Chapter 29

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“Stop oogling at the other models will you?” I warn Cameron, we were trying to get out of the building but something was a hold up, we also had Deema with us.

“He can oogle if he wants to, what i just don’t get is why he’s over there with you when he should be over here with me” Bree snarls at me. I could see lust in Cameron’s eyes, I hit him on the chest and turn to Deema. 

“Umm” She says awkwardly.

I just stay quiet and stare at an empty space for a bit. I was never really the jealous type but I just didn’t like to share. Thats not jealousy right?

“Babe…babe” Cameron finally says when we get into the car, I made him sit in the back.

“BBBBAAABBBEEE” Cameron whines again. “What do you want Cameron” I say annoyed.

“I’m sorry, Forgiveness?” I just ignore him the rest of the ride there, he gonna have to do way more than that.

Once we get to chipotle I decide I have to sit with Cameron because I shouldn’t let my selfishness lose her chance to meet Matthew. 

“Hey Alyssa” Matt greets me and stands up to hugs me. 

“Hey Mattasaurus, this is my friend Deema” I say and hug back, I even go in for a cheek kiss seeing Cameron tensing. By now if he were a cartoon character there would be smoke coming out of his ears. 

Matthew look extremely surprised at my action but then sees my face and I just explain it to him through my eyes. Again not being selfish I sit by Cameron while Deema is drooling over Matt but he seems interested too. They were laughing and flirting so much my bad mood kinda just lifted off my shoulders. Suddenly my bladder pokes me, “I have to go to the bathroom” I say and get up. 

I pretend to fly over to the restroom to peeeeeee. Afterwards I take a look at myself in the mirror, hmm I guess I’m not that pretty, uglier the Bree for sure, even though I hated her she was absolutely flawless and then theres me, I wash my hands and look into the full length mirror. I pinch the little pieces of fat on my sides. Bree didn’t have any fat whatsoever.

I shake my head and banish any thoughts that put me down. I am better than what I thought I am. I am Alyssa Thompson. Girls look up to me, I can’t disappoint them for stupid selfish thoughts. I plaster a smile on my face and walk out with my head held high. 

“So, Alyssa what do you wanna eat?” Cameron asks as I sit down “umm a chicken burrito with guacamole” 

“Mmkay” He says and orders from a waitress with a cake face, She winks at him and I mentally choke her, whoops.

“I would be very grateful if you would stop flirting with my friend’s boyfriend, he wouldn’t like cake faced sluts like you anyway” Deema blurts out, she probably saw my facial expression. I like her. 

Matt looks proud and hugs Deema, she looks ready to melt lol. Their gonna be such a great couple. 

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