Chapter 15

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Cameron POV (😏)

"Where the hell are they!?" I yell in frustration.

"Dude, calm your tits, I should be the one worrying my ass off but no I trust LOX and Alyssa" Nash says calmly looking at me.

"Wait do you like Alyssa?" He ask and raises and eyebrow.

"W..w..hat i..I don't know what're talking about" I reply trying my best to not stutter.

"Whatever brah, just don't hurt her or I will personally shove my fist up your ass got it?" Nash says that in an extremely calm voice and I can see in his eyes that he's already planning his punishment for me. But its never gonna happen because I love Alyssa and I would never hurt her. Wait did I just say love? Oh god Alyssa, what have you done to me.

*Ding Dong*

"Must be them" I say and run for the door. "why the hell are you home at 4 in the morn-!?!?" Nash begins behind me.

Right in front of us were 2 VERY drunk girls, guess who they were, go on.

Yes, Alyssa Thompson and Mahogany LOX ladies and gentleman!!!

I thank this guy who I think is Ricky from O2L? Idk.

And drag them inside, "Pink fluffy unicorn dancin on rainbows!!!!! Hehe M look we're hhhoooommmeee" Alyssa slurs. Nash rushes into the kitchen to get them some aspirin or something.

"Lyss, we are home!!!! Nash!!!! Baby!!!" Mahogany yells, doesn't she know we have neighbors, and what's with Nash??

"Mahogany, remember when I said I wanted to give Cam a big gigantic huge really big kiss?"

"YASSSS bitch YASSSS!!!!"

"I WANNA KISS HIM SOOOOOOOO BAAAAADDDDD BUT HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND!!!!!" and with that Alyssa breaks down crying, awh poor thing, I hated seeing her cry. Mahogany is stumbling from her spot on the floor to go comfort her friend.

"AWWHHHH BOOOOO STOOPPP CRYYYIINNGG OR I WILL CRYY TOOO, NASH DOESNT LOVE MEEE" Mahogany yell. *jaw drop* Mahogany love Nash, Nash loves Mahogany. oooooooooo.

Stop Cameron, you have to pay attention to your girl wailing about you not loving her. I take a seat next to Alyssa and whisper in her ear, " sh, babe, I love you more than anything" By then Nash has came back and handed the two drunken girls their water and aspirins.

After many attempts of getting them to calm down and go to bed, we finally succeeded and had them snuggling on the couch peacefully.

Finally I lay down I get a wink of rest but I just couldn't stop thinking about Alyssa. She said she loved me, right???
(Alyssa POV)
I had the hugest hangover known to human kind. All I remember is I was dancing then Ricky took me home and the rest is blank.
I push Mahogany who was next to me off me and drag my ass upstairs. I take a long shower and throw on PINK sweatpants and a plain cami. No need to dress up right? I'm feeling a movie day with Mahogany, Andrea, Jenn, Arden, and Lauren. 
Ugh!  why did I drink so fucking much. I wonder if the other girls drank as much as I did. I searched for me phone and eventually found it pressed against me boob in my dress.
-Calling Andrea (Unicorn buddy)-
An- Andrea
Al- Alyssa
Al- Hey Andrea
An- Hey Lyss, do you remember anything from last night?
Al- A little bit, all I remember is that I was really drunk and I was dancing with you guys then Ricky took me home.
An- Same here. It looks like Ricky was the only one who wasn't totally wasted.
Al- Just like old times
An- Yeah, Ricky being the Aldult and taking us home and stopping us

Al- Wanna come over with the other girls for a movie day?

An- Sure, be over in an hour

Al- Ok. Well gotta go I'm hungry
An- Ok bye I gotta go wake up the others.

Al- Ok, see you later

With that I hung up and went downstairs for some food. Cameron was standing at the island which had 4 stoves on it. I hope he's making pancakes. 

"Why are you making?" I ask sitting down.

"Oh I see you're now talking to me" he says smirking and continues "bacon and pancakes"

"Yes, I am talking to you. Just because I hate your guts doesn't mean I shouldn't talk to you. Besides you make good food" I reply

I finally take in his appearence, he was wearing a muscule tee and basketball shorts. His biceps are just showing and their so fucking touchable and I just wanted... Damn..

What is happening tome?!?! I was supposed to hate him! 

I guess he caught me staring cause he leaned tworads me and whispered in my ear "Staring isn't polite" I took that chance to turn my head and connect our lips. 

Eh, fuck my hatred this felt awesome!!!

He leaned against me to deepen the kiss and I instinctly wrap my arms around his neck and jump. He steadies me on his waist and starts down to my neck. "I fucking think I like you" he whispers. 

"Me too" I reply softly onto his neck and I can feel him shiver. 

Suddenly someone cleared their throat. 


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