Truly Madly Deeply

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Part 17

~Trinity's POV~ "Are you sure you're okay? Maybe you should lie down for a little longer." Louis said, lightly pushing my shoulders back to the couch. "Louis, I'm fine. Really. Just a couple of bruises." I convinced him, trying to downplay it as much as possible. Because I'm not fine, whenever I move, just the slightest bit, my stomach feels like it's a about to explode, and I think my left hand if broken from all the fans stepping on it. I just love the boys' fans! As we all got up to leave the room, I called Niall back luckily Louis didn't hear. ~Niall's POV~ "Niall? Wait, I need to talk to you." Trinity called out, just as I was about to get out the door. So close! "Can it wait? We kinda have to go get ready..." I said, trying to get out of here. "No, it can't." She said whilst patting the spot next to her on the couch. "Ok. What's up?" I asking, sitting down.

"Well... You've been acting weird lately. And don't try to deny it."

"Uh... No. No I haven't?" I stated, but it came out more as a question.

"Stop it, yes you have. What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. Just forget it, okay?"

"No, I'm not going to forget it. Are you acting strange because... Because I can't remember anything?" She asked nervously.

"No no no! No that's not it at all! It's just... Um," I paused, I've got to get out of this. "Fine. I don't like watching you and Louis be all... Lovey-dovey." I said. "Niall," She started, but stopped because she was laughing. Laughing? What's funny? I gave her a questioning look. "Lovey-dovey?" She asked, laughing harder. "Okay, nice talk, bye!" I said, getting up to leave. "No! Wait!" She said, grabbing my wrist. "I don't want to loose my best friend. I'll tell Louis that we need to dial down the lovey-dovey-ness, okay?" She asked, I just nodded in reply. "Also," she started, "I think the fans broke my hand..." She said, lifting up her purple, swollen hand. "Trinity! That's bloody huge! Why didn't you say anything?" I asked frantically. "I didn't want Louis to freak out, like you are!" She said, giving me a look that said 'you better not make a big deal out of this'. "Fine, here's the gauze, we'll just wrap it up and take you to the ER after rehearsal." After her hand was all wrapped up, we made our way to where the rest of the boys were. "There you are! What took so long?" Liam asked, throwing his hands in the air. We didn't have time to reply, because we were pushed on stage to rehearse. ~Trinity's POV~ "Trinity, you know Just A Kiss, right?" Louis asked me, while we walked on stage. "Of course! I can play it on guitar too." I said, walking towards the two stools in the middle of the stage. "Good, there's your guitar. Sit here, you and I are going to sing a duet." He said with a smile, sitting down on one of the two chairs. I picked up my guitar, and put the strap around myself as I sat. As I started playing the beginning of the song, the rest of the band joined in.

"Lying here with you so close to me,

I can hardly fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe,

Caught up in this moment, caught up in your smile." I sang along to the beat of the music.

"I've never opened up to anyone,

So hard to hold back when I'm holding you, in my arms. But we don't need to rush this, lets just take it slow." Louis joined in, his voice sounded perfect. He was looking at me the whole time he sang.

"Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight,

Just a touch of the fire burning so bright,

No I don't wanna mess this thing up,

I don't wanna push to far,

Just a shot in the dark that you just might,

Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life,

So baby I'm alright,

With just a kiss goodnight."

We sang together. Our voices sounded great together if I do say so myself. By the time the next chorus rolled around, I had put my guitar down and we had both gotten up from the stools.

"No it's never felt so right!" As we hit the high note together, we weren't looking to the empty seats where fans would be sitting the next night, we were looking right into each others eyes. I don't think we even blinked. It's like everything around me stopped, and it was just Louis and I in that moment. I wasn't worried about how my voice sounded, I wasn't worried about anything. Just Louis. This moment was perfect.


Guys I'm sooo close to 200 reads! It may not seem like a lot, but it is to me. So guys PLEAAASSSEE vote, comment, fan, and share!!!!! It would mean the world really. PLEASE!!!!

Love you guys!

∞ Melany ∞

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