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Elizabeth huffed as she made her way to the Main Entrance Hall with Henry hot on her trail. Her emerald gown billowing as she walked.
"I don't want to hear it Henry." She cut him off.
"No." She stared straight ahead. He had enough and reached out to pull her to a stop. She glared at him and snatched her arm away.
"What are you expecting to tell them? Hm?" He challenged.
"The same thing I've been telling the rest of the suitors." Elizabeth said.
"You can't keep this up for long. She's been gone for longer than any of us anticipated. People are going to find out." Henry said.
"I just need to hold them off for a little while longer. She'll be back soon."

"And if she's not?" He asked. Elizabeth's jaw tensed, but she said nothing. "You need to stop ignoring Archibald and find out where your daughter is."

"I don't need to know because she will be back." She turned from him and continued walking. Henry hurried after her.
"He wouldn't tell me but I'm sure he will tell you once you admit you were wrong about this." He said. She whipped around causing him to halt in his tracks. There was fire in her eyes.

"Excuse me?" She demanded.

"I just..." He thought of his next words carefully. "She's your daughter. You care about her. Will it hurt to show that you do?" He held onto her glare, hoping he could break through to the side of her he fell in love with. She let out a breath and turned from him.

"It's rude to keep guests waiting."

When they arrived to the Main Entrance Hall, two men stood waiting. Leonard and Benedict Wynstryngham. They were nearly carbon copy's of one another except Leonard had gray hair and a full beard while his son Benedict was clean shaven. Elizabeth put on a smile as she and Henry entered.

"Gentlemen, sorry to keep you waiting." She said. Benedict bowed while Leonard remained astute with his hands behind his back.

"Ms. Beaumont. Henry." Leonardo gave them a slight nod.

"It's good to see you again Mr. Wynstryngham." Henry said, ignoring the slight. "What brings you by?"

"Business." He said curtly. "I think it's time to stop beating around the bush. We all know Charlize is the best match for my son but if you want to continue to stall, we will have to reconsider." Henry worriedly glanced at Elizabeth but as always, she maintained her composure.

"Is that so?" She said.

"Benedict is ready to marry and Charlize is aging. We do not want to wait too long." Leonardo continued.
"Oh, that should be the least of your worries." Elizabeth kept her tone pleasant.

"Where is Charlize by the way?" Leonardo said. "Maybe she and Benedict can speak while we discuss further."

"Unfortunately, Charlize is not around at the moment." Elizabeth replied.

"And where is she?" He said. Elizabeth's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Visiting family." There was more firmness to her tone.

"Is that so?" He asked. "Seems to be the same excuse you've been telling many others." She eyed the two men suspiciously. Benedict's eyes hit the floor.
"Am I missing something?" She said, returning her focus to Leonardo.
"People have been talking since your last event." Leonardo said. "Word has it, Charlize has run away from home."

"And from whom have you heard that?" She asked.
"Many people have been saying it. I would prefer for you to be truthful before I change my mind." Leonardo quirked his eyebrow. Elizabeth took a breath and stood up straighter.
"Charlize is visiting family." She maintained. Leonardo let out a scoff and nodded.

"Come to think of it, I don't think I want my son to be involved with such a dishonest family and a loose girl. It will not look well for our reputation."

"I'm not sure what type of power you think your "reputation" holds, but if you were to marry into our family, we would be doing you a favor." Elizabeth said. "But either way, you do not have to worry about any involvement with our family. Jasper will show you out now." She gave him a hard glare before turning to leave the room. Henry smirked and followed.

"Aurora!" Elizabeth called as she walked toward her office. Aurora seemed to materialize out of nowhere, her quick steps matching Elizabeth.
"Yes madam?" She said.
"Find me Archibald. Now."
"Yes madam." Aurora hurried off.
"Who do you think knows?" Henry asked.
"I don't know but I am going to find out." There was determination in her voice. Every person they passed ducked out of her path, feeling the rage in each step. When Elizabeth reached her office, she threw the doors open and went straight for the window. She stood staring out with her hands on her hips, taking calming breaths. Henry closed the door behind them and stood by, waiting for her to get her thoughts together. After a few moments of silence there was a knock on the door and Henry called for them to enter. When the door opened, Archibald walked in.
"You called for me madam?" He said. Elizabeth ran her teeth over her tongue and slowly turned to face him.
'Where is she?" She demanded simply.

"I'm afraid I-."
"That is ENOUGH of this." Elizabeth snapped. "Tell me where my daughter is Archibald."

"Out of respect for Charlize-."
"For Charlize? You answer to me." Her eyes narrowed.
"All she is asking for is time to figure out who she is and what she wants."
"Everything she wants is here. What does she expect to find out there on her own?" Elizabeth said. "And how could you just let her go without anyone to look after her?"

"I assure you she is safe and being well looked after." Archibald remained his usual calm self. "And if I hadn't stepped in to help her, she would have gone on her own and none of us would know where she went."

"What gave you that right to make that decision. You are not her parent."
"It seems as I have been acting like it. Especially after her father died."
"How dare you?" Henry stepped in.

"I mean no disrespect-."
"You've crossed that line long ago Archibald." Elizabeth's tone went dark.

"I know you don't see it this way, but Charlie needed this. She has been having a hard time ever since her father died and she needed some time away."
"Time away would be on our summer ranch or with family. Not God knows where with God knows who." Elizabeth fumed. "And a hard time with what? What could she possibly be struggling with?"
"That is something you will have to speak to her about." Archibald said.
"Then tell me where my daughter is!" Her fists were tight and the anger finally bubbled over. A heavy silence sat in the air. Archibald did not budge. "Get out." She said finally. "I want you out of this house. I don't want to see your face again."
"Elizabeth, wait-."
"Shut up." She growled at Henry. "Out!" Archibald nodded calmly and bowed before taking his leave.

"You can't get rid of Archibald like that." Henry said once the door closed.
"Can't I?" She shot him an icy glare that caused his breath to get stuck in his throat.
"I-I just mean that...he's been part of this family since long before I was even in the picture. Like it or not, he took a part in raising Charlize."
"He did not raise my daughter." Elizabeth said. Henry was about to ask a question that was sure to make him Elizabeth's next target so he quickly swallowed it and backed down. "Aurora!" The door quickly opened and in rushed Aurora.
"Yes madam?"
"Get me Ivette. I need her to find out who heard what and where it's coming from." Elizabeth said. Aurora nodded. "And tell Nathanial to get a discreet team together. I need him to find Charlize."

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