sure missing one evening is not that big of a deal." Henry said.
"Fine. I'll just embarrass myself and tell everyone she has fallen ill. Why does she keep doing this to me? We are going to have a long talk later tonight." Elizabeth sighed.
"Come, we must greet the rest of our guests." Henry said guiding her away. Elliot let out a heavy sigh. Before he could relax, Charles approached.
"I have been waiting for your sister for quite some time now. I don't like waiting on anyone." Charles said. Elliot was surprised by his sudden turn in tone.
"Then I think you should hop on your carriage and go on home because she's not coming back to the party." Elliot said.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"She's not feeling well. She decided to skip out for the rest of the night." Elliot patted him on the shoulder and walked away.

            Elliot continued to stay nearby his parents while he waited for Dimitri to return. After about ten minutes, he finally did. Elliot excused himself from his parents and eagerly joined Dimitri's side.
"Anything?" Elliot asked.
"Yeah." Dimitri let out a heavy sigh and pulled out a note from his pocket. "She's gone. I found it in your room." Elliot looked at his friend before taking the note and reading it.
"Oh my..." He looked up at Dimitri. "I can't believe she actually did this."
"Wh – why are you smiling? Your sister is gone." Dimitri said, keeping his voice at a whisper.
"I know but this-."
"Dimitri." Elizabeth's voice rang in their ears, making them stand astute. Elliot quickly put the note behind his back as walked over. "What are you doing here?" Her stern but pleasant expression always struck a certain fear in Dimitri. And even sometimes Elliot.
"Mrs. Covington. A pleasure to see you." Dimitri said with a bow.
"Wish I could say the same. Who invited you?" She asked.
"I did mother. He is my friend." Elliot said.
"Mh. Well fortunately Charlize is not feeling well." Elizabeth said. Her eyes suddenly narrowed slightly. "What are you hiding?" She asked.
"What do you mean?" Elliot asked back.
"Behind your back? I saw you reading something." Elizabeth said.
"Oh, and invitation from Dimitri." Elliot said nonchalantly.
"To where?" She continued. Her expression remained calm and neutral which made both men nervous.
"To a dinner his parents are having." Elliot said, maintaining eye contact.
"Ah, why a formal invitation? And just Elliot?" Elizabeth continued.
"S-small gathering." Dimitri fumbled and they both knew it.
"You may be quick on your feet but I'm quicker. I raised Charlize." Elizabeth said with a stern eyebrow. "Give it." She held out her hand.
"Only if you promise to remain calm." Elliot said.
"Not promising anything." She said simply.
"Maybe we should step out for this." Dimitri suggested.
"You can step out. I wouldn't mind that at all." Elizabeth shot back.
"Mother." Elliot always tried to reign Elizabeth in when it came to Dimitri but it was never any use. Elizabeth rolled her eyes and kept her hand out. Elliot let out a heavy sigh and handed the note over. She quickly read it over and they watched her expression change immediately. Her eyebrows furrowed together and her mouth fell open, but no words escaped.
"Is everything alright?" Henry asked, joining them.
"She – how could she do this?" Elizabeth looked at both Elliot and Dimitri. "How did you let this happen. It was you wasn't it?" Her glare landed on Dimitri.
"He had nothing to do with it." Elliot defended.
"I stayed away from her like you asked." Dimitri said. "I had no idea."
"What is going on?" Henry asked.
"I need to go deal with this." She shoved the note into Henry's chest and began walking away. Henry followed after her while taking quick glances at the note. Elliot and Dimitri watched them disappear into the crowd.
"I guess that is my cue to leave." Dimitri said.
"I will meet you tomorrow to give you an update." Elliot said. Dimitri nodded and headed out. Elliot let out a heavy sigh.
"Oh boy."

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