Chapter 41

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The letter
Third person

Quinn laid in her bed. Blair jumped down on the bed. "Okay Quinn, you need to get up. You literally haven't left the house in weeks. It's time to get up and leave" Blair ordered. "No, my stomach hurts" Quinn whined. "Quinn. It's been weeks. The doctor said you should be fine by now." Blair rolled her eyes and grabbed Quinn's arm, she dragged her out of bed. Quinn whined as she fell out of bed. After a lot of convincing Quinn finally got up and got dressed. They got in Blair's car and they headed to the mall. They met up with Jake and wondered around the mall. Blair grabbed both of their hands and dragged them into this shop. She ran over grappled a dress and ran to the dressing room. Quinn looked a Jake confused. He made a confused face back. They waited for her to come out. "So you're coming back to school on Monday right?" Jake asked. "Yeah the doctor told the school I'm ready but I don't think I'm mentally able for it. I don't want people's sympathy. Like when my parents died everyone thought I was this fragile doll that you couldn't talk or she'll crack. I don't want that to happen again. I was so alone last time." Quinn put her head down. Jake hugged her " hunny you have us now and that's not going to happen". She smiled at him. Blair came out and spun around. "What ya think?" She smiled. "It looks great!" Quinn giggled. Jake nodded. "Okay ima get it!" She squealed. She ran back in to get changed. They left the mall and headed back to Quinn's. They ordered food. Quinn's phone buzzed. She looked down and saw a Snapchat memories notification. She looked through the photos. "Omg guys this time last year we were in Rome" Quinn laughed. She scrolled to the last photo. Which was of her and Luke. She took a deep breath as her eyes filled with tears. She held them back. Jake looked at her. "You have to tell him you love him" Jake demanded. "What no" Quinn yelled. Blair looked at her " Quinn it's so obvious that you guys love each other I just know he loves you! You have to admit it and tell him". "No it can't Josh died with a broken heart cause I loved Luke if I got with him it would just be-" Quinn paused and thought for a moment. "No Quinn he would want you to be happy! He wouldn't want you to suffer cause he loved you. You just move on and live for him! Live for him and yourself! Go now and tell him" Blair yelled. "Yes go!" Jake yelled. "Guys I don't have a car how am I supposed to get there" Quinn walked back to the bed to lay down. "We can drive you! Stop making excuses! Come on" Blair grabbed her hand and dragged her down to the car.

"Guys I don't think I can do this" Quinn whimpered. "Yes you can we believe in you" Jake hyped her up. "Quinn if it's meant to be it will happen and if it doesn't there will be someone else but I believe he is the one for you. You just have to believe that too. So go tell him 'I love you' " Blair giggled at her rhyming. Jake playfully rolled his eyes. "Quinn literally what's the worse that could happen" Jake laughed. "Many things actually like-" Quinn blabbed. Blair stoped her and unlocked the car doors. "Go you can do this" Blair smiled. She took a breath and got out of the car. She stood at the door. She turned around and notices the car had disappeared. A notification popped up on her phone. 'We just moved so he couldn't see us! 'Don't worry we didn't abandon you! Don't chicken out!' Blair texted. Quinn took a deep breath. She hand reached up to knock on the door. Before she got a chance the door opened. Her eyes widened. "Oh hey Quinn right?". "Hey yeah it is! Your chlo- no wait Charlie right ? Quinn smiled. "Yeah it's Charlie" she smiled. Luke came up to the door and looked at Quinn. "Hey?!" He looked at her. "So where are you guys off to, I thought you guys broke up?" Quinn asked awkwardly. "Yeah we got back together like a week ago! We're actually going on our first date since" Charlie smiled. Quinn looked at them both. "Omg that's great I'm so happy for yous!" She said with a light stutter in her voice. "So what are you doing here?" Luke asked. "Uhhh- I was wondering- if Carson was here! I have to- talk to him" Quinn stuttered. She was surprised she came up with that off the top of her head. "Oh okay well he's inside" Luke replied. "Oh babe we have to go" Charlie grabbed his hand and walked out the door. "It was nice seeing you again" Charlie smiled. "Yeah you too! I hope you guys enjoy" Quinn fake smiled. She walked in. "Hey what ya doing here?" Carson looked at her confused. "I have to use the bathroom" she said with a monotone voice and ran to the toilet. She ran in and locked the door. Tears started running down her face.

