Truly Madly Deeply *One Direction*

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Hello everyone! This is my second fanfic. Go read my first one if you haven't! "Things Happen" just a few things: 1. I have the Wattpad app, so there are things I can't do as well as on the web. So if you are reading this story please comment so I know if people are actually reading this! 2. The app gives me troubles sometimes, so one place it tells me how many people are reading my story and another it says a completely different number. So again, comment! Just tell me what you think.


Part 1

~Trinity's POV~ All I remember is being rushed down - what I think was - the hall of the hospital, and I was hearing faint yelling, a man... A doctor? And another... With a British accent. I've heard that somewhere... But where? I'm so confused. And that's all I remember.


~Louis' POV~ "Oh my gosh, Lou I love it!" Trinity said admiring the picnic I'd set up for just the two of us. I take her hand and lead her over to the blanket. "Trinity," I say looking into her eyes, suddenly getting serious. I have a promise ring to give her. "I love you more than words can describe. One of the best days of my life was when we bumped into each other at the movie rental store. I loved how you didn't know who One Direction was, and how you always treated us like regular people. I remember how we instantly became friends, but I always knew I liked you more than just a friend. So, Trinity Kate Coleman, I want to give you this promise ring. I'm not asking you to marry me, but just promise we'll be together for a long time." I then slide the ring onto her finger. She admires it and then looks at me. "Oh Louis, it's beautiful!" She says and tackles me in a hug, I laugh and press my lips to hers. We have a nice dinner and everything seems to be going right. "Hey, you wanna go for a walk?" Trinity asks me. I just nod and we pack up our stuff, then proceed to walk. "I love you, Louis." She says playing with the new, sapphire ring on her finger. "I love you too." I say smiling, and kiss her cheek. We walk along the streets, I smiled at how perfect everything was. Until a big truck swerving out of control came towards us. No, towards Trinity. It all happened so fast, and before I even knew what was going on, Trinity was hit.

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