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Charlize was still numb. She had hoped the feeling would have passed by now, but she was gravely mistaken. It had been nearly two weeks since she had returned from Archibald's house. She couldn't explain the relief she experienced when he came back to her and told her she wasn't spending the rest of the summer with her Aunt Liza. Even though she was going to be under close watch by Aurora, it was miles better than being at that house. She was thankful for the space away from everyone, but it did not dull the ache that she felt. She walked around as if she had cinderblocks laying on her chest. She barely spoke to anyone and rarely left the home. Not even wanting to take walks as she usually would. She had been able to bring Prince along but she hadn't rode him once. All she could think about was Dimitri. Thinking about him brought back the flood of memories of how miserable she had been ever since her father passed. How she no longer knew who she was or what she wanted. She was stuck in a state of just being and did not know how to escape the void.

The day she arrived back home, she greeted Elizabeth and Henry as they would expect a proper lady to greet them. No hugs or too wide smiles. I simple curtsy and nods. She did not even look in Arielle's direction. She felt a little guilty because Elliot was expecting a hug but she just smiled politely at him before disappearing into her room where she stayed until dinner. It had been like that for the following days. Not engaging too much but being present just enough to not raise too many questions. Elliot was the first to come to her, wondering what happened to her. She assured him that she was fine and that the time was just what she needed to recenter herself. He didn't believe a word she said, but he had no other choice because there was nothing more for her to say. Archibald was next to approach her but he let it go much quicker because, somehow, he seemed to understand.

Charlize now was getting ready for a party being hosted by one of her mother's friends. She had just missed the end of the summer gala which she was glad about. It would have been too much too soon. Although, she was still unsure of how she would cope. Especially with seeing Dimitri if he were to be attending. She was sure he must have been upset with her suddenly vanishing after they both confessed to one another. Even though she was not allowed to speak to him, she wondered why he hadn't tried to come see her. She couldn't even let herself imagine the hurt on his face when she ignored him. The mere thought was the one thing that brought feeling back to her for the first time in weeks. The cinderblocks were pressing down on her chest again. She didn't like it.

When they arrived at the venue, Charlize gave out polite greetings before standing off to the side, hands clasped in front of her and doing her best to look as if the walls weren't caving in. Her mother had paraded her around, seemingly proud of the new behavior her daughter was displaying. Any other time, Charlize would have been annoyed and sickened by it all, but at the moment, she did not care. All she wanted was to be back in her bed.

"How long before mother forces you to take another lap?" Elliot asked, joining her side. Charlize couldn't even force a laugh. The most she could provide was a weak smile. "She is quite excited you're back home." He tried again. She nodded. "I can't say the same about you." He stepped in front of her to force her attention. She looked up at him and gave another weak smile.
"I'm glad to be back." She said, giving his arm a reassuring squeeze.

"Elliot, I am fine. I promise." She said. He continued to stare into her eyes, wishing he knew what was truly going on inside her head. He let it go and nodded, stepping back beside her to observe the party.

"Finally." He sighed. "Dimitri his here." Charlize felt her heart stop beating, not realizing it was still there. She looked over at Elliot and he gave her a wink before going over to greet his friend. Charlize allowed her eyes to follow him through the crowd. When she saw him, there was a surge of another feeling she didn't know she still had. Butterflies. He looked handsome as always. His hair longer and pulled back out of his face. The glow of the summer on him. His bright smile when he spotted Elliot warmed the numb feeling that had enveloped her. She watched the two of them share a few words before laughing. She was glad he was happy. At least that's what it seemed like. At least up until Elliot said something that made his face fall into confusion. Charlize realized what it was when Elliot gestured in her direction. Dimitri turned and their eyes locked. Everything quickly faded out. She could hear her heart starting up again in her ears. She took a slow breath. It seemed as if they were lost in each other for hours. Both asking questions without moving their lips. Suddenly, the sound came crashing back and the air was knocked back into her lungs when he turned away then walked off. Elliot looked after his friend then to Charlize who averted her gaze. As much as it hurt her, she decided then that it would be easier if Dimitri stayed angry with her. It would be easier for him to get over her that way.

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