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"Your father owns this place?" Charlize asked Stanley as they entered Paragon. It had been a long day of walking and sight seeing and they worked up a big enough appetite to stop by Roger's restaurant for an end of the day meal.
"Yeah. Has had it for ten years now." Stanley said. "It just started getting really popular a few years ago."

"Wow." She looked around in awe, as she had been at everything all day. The modern yet rustic décor that still made the place feel cozy impressed her. It had low hanging bulb lights and was decorated in deep greens and browns. From what she could see, most of the tables were full and there were still groups of people waiting.
"The food here is mad good." Glenn said. He and Faye had joined them again, as well as Izzy and Cliff.

"I haven't been here in a minute." Said Cliff.
"Hey Stan." The hostess greeted with a smile.
"Hey Taylor." Stanley greeted.

"Need a table?" She asked.
"Yes please. I told my dad we were coming by earlier." He said.
"Sure thing let me see...yup, have a table for you. Come on back." She picked up six menus and led them to a table for six. They thanked her and began looking over the menu.
"You okay?" Stanley asked Charlize who was studying the menu quite closely.

"Yes. There are just so many options. I don't know what to order." She was slightly overwhelmed.
"Don't worry. I got you." Stanley said. "You don't have any allergies right?"

"Okay, good." He began to walk her through the things that he was going to order and once their server came, he did. Charlize was fascinated by the process. They had servers at the estate, but not the way they were at the restaurant. She then began to think about getting a job while she was there. Of course she had enough money to be there for months without having to work, but she wanted to experience as much as she could and having an actual job would give her a different perspective and make her feel as if she was actually on her own even if it was just for a moment.

"I want to get a job." She said, without taking a moment to think about it.

"Wait, I thought you already had a job? Back in Canada?" Cliff asked.
"Oh, I-I meant a new job." Charlize said. "I never did anything other than party planning. It would be fun to try something else. Maybe for some time while I'm here."

"Getting a job is not that easy." Izzy chuckled.
"You've never had any other job?" Glenn asked. Charlize shook her head.
"So what are you trying to do?" Faye asked.
"Anything." Charlize shrugged.

"I don't think you want anything." Izzy said. "Especially from where you seem to come from."
"And where is that?" Charlize asked curiously.
"A very...established background." Said Izzy.
"Izzy." Stanley said.
"I'm not sure what you mean." Charlize said.
"Don't take this the wrong way but I can see why you've never had any other job. You seem like you come from a family that is very well off." Izzy explained.
"My family is. Which is why I want to try to be on my own for a while." Charlize said.
"I think that's dope." Cliff said.
"Listen, if I didn't have to work, I wouldn't." Izzy said.

"I'm tired of having to do everything my parents tell me. I want to make my own choices and do something on my own for once." Charlize said.
"It sounds like you came straight out of a movie." Glenn chuckled.
"Movie? I would like to see one." Charlize perked up. "I-it has been some time now." She added quickly when she saw some confused glances.
"Yeah, we could go see one later." Stanley said.
"Good." She smiled.

"Hey, you're here." Roger greeted as he approached the table. "How was your first full day out in the city?"

"Exciting. I love it here." Charlize beamed.
"Eventually it will lose it's charm." Izzy said.
"Well for now, I am having a great time. And thank you all for showing me around."

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