Chapter 18

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*Important* Ok, so I know I said that Luke and her dated before, just forget that, I wanted her to date him so there would be a bit more drama in the story. Ok? Ok. TFIOS reference YASSSSS.
"Wanna go to dinner?" Calum asks after taking his target uniform back. "Wow, little fast there" I says hitting his chest.
"You are so nasty, you know? I was meant Luke likes you and he wanted me to ask you to dinner so he can see more more often"
"And did he want you to tell me that he liked me?"
"No, but he's just too shy too admit it so.."
"Ok, pick me up at 5?"
"Can I have your number?"
"Ahh, couz, stop flirting with me! We are cousin."
"Shut up"
"Okokok, it's 3168328738"
"Ok, text me your address"
I set off to go find the others and find them looking at some... granny panties.
Oh my...
"Alyssa, these would fit you great" Mahogany yells and holds up some really ugly lavender undies. She was referring to the one vine I made walking down the VS walkway in granny panties.
I shake my head and walk over to them.
"Did you see Aston, so freaking hot"
"Micheal doe" Arden and Lauren were talking about the 5SOS boys. When I walk over all their attention, bombarding me with question.
"How do you know them?"
"Can you hook me and Micheal together"
"Was Calum flirting with you?"
"What happened?"
"Ew, ok Calum was not flirting with me, he's my cousin, he asked me to dinner, but I'm bringing you all so let's go home and get ready"
They scream in excitement and talk about the boys.
"So, this shirt or this dress?" Mahogany says looking into the mirror at a cute sundress and a casual T-shirt. I didn't reply because I was busy texting Luke, he somehow got my number and we've been texting for at least the last 3 hours. He was a great, sweet, funny, and so charming. I have really grown a liking in him.
"Alyssa! Are you even listening to me?!" Lox shrieks, she was stressing WAYYY too much. "Um, yeah the dress, we're going to a little place next to the beach so it'll look good"
"Ok, thanks" She just changes in front of me because why not? We're both girls. Shit, I haven't gotten ready yet! I run over to my room and open my closet doors. (Mahogany lives with them now)
Um this will do, I chose a white lace bralette with blue high waisted shorts topped off with a blue floral kimono, oh and white studded sandals.
I look at the time, 4:39.
Ok, Calum is gonna be here at 5, plenty of time to do my make up and hair, I curl my hair and place a blue flower crown on. I applied a natural eye shadow look with pink lip gloss. Done.
I grab my phone and wallet and walk out, there Lox was sitting waiting for me, she was wearing a floral sundress, white wedges and her signature cat ears. "Well I see you're trying to impress someone" Lox says winking "Who is it? Is it the one you were ignoring me and texting for the last 3 hours?"
"Maybe" I say and smirk.
Nash walks in and hugs me, "Hey, girls, where are you going all fancy?"
"Dinner with some friends" I reply
"Ok just don't come back drunk, AGAIN"
"No promises" I say and the doorbell rings, me and Lox rush to the door and open it.
There Luke was with roses, Awh this boy!
"You look beautiful!" Luke gushes, he was wearing a polo with some jeans. (A/n Lol I couldn't imagine Luke wearing this but, I wanted to make him wear something somewhat fancy)
"And you look handsome!" I gush back.
We head to the car where Calum was waiting, "Hello girls! Ashton and Michael went to pick up your other friends"
"Ok, leggo!!"
"GOOD GIRLS ARE BAD GIRLS THAT HAVENT BEEN CAUGHT OH OH OH OHH OHHH OH" Me and Mahogany belt the lyrics of 5sos's new song. I cannot believe I haven't heard this yet, it was great.
"We're here" Calum announces and gets out of the car. We arrived at a little place near the beach named El Chachi (I don't even know).
We meet up with the others and I see they've bonded a bit over our 30 minute ride here. We settle down and order some food. It went Micheal, Lauren, Arden, Mahogany, Ashton, Jenn, Luke, Me, and Caulm. We just talked about random subjects, idiotic stuff and just overall having a blast.
If their music career didn't work out, they would be great youtubers, just saying.
"Well, we better get going, manager will be pissed if we don't get back by 11" Micheal announces. "Awh, does little Michael have a bed time?" Mahogany teases. "No! The last time we stayed we we-" Michael starts to explain but Calum interrupts him "Dude! Alyssa knows my parents, we wondered around and went straight home afterwards" Calum smiles innocently.
We get up and leave the restaurant, paying first of course. I say my goodbye to the girls, Michael, and Ashton and leave. After little conversations with Luke we get home.
"I'll walk you two to the door" He says.
"Mmkay" I reply and let him open the car door for me, what a gentleman!
"I'm going inside" Mahogany says and goes in.
"Alyssa, um, I know that I don't you too well, but, uh, I would really, no not that, I wanted to ask, um if you ah wanted to go on a date with me? Maybe uh you don't have to but I would really like it, I don't know you but, I just really fancy you and um I would be the happiest person in the world, you're so pretty, you know that?" Luke says in 5 seconds flat. He seemed really nervous.
I could give him a chance, maybe. He WAS really sweet, and funny. He could even get my mind off of Cameron. I still have to put him through hell first.
But Alyssa! He's so innocent and cute!
A voice said in my head. "Ok" I say simply.
"Ok, I'll go on a date with you"
"Jesus, thank you for giving me a chance, thank you!"
"So, when?"
"How about tomorrow? At 3?"
"Perfect" I say smiling.
"Luke, stop flirting with my cousin, it's disgusting! Get your ass back into the car before I go over there and drag it" Calum yells. I shake my head and say "You better get back to your mother"
"I heard that!" Calum screams.
"Shut up!" I yell back.
"I should go, um yeah, see you tomorrow" he winks and leaves but then he turns back and leans in

To kiss my cheek. Then turns to leave again.
I watch them speed away and open the door to a pissed off Cameron. *mental sigh* "Yes, Cameron?"
"Who was he?"
"Luke Hemmings"
"Why did he kiss you on the cheek?"
"Why do you need to know!? You may have a crush on my but you have no right to know every single detail about my life! You are not my mother!"
"I'm sorry, I just, just didn't want to lose you"
"Oh come on Cameron! We are not even dating, you ruined your chance a long time ago" He was lucky I didn't go into even more detail, I was having a good night.
"Ok, guess I have more competition" he says under his breath thinking I couldn't hear him and heads upstairs.
"Can we talk?" Nash appears after Cameron disappears.
"I was thinking and I allow you and Cam to date"
"Why do you think I wanna date him?"
"It's obvious, seriously, you like him, he likes you"
"It's complicated"
"It just is, ok!?"
"He made out with me and then had a full on smooch fest with his girlfriend afterwards"
"But he broke up with her, for you"
"I don't fucking care! He should've pushed her off"
"Whatever, Alyssa, but I would rather you date Cam then that punk Luke"
"Is everyone spying on me now!?" I yell in frustration.
It WAS a good night.

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