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It was the day after Elizabeth made her request to Elliot. He had spent all night thoroughly thinking it over, wondering if it was the right thing to do. Then he remembered Archibald's own words. All she needed was time. It had been a month. It was time enough. It was not as if he was going to ask her to return home. He would never do that. He missed her. He wanted to catch her up on what had been going on, although it was not much. Mostly how Elizabeth had slowly been losing her cool over the weeks so they could laugh about it together. He wanted to tell her about Darlene. How he had fallen for someone so quickly after staving off the idea of marriage for so long. He wanted to hear all about her adventure. What she had been up to. Who she met. If she found the peace she was looking for. He just wanted to see her.

"Hey Elliot." Dimitri greeted, entering the parlor where his friend had been waiting.
"So you are still alive and well." Elliot teased as his friend plopped down in the seat across from him.
"Alive, sure. Being well? That is debatable." He said.
"Are you alright?" Elliot asked, now concerned.
"Yes, I'm fine." He waved it off and sat up properly. "What brings you by?"

"I am going to go visit Charlize." He said. The room went silent as Elliot's declaration finally processed.
"What?" Was all he could think to say.

"It has been long enough. I'm going to see how she is doing and I wanted to know if you'll come with me?" Elliot explained.
"What?" Dimitri repeated, still not quite understanding.
"All we have is Archie's word that she is doing well. And although I fully trust he is telling the truth, I want to see for myself." He said. "Plus...her mother asked me last night and I have never seen her like that before. She honestly looked worried." Dimitri clenched his jaw.
"What reason did she have for sending you to find Charlize?" He asked.
"She had none other for wanting someone to see her with their own eyes." Elliot said. Dimitri scoffed.
"Knowing her, she has an ulterior motive."
"For the first time, it didn't seem like it."
"Then you haven't known her long enough." Dimitri said.

"What do you mean?" Elliot asked, curious. Dimitri bit the inside of his lip then quickly shook his head.
"It's nothing." He decided. "At any rate, I doubt she would want me anywhere near her daughter so I will have to decline your offer. Why doesn't she just go with you?"
"If she does, Charlize will think she's there to bring her home and that's not her intention."
"And queen mother told you this?"
"Not in so many words but-."
"You are aware she detests me, right?"

"Yes, but she suggested that I take you with me which is why I don't think she has an ulterior motive. She seemed genuinely concerned." He said. Dimitri was thrown further into confusion.
"She suggested that you take me with you, and you don't think she has an ulterior motive?"
"Dimitri, do you want to come or not?" Elliot said, exasperated. "I know you miss her just as much as the rest of us, if not more." Dimitri looked down at his hands which he had folded together. "You haven't spoken to her in over a year for whatever reason. You claim it is because of her mother but this now gives you a chance alone with her to say whatever it is you've been hanging onto for all of this time without worrying who is listening behind the walls."

"I don't think she will want to see me." Dimitri responded quietly.
"She acknowledges you when she sees you so I will say that is progress." Elliot pointed out. "So I will ask you again, will you come with me?" Dimitri finally looked up at his friend. Many things were rushing through his mind at that moment but Charlize overtook every thought. He finally nodded.
"I'll go." He said. Elliot smiled.
"I will go speak to Archibald and I will let you know the details." He said standing. Dimitri stood with him.
"Wait, you haven't spoken to him about it yet?"
"I had to make sure you were on board first so he can quickly make the arrangements. If I went to him first then come to you, it would have been too much of a back and forth."
"Very true."

"I will see you soon." Elliot gave his friend a pat on the back before being on his way.

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