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"Darlene, I would like you to meet Elliot." Veronica introduced with a bright smile. When her family arrived, Elliot disappeared to his room and let his parents deal with the formalities. He knew they would only call him down once it was time for dinner so they could have the chance to do their final assessment on Darlene and her family before bringing Elliot into it. It was only a few hours after Elliot had first laid eyes on her, but she was even more breathtaking up close. Her dark skin, her braids that were arranged in a neat bun, her contagious smile. He was in awe. She curtsied then stood regally. He bowed then met her gaze. He couldn't find his words.

"We've heard a lot about you Elliot." Her father, Titus Ramsey said.
"Yes, wonderful things." Cecily added. Darlene looked just like her, but younger.

"We just wanted to make sure you know what a great young man he is." Veronica said looking at Elliot lovingly. "We hope the two of you can get along well." She said to Darlene who smiled politely and nodded.
"Shall we head to the dining room?" Henry suggested.

"Lead the way." Titus said. The men walked ahead, followed by Veronica and Cicely, which left Elliot and Darlene. They walked quietly side by side for a moment before Elliot finally spoke up.
"Where are you and your family from?" Elliot asked.
"Your parents did not say?" Darlene asked back, not looking in his direction. There was a sudden frigidness that was not there before.

"Uh, n-no." He fumbled.
"Oh." She continued walking without seeming to give him a second thought. Elliot had to admit that she made him flustered. He was unsure of what he expected but it was not that. Sure, most girls were shy and polite around him but it was the first time he encountered otherwise, not counting Charlize. He knew that all women were not timid, but it was still jarring nonetheless to meet one so brash.

Of course Elliot was seated right across from Darlene. As hard as he tried, he couldn't keep his eyes off her. He continuously stole glances as both of their parents probed them before falling into their own conversation. Once the attention was off of them, his gaze lingered on Darlene. She looked up from her plate and her eyebrow went up. He accepted her challenge and did not look away. She smirked and placed her elbows on the table, resting her chin on her fists, staring hard. Elliot was confused, but kept his eyes on hers.

"Darlene." Cicely said, startling the both of them.

"Yes mother?" Her warm aura returned. They both looked to see that their parents were rising from the table.
"We were all going to take a stroll in the garden." Veronica said, more to Elliot.

"It's getting rather cold out." Elliot said.

"Good thing we have an indoor garden." Veronica remind. Elliot cleared his throat and stood with a nod. He and Darlene once again followed their parent's lead.

"Did I offend you somehow?" Elliot said. "With what I said earlier?"
"Your presence offends me." She said nonchalantly.
"I'm sorry?" Elliot said. Once again, caught off guard.

"What were you expecting tonight?" Darlene finally looked at him.

"I wasn't expecting anything." He said confused.

"No? You weren't expecting me to fawn all over you and have me beg for your attention so you could consider me for a bride?"
"What? No." Elliot said. If anything, he was hoping that she would take interest in him. He was surprised that she would have even thought that of him.

"Good." She smirked. He was now completely puzzled. His eyebrows furrowed. "I just wanted to give you a hard time."

"Why?" He asked.
"To see what kind of man you are." She said.
"That is a bit unfair. And childish." He said.
"Oh dear. Forgive me, a woman who is possibly about to get married off into some strange family, for trying to see what a man's true colors are before having to live with him for the rest of her life." She narrowed her eyes at him before turning away. She had a point. He had heard of relationships where the man would be sweet to the woman up until after they were married for him to be the monster he truly was. Darlene was trying to ruffle his feathers early on to see if another personality would slip through.  

"I'm sorry. I understand." He said. She peeked over at him from the corner of her eyes. "Did I pass?" She took another moment before she responded.

"Well," she began, "you don't seem full of yourself and you didn't lash, yes." There was a small smile on her face that caused him to smile.
"Good." He nodded. "Now will you give me the chance to properly get to know you?" She held out her hand to him. He took it.

"Darlene Ramsey." She introduced. "From Tunstead."

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