LA, here I come!!!

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"Wow, this really feels like dajavu" I say watching Nash packing for his flight in an hour.

"Yeah but this time we won't be saying bye, we'll be saying see you in 2 weeks" Nash replies and gives a half hearted smile.

I drive him to the airport and we hug for a good 5 minutes. I'm really gonna miss this guy.

I finally let him go and he went through security, "see ya in 2 weeks!" I yell before he's out if sight, "see ya sistaa" he yells back.

I decide to get Starbucks after to cheer myself up a bit and maybe even some shopping.

Yeah that's what I'll do.

Ugh, I just remembered that I have school tomorrow, I know what you're thinking "Oh Alyssa, you go to school?"

Yes, I go to that hell hole also known as


As you can see I really hate school. I never liked it.

Anyway back to the present, "Oh look guys, it's Alyssa" A fimiliar voice says. I realize I had zoned out sitting in Starbucks. I turn and see a couple of my friends standing there, Sandy, Michelle, Brandon, and Chris (weekly Chris).

"Wassup guys?" I ask

"Nothing, we are going on an adventure, you in?" Chris asks me. I know he's always had a crush on me but he just didn't feel right. I mean he is pretty hot but it's just not right.

"What kind of adventure??"

"Just skating around and causing mischief" Michelle replies with a devious smirk.

"I'm in" I say and stand up to throw away my drink. I run to my car and get out my penny board, thank god I always have one in my trunk. My penny board was kinda like cotton candy, pink wheels and and blue surface.

"Let's go" and we skate around, soon we find an abandoned parking lot and decide to do some tricks.

I end up vlogging our adventure.

We went to some shops, Chick-fil-A for dinner and lastly the beach to watch the sunset.

All I can say was it was a great day. I even almost forgot about Nash. Almost. he'll always be on mind. As a friend of course.

*2 weeks later*

"Hurry the fuck up!" My step brother, Matthew yells from downstairs. he was taking me to the airport.

Finally this day has come, I'm going to LA! and I'm seeing Nash again!


I'm going with Chris, he is also staying in LA for the summer. I'm pretty sure he's staying with his aunt.

"Give me a sec" I say and double check my suitcases.

I have 3, each one says Victoria's Secret Angels and my name. It was a gift from the company. In 2 I had clothes and in one I had other stuff, make up, hair stuff, everyday shit like that.

I'm ready!!!

I text Nash real quick and say "Hamilton, I'm on my way to the airport"

"How many times have I told you not to call me that?

"Way too many, I haven't been keeping track"

"Whatevs, when are you supposed to be here?"

"12 in the afternoon"

"Ok I have a meeting until 12:00 and it a 15 minute drive so if you can, go to the Starbucks across the street and I'll meet you there."

"Ok, see ya then"

I quickly rush downstairs and get in Matthew's mustang, that I had bought for him for his 20th bday.

"Let's go!!!" I say happily. "LA, here I come!"

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