Truly Madly Deeply

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Part 16

~Niall's POV~ "Niall, could you go get Trinity up?" Liam asked, I nodded and started towards her room. I passed Louis' door, surprisingly found it wide open, and Louis wasn't inside. Weird... He must already be up. "Trin it's time t-" I stopped mid-sentence when I saw non other but Louis in bed with Trinity, all snuggled up. Trinity's face was nuzzled into the crook of Louis' neck, while he rested his chin on top of her head. This is not helping me. Louis turned his head towards me and peeled open an eye. "Hey, Nialler." He said, giving me a small smile. "It's um... Time to get up." I shifted uncomfortably. Good job Niall, your not acting suspicious at all. "Mmmhmm." He mumbled, turning his head back towards Trinity, but this time he pressed their foreheads together. "Ugh, I'm gonna vomit." I said groaning, and turning to walk out of the room. As I was leaving, I heard Louis laugh. Hm, maybe he doesn't suspect anything. I'm not sure I'll be able to hide it for long... ~Louis' POV~ I might be imagining things... But Niall has been acting weird lately, especially when Trinity and I are with each other. If he- "Hey." Trinity mumbled, smiling at me. "Hey babe." I grinned, kissing her nose. She giggled and pulled her face away as I laughed. "We gotta get up." She said, although she didn't move. "Noooo!" I groaned, "I've missed this."

~Trinity's POV~ "Hey," Louis said, taking my hand. "It'll be okay. Your gonna do great. Besides, this is just rehearsal!" He was trying to cheer me up, and make my nerves go away. It was sweet, but it wasn't really working. I'm going to sing in front of thousands of people tomorrow night... NOTHING can calm my nerves. On top of that, Niall had been ignoring me all day, I'm starting to worry. Did I do something? I plan on talking to him later. "Here we are." The driver spoke up, pulling up to the entrance. As I looked out the window, I felt my eyes widen and my stomach drop. There were hundreds of screaming girls just outside the car. "Bloody fans..." Louis mumbled, squeezing my hand tighter. "W-what do we do?!" I asked, starting to panic. "We have a couple bodyguards to take us in, we'll get Paul to take you in." Zayn said. Louis nodded his head to me, to assure me that everything would be alright. The boys went first, and as soon as they opened a door, ear piercing screams filled my ears. The warmth of Louis' hand left mine as he stepped out of the car, bodyguards surrounding the five of them. "LOUIS! MARRY ME!" I heard one girl scream. He's already taken, sweetheart. "NIALL, I THINK YOU'RE THE SEXIEST MAN ALIVE!" I heard another. I looked over to Niall, I barely caught a glimpse of him between the bodyguards, but I could tell he was blushing, which caused me to let out a laugh. "Alright, you ready to go, Trinity?" Paul asked, offering me hand out of the car. "As ready as I'll ever be." I barely heard him say, "You'll be fine." As I got out of the car. "TRINITY! YOU AND LOUIS ARE PERFECT TOGETHER!" I heard a fan scream. I smiled to myself, maybe the fans aren't so bad... Paul grabbed ahold of my hand, more and more fans were showing up and it was getting harder for security to hold them back. Fear washed over me as they began to crowd Paul and I, I felt as if I couldn't breathe. "TRINITY, YOU TOOK LOUIS FROM ME!" I heard multiple fans scream. Paul's hand was pried from mine. I struggled to find him again, but all the "Louis Girls". - which are the girls who want to marry Louis - were crowding me, screaming at me that I apparently took their man. It took me by surprise when I felt a punch to the stomach. I let out a scream of pain as I crumpled to the ground, clutching my stomach. On came another hit, and another. I never knew fans could get this brutal. "PAUL!" I screamed out. Then I felt a hand grab mine, just as I blacked out from shock. ~Louis' POV~ "LOUIS! MARRY ME!" I heard a fan scream as the boys and I made our way to the entrance. I chuckled. As soon as we made it inside, my eyes searched for Trinity, she was getting out of the car, with Paul by her side. I was always worried when Trinity was within close proximity to the fans. They tended to dislike her, for "Taking me away". More and more fans gathered, making it difficult for the guards to hold them back. Paul grabbed Trinity's hand, making sure she stays with him. "TRINITY, YOU TOOK LOUIS FROM ME!" I faintly heard someone yell. "Oh no..." I mumbled moving closer to the doors. "Louis, don't you go out there." James, one of our bodyguards, said to me. I watched cautiously, hoping Paul would get her inside safely. That's when I saw her hand slip from Paul's, the fans crowding around her. I didn't have to see to know what they were doing. "NO!" I shouted, opening the door. "Louis, you can't go out there!" James told me, gripping my shoulder and pulling me back. "I have to go out there!" I yelled, pulling my shoulder from him and running out the door. "TRINITY!" I pushed my way through the fans, finding Trinity lying on the ground. She blacked out, which she always does in serious situations like this. I grabbed her hand and picked her up bridal style, dashing towards the glass doors. Once we made it inside, I knelt on the ground, hugging Trinity tightly, and slightly rocking her. "Trin, wake up, baby. Wake up!" I said desperately trying to wake her up, my hands shaking vigorously. "Wake up." I whispered. Her eyes peeled open, she tried to speak, but I shushed her. "It's okay. You're okay." I let out a sigh of relief, kissing her head. Next time, she'll have three bodyguards.

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Hope you enjoyed.

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~ Melany ∞

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