Truly Madly Deeply

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Part 21

~Trinity's POV~ "You said you love me." Louis said. Oh, crap. I guess it's now or never. "You know, they say you can't lie in your sleep." I stated simply, putting a huge smile on his face. "Really? You mean it?" He asked, a glint of hope in his eyes. "I guess it's time to admit it, to you and myself. I..." I paused, mostly for dramatic effect. "I love you Louis." I said, looking him in the eye. Before I knew what was happening he tackled me in a hug, then asked, "Can I kiss you?" I laughed. "Lou, I just confessed my love for you. You don't have to ask!" He smiled again, before kissing me. "EW! MY EYES! MY EYES!" Harry shouted as he opened the door to the room Louis and I were in. "Then why'd you come in?" I asked laughing. "Because, it's time to go rehearse for the concert." He said casually walking down the hall. Another rehearsal? "Yes, another one." Louis replied, did I say that aloud? "You did. Are you okay?" Louis asked, looking worried. "I don't know..." I muttered, shaking my head.

"Thank you everybody for coming out tonight!" Liam yelled into the mic as the crowd went wild. The concert was amazing, I didn't mess up or embarrass myself! I'm very proud of that. "Bye guys, hope you had fun! Thank you so much!" I yelled over the screams. The audience loved tonight's performances. As for Louis and I's duet, some loved it, some... Not so much. The loudest they screamed tonight, was by far when Louis kissed me after our song. Which even surprised me! Not that I'm complaining... "You ready for our date, babe?" Louis asked, hugging me from behind. "Definitely. Where are we going?" I asked, even though I knew he wouldn't tell me. "It's a-" "Surprise." I finished his sentence. "Good girl." He said, smiling at me.

"Oh good, food! I'm starving!" I said as we arrived at a local Subway. We decided to walk, because Louis said the places we're going aren't far apart. I'm not complaining, I love to walk. "Alright, let me explain what we're going to be doing here." He said, stopping me from entering. "Eating?" I teased, which earned a look telling me to hush. "Well that, but while they are making the sandwich, we're going to be the most difficult customers. Get it?" He asked with a mischievous smirk. This will be fun! I nodded, and he led me into Subway. "Hello sir, what can I get you today?" The worker asked Louis. I feel bad for these poor girls making our sandwiches! "Can I please have a foot long on Italian bread?" The lady nodded in return, grabbing the bread. "Actually, I think that's a little much for my girlfriend and I. Could you just cut the ends off? A little more... No! That's to much, now you have to start over." Louis said with a straight face, I, on the other hand, was barely keeping myself from bursting out into hysterical laughter. "Stop, you're going to make me laugh!" Louis whispered while the girl got another loaf of bread. "Yes, perfect. Now, can I have one piece of salami, two and a half pieces of turkey and two pieces of ham?" The girl gave him a strange, and confused look before putting on the sandwich what he requested. "Colby Jack cheese, please. Oh, actually, Provolone. Just take that Colby Jack off. Thank you." The sandwich was now being passed to the next lady, who took it wearily. Looks like she heard what Louis was saying to the other girl! "So here's the thing, we like the tomato juice, but not the tomatoes. So could you just take a handful of tomatoes, and squeeze the juice onto the sandwich? Perfect. Now, extra olives please, but I only want the ones that are perfect circles." The girl looked at him like he was crazy for a minute, before getting to work on finding the perfect olives. About five minutes, and a couple very annoyed customers later, we were paying for our sandwich. As soon as we got outside, we both bursted out into laughter. "That... Was... HILARIOUS!" I said in between breathes. Once we finally stopped laughing, we started walking towards our next destination. "On to the next place." Louis said, lacing his fingers with mine. This is going to be a good night.


Ello loves! How'd you like their date? I actually really like this chapter :)

So I think I'll start making YouTube videos......... Hmmm..

"Stay classy Danosaurs, and don't change for anyone." ~ Dan Howell <3

Please go read the prologue to my new story if you haven't already!!!!! It would mean the world so please!

∞ Melany ∞

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