29. cereal

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Bed sheets are carefully tucked around sleeping Y/N.

The scarred man, the Joker, looks at her, taking in every detail of her face that he can. To him, despite any flaws, Y/N is someone beautiful and special. These feelings confuse him, frustrate him, but also give him a sense of peace that he needs in his life, in his heart.

He places his hand against the side of her face then leaves the room. He goes into the living room and checks the calendar, "the fifth of February... Valentine's on the 14th... I should do something for her." He sets a goal in mind to do something for Y/N on Valentine's; something calmer and hopefully something that won't make her mad. For now, though, that's not his priority.

Around 2 am, he leaves Y/N's home dressed head to toe in his business attire. Outside, a van is waiting, to which he quickly gets in.


In the morning, Y/N gets up and goes to the kitchen. She pours herself a big bowl of cereal. She does the proper way of pouring cereal: cereal first, milk second. When she finishes getting her cereal, she notices Joker isn't there. Because of this, her mood drops a little.

She carries her bowl and places it on the coffee table, on top of a coaster. As she sits on the couch, she grabs the remote and turns on the tv. The tv turns on and is on the news channel, due to that being the only channel Joker watches besides random tv shows that make him laugh.

She sits crisscrossed on the couch while eating her cereal. The news changes from the weather to the latest, breaking news. Y/N looks up from her cereal to the image of a dead politician with a carved smile, red paint over it. The man was found dead in his office, this morning. All staff were found tied up in the front lobby. "Dear fucking gosh," Y/N watches.

"Don't like it?" An all too familiar voice says behind her.

She jumps a little and puts her cereal on the table. Y/N turns around to look at him, "no, I don't."

"Apologies, girly. It wasn't for you or because of you, so don't get all frustrated," he leans towards her.

"I thought you were going to lay low for a while."

"I did for a short while. I needed to have some fun, Y/N." He runs his hand through his hair.

"Why him?"

"He was corrupt. Now, people of Gotham will find out and their trust and obedience towards politicians and all those big guys will lessen, until bam no more trust for the airheads. Why are you upset?"

"I'm not upset," she looks away.

He grabs her face and makes her look back at him, "don't look away. I want to see your face, not your ear." Even though he grabbed her, he's being gentle. It's not harsh nor rude.

"You see my face now, happy?"

"Very," he lets go and looks at her for a moment before speaking again, "I'll be alright. I'm not planning on getting caught. I'm smarter than you give me credit for."

"Whatever you say."


A van pulls into an alley, a few men pile out once in park. Staying in the shadows, they move towards an expensive office building. The price is at least 5 times the size. Each man is dressed in cheap, dark-colored suits with clown masks to finish off the look. They all have some type of gun with them.

One clown, in the front of the group, shoots the glass door entrance of the office building. The rest of the clowns run inside and aim their guns at anyone in the lobby. The group's leader, the infamous Joker, walks through the middle of the group of clowns, shotgun in hand.

Joker walks over to the front desk in the lobby and dings the bell. The lady sitting at the desk looks at him, scared out of her mind, "yes, sir?"

"I'm looking for [Name of the dead Politican]; can you direct me to his uh office?" Joker asks.

The lady nods and points to the elevator, "floor 3, down the hall, very last door."

"Thank you, missy," he smiles at her. He walks toward the elevator and points to two clowns, "you two come on. The rest of you tie these good citizens up and put them by the front desk. If they try to fight back, don't waste your um time with them. Just shoot them."

The two goons go with him to the elevator. They step inside and Joker presses the floor 3 button. For a second, it's just quiet while the doors shut, but Joker breaks the silence, "you two have a wife or girlfriend?"

One of them nods their head.

"Any plans for Valentine's?" He asks.

"I'm going to take her to her favorite restaurant. Hopefully, finish the night off by getting at least a little lucky." The goon answers.

Joker nods and looks at the other guy, "no girlfriend?"

"No, sir. I have someone in mind though, but I'm nervous about asking them out on a Valentine's date."

"What's their name?"

The man replies, "Barrett."

"Wish you luck with Barrett," Joker says sincerely.

"Thank you, sir."

The elevator door opens and they step out. At the end of the hall is a door with a label beside it reading the name of the politician. Joker knocks on the door. "Come in!" A man's voice inside says.

Joker opens the door and aims the gun at the politician. The politician looks up at Joker and slowly reaches for his phone. Joker walks towards him, clicking his tongue. "I know you're not the brightest crayon in the box so this may be hard for you, but I'd stop moving your uh hand, Mr. Politician."

The politician stops and puts his hands beside his head.

"Good boy," Joker goes to the side of the desk the politician is sitting on and sits on the desk, facing him, "a little birdy told me you've been really bad." He clenches his teeth in disapproval. "I'm not the one to judge, but thankfully others are."

The politician sweats a little due to being nervous.

"I'm going to you if you haven't figured that out yet. Don't worry though, it won't be that painful. It'll also help me out a lot so it won't be meaningless. I'm going to drive Gotham a bit more into chaos. It's the same thing you're doing, I just don't hide in the shadows." He smiles at the politician.

Joker hops off the desk and stands behind the man. He places both of his hands on the politician's shoulders and slowly rubs his shoulders. "Deep breath, Mr. Politician." He laughs as he drops the shotgun, pulling out a knife instead.

Joker carves into the man's face, making a permanent smile.


"Let's just watch something else, okay girly?" Joker asks Y/N.

Y/N nods in response, "okay."

Joker switches the channel to some random comedy show. While Y/N watches it and finishes eating her cereal, Joker showers and washes his face paint off. Before he left the politician's office, he made sure to leave the politician's computer open to certain pages of corrupt emails, files, and much more.

He dries off and gets dressed in front of the mirror. For a minute, he looks at his scars but soon moves on. He walks out of the bathroom and playfully jumps on the couch, beside Y/N.

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