Truly Madly Deeply

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Part 5

~Trinity's POV~ All these boys seem so nice, like they really care about me. All of their eyes are red, and puffy, like they've been crying. "Have you guys been.. Crying? For me?" I asked. Liam and Harry blushed, Zayn scratched the back of his head, and Louis and Niall just nodded. "You care about me that much?" I asked. "Of course we do." Niall said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Uhm, when do I get to go home? Or... Wherever I'm living." I asked them, not sure if I'd be living with them again. "Probably today, as long as everything looks okay. And, if it's okay with you, you'll be coming back to live with us again." Louis says. "Yeah, that's fine. I'd like that. But, I get my own room... Right?" I asked, thinking that I might be sharing a room with Louis... I just find that awkward since I don't really remember him. Louis chuckled. "Yes, you get your own room, love." Looking Louis over a couple of times, I find that he's really, really attractive. And his eyes are just gorgeous. "Ahem..." Harry says, that's when I notice that Louis and I were just lost in each others eyes. Awkward... "Ah, Ms. Coleman. Your awake! Have these boys explained to you what happened?" I nodded, and the doctor explained a few details. Things like, I have to take it easy for the next few weeks, I'll have headaches more than usual, stuff like that. "Okay, unless you have any questions we can release you now, and you may go home. Any questions?" He asked me, and the boys. "Any specific food we have to give her?" Niall asked, I'm beginning to pick up that this boy thinks about food a lot... This must be why we're best friends! "Nope, feed her anything." The doctor said. We all nodded, and he went to get the things I'd have to sign before leaving the hospital. I got up slowly and carefully, like the doctor said, and went to the bathroom to get dressed. A short hour after that we were all in the car on the way back to the boys' flat. Liam was driving, Zayn was in the passenger seat, I was in one of the middle seats, beside Louis, and Niall and Harry sat in the back. "Uhm, so, is there anything I need to be reminded about all of you?" I asked them, making conversation. Niall spoke up. "I'm the one that loves food. Liam is the responsible one, also known as 'Daddy Direction', Zayn is the mysterious one, Harry is the flirt, and Louis' the funny one." He explained pointing to each one he was talking about. "Oh, and Louis likes carrots." Niall added, casually. "Haha, carrots? Why?" I asked laughing. "BECAUSE CARROTS ARE AMAZING!" Louis yelled to everyone in the car, then shot me a toothy smile. "By the way," Louis says, then whispers, "You love carrots too." I laugh at this. He really is the funny one! We finally arrive at the house and we all go inside. Louis gives me a tour. We finally make it to my room and it's just how I like it. Light blue walls, a nice queen sized bed, decent sized desk with a MacBook Pro on it. Nice. "This is your room." Louis told me walking in and shutting the door. What's he doing? I mean, I know we're dating but... In my mind I just met him today... "Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asks, looking down at his hands. Awh, he's so cute. "Yeah, of course." I say sitting on the bed, patting the space next to me as a signal for him to sit down, which he did. "Uhm, I know you don't remember me and stuff.. But, I just want to tell you that I love you. More than anything in the world. And, I just hope you'll fall back in love with me, because I just don't know what I'd do without you, love." He said shyly. I'm not gonna lie, I had the urge to just kiss him right then, but I'm going to give myself time to get to know him again, instead of just jumping right into this. I smile and tilt his chin up so he's looking me in the eye. "Hey, I'm sure I will, I just... I just need some time, okay? To get used to this again. Can you give me some time?" He just nods and gives me a sad smile. I give him a big hug. I see why I loved him so much. I know I'll fall for him again, he's so adorable.



ELLO MY LOVELIES! So, how hard is it to comment?:( just tell me what you think! That's all I ask!:) well I hope your enjoying this story... I'm enjoying reading this!! Okay, I'll make a deal, I'll update if I get 2 comments and 2 votes (: think you can do that? I KNOW YOU CAN!:D


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