Truly Madly Deeply

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Part 12

~Louis' POV~ I'm so glad Trinity agreed to sing with us, I honestly wasn't sure she would. But right now the only thing on my mind is taking Trinity on our "first" date. I already rented out the whole bowling alley for Friday night. Trinity is awful at bowling, but she had fun the first time! Now, I just have t- "Louis?" I was torn from my thoughts by Trinity's voice. "Um... Are you still going to take me on our first date?" She asked. She looked a little embarrassed to be asking me this. I smiled. "If your ready for that, and if you would like to." I replied. A big smile spread across her face.

"Yeah, I would like that."

"Good. I'll try to change the reservation to tonight. Be ready by 4:30?" I said, pulling out my phone.

"Sure. How should I dress?"

"Casual." I shrugged, and she skipped off to her room. I chuckled, she's so cute. ~Trinity's POV~ Okay, so Louis is finally taking me out on that date. Ugh, what do I wear? I need a girl to help me with this stuff. Speaking of, I'm sure I have some friends that are actually girls... "LOUIS!" I yelled. "Yes?" Louis said, peaking his head through the door. "Do I have any girlfriends?"

"No, just one boyfriend." He said, jokingly. I gave him a glare in response. "You know what I mean!" I said, earning a laugh from Louis.

"Yes, your best friend's name is Anne Douglas. And if your wondering why you haven't seen her since the accident, it's because everyone thought it would be best for you to get comfortable with us again before you re-meet her." Louis explained, and I nodded in response. "Could I ask her to come over today? Before our date I mean, to help me get ready?"

"Sure, anything for you, my love." He said, and we both laughed. I took out my phone and searched for the contact named "Anne Douglasss!:)" I decided to just text her.

To: Anne Douglasss!:)

Hey... So Louis just told me we're best friends... This is kinda awkward for me cause I don't really know you but... Could you come over? I NEED A GIRL!

~ Trin

I pressed the send button and almost immediately received a reply.

From: Anne Douglasss!:)

OMG you have no idea how happy that text just made me. I've missed you! I'll be over in ten.

Ahh, finally, a girl to spend time with! I told Louis that Anne Douglas would be over in about ten minutes, and then grabbed a snack.


A rapid knock sounded at the door, which I'm guessing was Anne. I wonder what I call her... Anne Douglas? Anne? Annie? AD? Would she get offended if I called her something other than Anne Douglas? I guess I'll find out. Louis answered the door and greeted Anne, who said hello but soon ran up to me and almost hugged me, but hesitated. "Um, is it okay if I hug you?" She asked, barely containing her smile. "Yes." I said, getting attacked in a hug. I laughed and hugged her back.

"I'm Anne Douglas. Your best friend! But you can call me Anne Douglas, Anne... Anything really! You used to call me Anne, but whatever you want it fine! Sorry I'm so hyper, I'm usually not like this but I'm just so excited to see you again!" She said with a huge smile. I'm already starting to like this girl...


Sorry sorry sorry I'm the worst person ever I haven't updated in so long!! So sorry!! At least this is a long one :) I promise I'll try to update more often! Anyway, how are you guys liking it so far?

Comment, vote, fan!

Love you guys<3

~ Melany ∞

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