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"When I grow up, I wanna be me, be me. I'm my own goals..just talking-" the middle of Savannah's sentence is cut off by the sound of her loud laughter.

The other three girls and I stop our dancing abruptly, looking at the girl to see why she stopped singing. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, seeing her doubled over in laughter, pointing at the wall.

I follow her gaze to see the one and only Owen Patrick Joyner standing there with his arms tucked shyly behind his back, his cheeks burning red as he purses his lips. He looks guilty. He must be done filming for the day. I wonder how long he's been in here. 

Everyone in the room, Kenny included, looks over at Owen, making the red in his cheeks glow deeper.

"Sorry," he smiles sheepishly. "Wasn't trying to interrupt."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I just wasn't expecting that," Savannah stands up straight, holding her stomach as she composes herself.

"What happened?" Halle, one of our dancers, asks, looking between Sav and Owen.

"I was super into the dance, naturally," Savannah starts explaining. "And I look up and see Owen doing the dance with us. It just caught me off guard."

I raise my eyebrows at the blonde as our eyes meet. He simply sticks his tongue out at me, turning his attention to Kenny who came to stand beside him. He gazes at the man, that same sheepish and guilty grin on his face. I can't help but laugh.

"Well, I must say...." Kenny starts, "Alex has some good moves in him." Owen chuckles beside him, nervously brushing his hair from his face. "Gives me an idea..."

Kenny looks over at the boy with a creative glint in his eyes.

"...what kind of idea?" Owen questions, eyes widening by the second. Savannah and I had already moved closer to the two while the other girls went for a small break.

"Hear me out," Kenny grins.

Owen mumbles a quiet, "oh no," under his breath.

"In the Wow scene, we obviously see Alex mimicking Dirty Candy's dance moves. He's into it," Kenny explains. We all listen expectantly, waiting for his brilliant idea. "I want to put you in their All Eyes On Me performance."

Owen's jaw drops open as he stares at our director like he's crazy. Kenny laughs in his face, and Sav and I share an amused look.

"....what?" Owen asks.

"I'm not sure how yet, I'll have to speak with our writers. But I'm envisioning you, standing with the boys and Julie, and watching the performance. And then you poof up on stage and join in."

"Oh..." Owen nods but the same skeptical look is present on his face. Kenny chuckles again.

"I'm not going to force it on you, I just think it really fits Alex's character, and adds to his personality a lot," Kenny shrugs, giving him an option.

This is one of the things that I love most about Kenny. He's so willing to hear our ideas and work with us on what we want in the show. He's genuinely the best.

"No, no! I like it, I totally agree with you. And I trust your genius, you know that," Owen chuckles nervously. He does that a lot. "I'm just a little worried about the fact that I...can't dance..."

Savannah looks at me and rolls her eyes, matching my dumbfounded expression.

"Owen," Savannah interrupts, getting both of their attention. "You know that's a lie. You might not be all the way up on Dirty Candy level, but you can dance. As much as you want to deny it. Plus, you have me and Joey to coach you."

Sunshine [Owen Joyner]Where stories live. Discover now