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"I don't understand why Roger couldn't meet us." Dimitri shivered as they walked up to the restaurant Archibald told them to go to. They had just landed and an hour ago and were first taken to the hotel they would be staying before taking a cab to Paragon where there would meet Roger who was supposed to inform them where Charlize would be. As soon as Dimitri agreed to accompany Elliot, he went to Archibald to explain the situation. Archibald was hesitant but nonetheless agreed. He had less time to prepare the two as much as he did Charlize, but he did the best he could making quick arrangements and explaining to them the basics. All that they needed to get to New York, the hotel, then to Roger. Apparently, he would take it from there and help with the rest of their visit which was only for a few days.
"Because he had to work." Elliot said. "This was all sudden. We can't just expect him to drop everything to accommodate us."

"But this seems like such a hassle. We could have just told Charlize we were coming then she could have met us." Dimitri tried, walking through the door Elliot had opened for him.
"If she knew we were coming, it would just scare her off." Elliot said as they joined the line.
"You don't know that." Said Dimitri.
"That may be true, but I didn't want to take chances." He said. "I know if I were in her shoes, I would have thought it was a trick and that it was queen mother coming to get her."

"Fair point." Dimitri shrugged. "What do you think she's going to say when she sees us?"
"You mean when she sees you?" Elliot's eyebrow arched. Dimitri looked away but nodded. "I don't have an answer for you, but are you ready to see her?" Dimitri kept his focus straight ahead. He had been mulling that question over in his head ever since he agreed to go. He had been aching to speak to her ever since she returned from the short trip she had after he told her how he felt about her. For the sake of her, despite how much it pained him, he refrained. The most he could do in public was greet her. He was sure that his abrupt cessation in communication with her angered her because it was as if she made no attempt to speak to him or find out why he was ignoring her. He was frustrated with himself, but there was nothing he could do unless he would risk his family's name and Charlize's sanity.

"I don't know." He admitted with a sigh. He was worried he had done too much damage to bring even their friendship back. Every apology he rehearsed didn't seem as if it would be enough. It may have been if he told her the absolute truth, but he wasn't sure he wanted to take yet another family member from her.

Elliot gave his friend a pat on the back and they continued waiting until it was their turn to approach the hostess.
"Welcome to Paragon. Table for two?" The bubbly woman greeted with a too wide smile.
"Um, no. We are actually here to see Roger Farro." Elliot said.
"May I ask your name and for what reason?" She said, smile fading slightly.
"I am Elliot Covington and this is Dimitri Montes. He should be expecting us." Elliot said.
"Hm. Okay. Give me one second. You can wait over there." She said gesturing to the side where there were couches. They nodded and moved out of the way while she disappeared. After a few moments, they saw a tall burly gentleman coming their way, stony in appearance, which made the two slightly more nervous than before.

"You the two Archie sent?" He said bluntly.

"Yes sir. I'm-."
"I know who you are. I want to know why you are here?" His expression failed to shift.

"We are just here to see Charlize." Dimitri spoke up.

"Why?" Roger crossed his arms, head tilting slightly.
"I don't think our business with her has anything to-."

"We are just visiting." Elliot quickly cut Dimitri off. "We wanted to check in on her." Roger continued to stare them down.
"Which one of you is Elliot?"
"I am."
"Figures." Roger shot Dimitri a scowl before sighing and reaching in his pocket, pulling out a piece of paper. "I'm only doing this because Archie told me to, but here's the address." He handed it to Elliot. "You can catch a cab or walk. It'll take about fifteen minutes. You just go straight down this way, make a left on ninth, and keep going straight until you hit Peach Street. It's on the corner. Can't miss it."

"Thank you, Roger." Elliot said, reaching out to shake his hand. Roger looked down at it before obliging.
"Do me a favor, if she's not ready to go home, don't guilt her into it." He said. "Seemed like she was dealing with a lot when she first got here." Both Elliot and Dimitri nodded and thanked him once more before leaving.
"We're not walking are we?" Dimitri asked, immediately stuffing his hands back into his coat once the cold winds hit him in the face.
"Why not? Give us a chance to take a look around. Besides, it's not that far." Elliot said, starting in the direction Roger instructed.

"But it's cold." He whined.

"You'll warm up once we really get moving."
"I doubt that." He muttered. "And what if we get lost?"
"We'll just get a cab." Elliot shrugged. Dimitri rolled his eyes, hating his friend at the moment.

Dimitri continued to whine the entire way to the bakery. Elliot simply ignored him, chalking it up to the fact that he was nervous to see Charlize. Dimitri needed something else to occupy his thoughts and the walk along with the weather was plenty. When they made the turn onto Peach Street, the sign came into view. That seemed to instantly shut Dimitri up. They walked in silence the rest of the way there. Elliot was going to take a moment to check in with his friend once more before they entered but decided they had been dwelling in their questions long enough. He pulled the door opened and the bell chimed as they entered. They saw Charlize quickly back away from a man who had his hands around her waist.
"Welcome to-." Her mouth fell open when she saw who stood before her. Elliot smiled.
"Hi Charlize."

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