Truly Madly Deeply

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Part 2

~Harry's POV~ "Hey guys," I said to Liam, Niall and Zayn. "Where's Lou and Trinity?" I asked them. "Ha, where do you think? Probably making out on a park bench or something." Zayn said, earning a laugh from everyone. "Oh... Well, they've been gone a while, they said they'd be back for dinner like two hours ago." I said beginning to worry. "Your right, I'll call him." Said Liam, being the responsible one. ~Liam's POV~ Harry was right, they have been out a lot longer than they said they would, and Trinity ALWAYS gets back here on time. Something must've happened. I dial Louis' number and the phone rings three times before he answers. "H-hello?" Louis says in between sniffles. "Louis? Are you okay? What's wrong?" I say, being the daddy direction everyone knows I am. "I'm at the h-hospital." He chokes out. "WHAT?! We're on the way." And with that I hang up. "Boys, Louis and Trinity are at the hospital. Come on, we're leaving right now." A series of worried 'WHAT's were said as they all got up and followed me out the door to our van. "Liam, what happened?" Niall asked. "I don't know." I answered, focussing on the road. "Well what did Louis say?" Niall asked again. "Niall, all he said was he's at the hospital. I don't know anything about what happened, okay?" I said getting a little annoyed, but that's Niall, he likes to know every little detail. Plus, no one can get mad and stay mad at Niall Horan. No one. "LIAM!" Harry yelled in my ear. "HARRY, I'M DRIVING DON'T DO THAT!" I yelled back. "Sorry... Anyway, are we almost there??" He asked, I swear he's a nine-year-old at heart. "Yes, Harry, that's the hospital right up there." I say and point to the hospital ahead of us. I park and start running towards the hospital doors. The boys and I barge in and find the nurse. "We need to see Trinity Coleman please." I say frantically. "Well, you can't go inside her room right now, but you can wait outside her room if you'd like." She says looking at her clipboard. "Yes please." Zayn and I say simultaneously. "Room 28. Down the hall and to your left." She says pointing in the direction for us to go. We started walking towards Trinity's room, and sitting in the chair beside the door was Louis. Hair messed up, clothes dirty, head in his hands and his shoulders shaking. I ran up to him. "Louis? Can you tell me what happened?" I say putting a hand on his back comfortingly. He looks up at me. His normally blue, happy eyes are now all red, puffy, and sad. "We were walking down the street, and a drunk driver hit Trin." He mumbled. "How bad is it?" I ask him. "I haven't seen her yet." He said, the tears once again spilling down his cheeks. I hate seeing him like this, I just don't know if I'm going to be able to hold it together when I see Trinity. The doctor then comes up to all of us. "You guys here for Trinity Coleman?" He asks us. We all say yes and Louis stands up quickly waiting for the doctor to tell us how Trinity is. "The good news is she is physically okay aside from a few cracked ribs, scratches and bruises." The doctor says to us. We all let out a sigh of relief. "But I have more news," He says, with a sad face. We all look at him. "It's bad news..."


Ooooooooo cliffhanger! Okay, so so far there is only 2 people reading this... Kind of depressing :p haha so whoever IS reading this could you tell people about Truly Madly Deeply? It would mean a whole lot! I would also love some comments and votes(: tell me what you think? Hope you like it!

Truly Madly Deeply *One Direction*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora