I don't know what to name this chapter

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After the mall we decide to go to the beach, "So, anything to tell me? I saw your tweet" Mahogany asks me as we sit down on the sand. I tell her what happened all day and she gasped a lot. "I can agree with you on Jenny, I never hang out with Nash anymore because of her, and I cannot believe Cameron would do that to you"

"I know right, but I just can't help my feelings for Cameron, apparently he broke it off with his girlfriend for me"

"Girl, be careful! Jade is dangerous, she threatened me once because I was just hanging with Cam, I don't even want to know what she would do the the girl who steals her man"

"Mahogany, you're scaring me"

"Alyssa, just be careful ok?"


Holy shit, I hate crazy ass girlfriends. What did I get myself into!?

"Alyssa!!! Come into the water!" Matt yells from the water, I didn't have a swimsuit and I didn't want to get sick.

"I don't have a swim suit!" I yell back.

"I don't care, it's fun in here!" Before I could see it coming Cameron ran up to me and picked me up bridal style and throwing me into the water. "oh my god!!! It's so cold" I exclaims and wrap my arm around myself, Cameron comes over and wraps himself around me and it felt so good and I felt so safe, but then I remembered I was mad at him and all those thought disappeared immediately.

I slapped him and him let me go, I swim over to Matthew and Mahogany, they were talking about some video they saw on youtube.

After the beach we headed home, I was the first to walk in the door and there I see Nash laying there on the couch with Jenny, naked, doing the nashty.(ewwweeeee)

As pure instinct, I run behind Mahogany for cover. Everyone screams and turns around. Oh lard, I just saw my best friend having sex with his girlfriend, worst thing is, his girlfriends a bitch!

I feel like throwing up right now.

Like just, ew! I will NEVER sit on that couch ever again. ever.

They finally cover up and Jenny is still clinging to Nash's arms, as usual. Mahogany look at Nash both disgustingly but with a bit of...Love? I'm pretty good at reading people.

"Uh well I'm exhausted so I'll be going to bed now, Lox, you wanna spend the night? You can borrow some of my stuff. She nods and he head upstairs to my room.

"Have anything to tell me?" I say mocking her, and she blushes like crazy, and I mean tomato crazy.

"I might have a little crush on Nash" Mahogany says quietly.(stop! Don't hate me yet, I know I know, I ship JOX too but to make this story a bit more interesting, I made Mahogany like Nash, BUT JOX will happen, you just have to wait and see)"Lox, that's awesome! Now all we have to do is to get rid of that bitch!"

"Oh so I'm a bitch now? Mahogany honey, he will NEVER love you, you're just a nobody he has to put up with and you're not even pretty, you look like something out of a dumpster, which is probably where you came from"

A tear was shed from Mahogany's eye and I have had enough of this bitch.

I swing at her but she dodges it "fail" she yells

"We aren't asking about your life story ok?"

"Why don't you just go running back to where you're from"

"I will, but you have to go back to Africa, and be with the apes, that's where you belong anyway"

"Your mom probably doesn't even wants you"

"We're you born on a highway? Cause that's where most accidents happen"

"I'm not an accident, your an accident to society"

"Sorry babe, I don't speak whore!" (I wanted to give some credit to 1d_lovey_boo because I read this argument in her book called pretty brown eyes, great story you should read it)

Suddenly I hear someone clearing their throat or should I say throats. I turn to see everyone standing at the door. Most of them trying hard to keep their chuckles in.

Nash looks mad and sad at the same time.

"Jenny, go home" I says pushing Jenny out.

"B..b..but NASH!?" She basically screams, "b..b..but Nash, if I leave nobody would love me except you cause I'm a little slut" I say imitating her.

"Alyssa that is enough!" Nash whips around and points at me.

I look at him scared cause he has never yelled at me before, he looked really scary right now.

His face softens when he sees me scared, like his brain is reminding him the reason he's never yelled at me.

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