Truly Madly Deeply

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Part 15

~Louis' POV~ "Trinity's been gone for an hour guys. An HOUR!" I said, running my fingers through my hair in nervousness. "Mate, calm down. Give her time, she just found out that she had a sister." Niall explained.

"Are you not worried? She's your best friend, why aren't you wondering where she is?"

"Because I know where she is."

"How? Where?"

"Look behind you, Lou." Niall said, pointing. I looked behind me and saw Trinity, with tearstained cheeks. I got up and walked over to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked, gingerly.

"Not really... I don't even know who my own sister was." Trinity said, holding back her tears.

"I know, shhh, it'll be okay. Do you wanna talk?" She nodded, and walked towards her bedroom with me close behind.

"Lou, why didn't you tell me?" She asked, while sitting on her bed. I sat next to her. "I'm sorry, I know I should have. I just didn't want to make you upset!" I defended. She was quiet for a moment, "What else aren't you telling me?" She asked, looking down at her hands. "What?" Why would she think I'm keeping things from her?Well... "Don't act stupid Louis." She said, now looking at my face. Woah, my full name, she must be serious. "W-what makes you think I'm hiding something from you?" I stuttered, great, real convincing. "Well first, you've already hid one thing. Second, you just stuttered." She said. I can't tell her about the bloody ring! "You have to trust me, Trin. Please." I pleaded. She looked hesitant, but slowly nodded her head. I smiled, and gathered her in a hug, which she returned. I gently kissed the top of her head, then suddenly picked her up bridal style and started running to the living room. "Lou, what are you doing? LOUIS! Put me down!" She screamed as I laughed. "There!" I said as I dropped her on the couch. "We're going to have a horror movie night." I said to her. "YES!" She fist pumped the air. Trinity loves scary movies. ~Trinity's POV~ All of us had gathered in the living room to pick out a movie. I was lying on the couch next to Louis, with his arm around me and my arm around his waist. Liam was in the recliner, Harry and Zayn were sat on the other part of the couch, and Niall was looking through the horror movie section in the cabinet.

"How about Mirrors?" Niall suggested.

"No, that movie creeped me out." I said.


"Seen it too many times." Liam mumbled.

"Ugh. How about-"

"SILENT HILL!" I screamed, cutting him off. I've been wanted to watch that, and I just saw it in the pile. "Silent Hill it is!" Niall laughed. "Remember, this movie is scary! You sure you wanna watch it?" Louis asked me. "Pshh, of course I do! I won't get scared." I said confidently. Niall popped in the DVD, and sat on the couch next to Zayn. ~Niall's POV~ This is basically torture. I've come to terms with my feelings for Trinity, but I've got to find some way to make them go away. And seeing her and Louis over there all snuggled up, it's killing me. I can't take this! I'll just have to avoid them until I find a way to get rid of these stupid feelings, yeah, that'll work. "Uhm, guys, I'm tired. So I think I'll skip out on this movie..." I said, putting on my best tired act. "What? But you love horror movie night, are you sure?" Louis asked. "Yeah, yeah I'm sure. Night." I said leaving the room. 'Just avoid them.' I kept reminding myself, this won't be easy. ~Trinity's POV~ "What's up with him?" I asked after Niall had left. Louis shrugged his shoulders and pressed play on the movie.

~Louis' POV~ The movie is almost over, and I can tell Trinity is extremely scared. "No, don't stop. JUST RUN!" She screamed at the TV, and all of us laughed at her, which she didn't seem to notice. She buried her face in my chest as the monster came on the screen. "I told you this is a scary movie!" I whispered to her, chuckling. "Ha, I'm not scared." She said, looking back at the TV, just to bury her face back into my chest. "Look, it's over!" I said to her right as a scary face came on screen and she looked right in time. "LOUIS! You jerk!!" She screamed as the boys and I busted out laughing. "I'm sorry babe, I had to!" I defended, kissing the top of her head. "No your not." She said, but her voice came out muffled because she was speaking into my T-shirt. "But you still love me!" I said laughing. "Ugh." She responded. "I'll take that as a yes." I said, getting up and taking Trinity's hand to help her off the couch. "Where are we going?" She asked. "Your going to bed. We have rehearsal tomorrow, so you need sleep!" I answered, walking her to her room. We got in her room, and she walked over to her bed. "Goodnight, love." I said to her, turning to walk out of the room "Wait!" She called. "Yes?" I said, turning back around to face her. "Uh... Stay with me?" She asked, which gained a laugh from me. "Are you scared?" I teased. "No! I just... Don't wanna be alone? Okay I'm scared." She admitted. I chuckled, walked over to the bed and got under the duvet. ~Trinity's POV~ I felt a little weird asking Louis to sleep in the same bed with me, but I knew he wouldn't mind. Which he didn't. After he got in bed, he put an arm around my waist, then started to sing.

"We'll do it all, everything, on our own."

He began singing Chasing Cars, my favorite song. I could get used to this. "If I lay here, if I just lay here.

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?"

He sang beautifully in my ear.

"I don't quite know,

How to say, how I feel.

Those three words,

Are said to much.

They're not enough."

He finished the song, as I was almost asleep. "I love you Trinity." He whispered, to himself? Did he think I was asleep? I decided to let him think I was, I don't think I'm ready to tell him I love him back, even if I do. I cleared my mind, and let myself fall into a deep, peaceful sleep.


Long one!! How is it? YOU GUYS NEED TO FREAKING COMMENT PLEASE. I love comments.......(:

Got rid of my guinea pigs :(

Remember to comment, vote, fan, and share!!

~ Melany

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