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Embarrassment from the previous night still followed Charlize. She had woken up feeling less than great and stayed in bed most of the day recovering from the mess she subjected herself to. Stanley had checked in with her, as well as Mariah and Roger. All were slightly concerned about her but she had assured them that she was fine. It was well into the afternoon when she finally decided to get up and shower. She figured some fresh air would do her good and headed out to the city. Mariah helped her get a cab and since she did not have a destination, she decided to begin at the bakery. As she walked, her mind drifted to where it left off from when they left Kellan's place. The knots began to form in her stomach when she thought of Dimitri. He was the only other person she had kissed before. With him, she felt giddy all over. With Kellan, she felt disgusted. She couldn't help but to laugh to herself at the thought of what Arielle or her mother would have said if they witnessed what took place. If they had a fit about her and Dimitri, she could only imagine her being shipped off to the furthest corner of the planet, never to be heard from again. Dimitri would have seemed like a saint to them compared to Kellan.

She couldn't help but think of her mother's warning. Heat ripped at her chest as she recalled that night. Her elation flattened in a matter of seconds. A simple threat that held more weight than even her mother knew. Her world seemed to come to a halt and she was pulled back into her trance of "yes ma'am" and not making any sudden movements. The life seemed to be sucked out of her all at once and people noticed. She brushed it off as nothing even though she felt herself slowly suffocating with each passing day. She needed to find a way out. Archibald helped her to find that way out.

Charlize would forever be grateful for Archibald. He was always there when she needed someone and he had saved her on multiple occasions. He was able to get her out of situations that would have ruined her completely. He found her sanctuary that allowed for her to get out of the dark place she was violently thrown into. Regardless of that, she still was not the same after. She was distant, barely speaking to anyone except Archibald and Elliot. There was a big change in her behavior after her father passed, and she assumed it must have been frightening to see the drastic shift in her personality. Archibald sensed the desperation and got her away. Although she would never be able to repay him, she was glad she had him in her corner.

It was too late before Charlize realized she was lost. She had been wandering around, adrift in her thoughts for hours, not realizing where she had gone. She was no longer in the bustle of the city but where things were...quieter. She was in the middle of a small compound of cute shops. People hurrying from place to place, battling the bitter winds of the near winter air. It was a chill Charlize hadn't even noticed until she was standing still. What worried her was that she did not see any cabs. She figured she would retrace her steps and began the journey back. She stopped abruptly when she realized none of her surroundings seemed familiar. To avoid the risk of becoming further lost, she made her way back to the "little village". She took out her phone and her first thought was to call Stanley, but she stopped herself. He was in the library studying for his upcoming exams. She didn't want to bother him. She could surely find her way, right? She took a deep breath and scrolled through the few contacts. Her eyes landed on Gabriel. From what she knew, he was available. She bit her lip and hit the call button without a second thought. After a few rings, he answered.
"Hey, Charlize. What's up?" He greeted.
"Hi Gabe. I'm sorry to bother you but I have gotten myself into a situation and I need assistance." She said. She stuffed her free hand into her jacket pocket as another cold wind blew.
"What's going on? Are you alright?" He sounded concerned.
"Oh, yes. I'm fine. Just a bit...lost."
"Lost?" He repeated.
"Yes. I went on a walk and I ended up...somewhere and I don't know how to get back. I would just hop in a cab but there are none around here." She explained. "I would have also asked directions, but I thought it best not to speak to strangers, especially since I'm alone."
"Yeah, definitely. Um, hm, what do you see around you?" He said. "I can meet you and help you get home."
"Meet me?"
"Yeah. Are there any stores or something around you?" He asked. She took a quick glance around at the names of the buildings before her.
"I am currently standing in front of a place called, "The Awkward Cat"?" Her head tilted. He chuckled.
"Okay, hold on a second." He said. There was silence on the other line for a moment before he returned to the call. "Is that next to "Souprise"?" She looked at the two stores that sandwiched it and sure enough Souprise was in bold italics to the right of it.
"Yes, it is." She said.
"Okay. Stay right there. I'll be there in twenty minutes." He said.
"Okay, thank you." She immediately felt at ease as they hung up.

Charlize intended in staying in that exact spot until he arrived, but after ten minutes, she began shivering from the cold. She decided to take shelter in The Awkward Cat until he arrived. The bell on the door chimed as she entered. She was hit with a blast of warmth that sent relief all over her body. She let out a soft sigh and walked further into the store. It was quaint and filled with antiques and trinkets. Right in the middle was a cash register where an older woman was ringing up a couple as the three laughed about something. Music played softly overhead and something about the environment made Charlize feel comforted. She wandered over to a display of shiny glass items along one wall of the store. Her eyes immediately landed on a glass panda. She smiled to herself as she picked it up for a closer look. Archibald came to mind and she settled on purchasing it.

She continued to explore the shop, now looking for something to purchase for Elliot until she heard her name. She turned to see Gabriel heading in her direction.
"Thought you disappeared on me." A slight chuckle escaped his lips. "I tried calling but you didn't answer."
"Oh, I am so sorry." She pulled her phone from her pocket and sure enough there were two missed calls from him. "I didn't even realize."
"It's okay. Doing some shopping?" He gestured to the little glass panda and the metal ring she was now holding.
"For a friend." She smiled weakly. He nodded and left her gaze to glance around the shop.
"I have never been in a place like this before." He picked up a green jewelry box and observed the intricate gold designs etched into it.
"There are quite a lot of interesting things in here." She replied.
"You could say that again." He set down the jewelry box and picked up a figurine of a cat dressed as a cow hopping over a moon. The pair laughed before continuing through the rest of the store.

They shared hushed giggles at the strange items they came across, but every now and again they found something that was a pleasant surprise. After about thirty minutes, Charlize purchased the two items that she held onto from the beginning and they exited the store.
"Ready to head home?" Gabriel asked.
"Actually, I'm quite hungry." She said, feeling her stomach growl.
"Food it is then." He decided. "I wouldn't be a proper gentleman if I let a lady starve." Charlize giggled and he smiled. "What are you in the mood for?"
"Something I haven't tried before." She said as their gaze lingered.
"Say no more." He held out his arm to her and she giggled once again as she looped hers through, allowing him to lead the way.

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