Quinn's pov

I grabbed a tissue and wiped my tears. I stared in the mirror. I felt angry at myself. It's my fault I left it too late. I thought about all the times he hinted that he still like me. The swings! The kiss! I looked in the mirror. I was just filled with anger. I took a deep breath and texted Blair. I asked her to come pick me up. I walked back downstairs and opened the front door. "Hey what did you want to talk to me about?" Carson asked. "Why didn't you tell me Luke got back together with Charlie?" I replied. "I didn't think you would care." He replied. "Ok okay." I remembered I had left my phone in the bathroom. I ran upstairs and grabbed it. On my way back I noticed Luke's door was slightly open.

I noticed something on the floor under his drawers next to his trash can. I decided to go look. Nobody will know. I wondered over and leaded in to grab what was on the floor. I hit my head off one of the slightly open drawers. "Fuck" I whispered in pain while holding my head. I picked up the paper in anger. I stared at it in awe. It was a photo of Luke and I. It was torn across. All that was left our heads. I looked over in the trash and I noticed scrunched up piece of paper that looked like it had writing on it. I grabbed it and opened it. I heard Carson calling me from downstairs. My gut was telling to leave it. It was wrong to read it. It's his privacy. My head was tell me to take it. Curiosity got the better of me. I scrunched the paper in my pocket and ran downstairs. I ran out the door and into Blair's cars. "I'm guessing it didn't go well." Jakes said in a soft voice. "He got back together with Charlie" I replied with a tear running down my face. "I'm so sorry we made you do this" Blair apologised. "It's okay now I know it's not meant to be and now I can move on" I smiled. She turned on my favourite song on the radio. It was dark outside by now. I stared out the window staring at the dark sky. I suddenly remembered the paper in my pocket. I took it out.

It said:
"Dear, Quinn September 30th

So I googled helpful ways to get over a crush. It said express your love in a letter. So that's what I'm doing. I probably won't have the guts to give it to you but why not give it a try. Okay so........

When we first met I didn't like you. I thought you were the most annoying person on earth. Then when we did the project I met this other side of you. I eventually fell in love with you. I was mad at myself for it. I thought I didn't need someone to love or love me back but you thought me that it's okay to love. I was just afraid of getting heartbroken. We shared all these amazing times together. I never acted the way I did around you with anyone. You bought out the true and best version of myself out with no shame. I love it. I loved being myself around you and I loved seeing this other side of you that I've noticed not many people meet that goofy and amazing side. When we broke up it tore me apart. I didn't know what to do with myself. So I went crazy. Eventually I calmed down. I hated you for breaking my heart and I treated you like trash. Now I know that was wrong I was just expressing my emotions wrong and I'm sorry. Now I've realised there's no reason to hate you and I don't think I ever could. I was just broken, I still loved you but I just covered it in anger. Now I have gotten rid of the anger but I still have love for you. Seeing you with that other guy hurts. I just want to punch him in the face. I just wanted to be with you and hold you in my arms but he had you. I just wanted your love again. I still long for it but I understand you are with him and it's never gonna happen but if we are meant to be we'll end up together no matter how long it takes. You will always have a special place in my heart but I know it's time to move on like you have. I love you Quinn Johnson. I love everything about you. Thank you for making me so happy. You will always be my first love but now I'm done, it's now time for me to let go, which I think I have done. Now i feel free.

Yours truly, Luke Jones

I had tears running down my face. It was dark so Blair and josh didn't know I was crying. I was sobbing. I love him too but he's done. It's over. He's moved on.

Luke's pov

I dropped Charlie home. I drove myself home and went to bed. I decided to bring my trash downstairs and throw it out. I dumped it in. I noticed the letter wasn't there. I started to freak out. Did Charlie find it? I told her I was over Quinn! That's the only reason she got back with me. If she found out!? Maybe I just lost it.......
Nothing is ever that simple..............

Authors note: hey guys I hoped you enjoyed this chapter is quiet long I think it's one of my longest but yeah I hope you enjoy! And I hope everyone is doing okay! Thank you so for 13.9k love yall so much!!

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