Chapter 24

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Lol I just now noticed that I already had a racing scene earlier in the book! I'm sorry for that. Never gonna happen again, promise!

"A...and once when we were 5 Alyssa danced around a tree and fell straight on her face, it was hilarious" Nash says between breaths. He and the others were laughing over little me. Let's just say I was very clumsy and energetic.

"Shut up that fall hurt like hell, I fell in a root" I pout and cross my arms, Cameron just laughs and pecks my lips. 

“Aww do you want me to go beat that root’s ass for hurting your fine ass?” Cameron gushes.

“Fuck you” I playfully slap his arm.

“Lets do it” Cameron replies with a sexy grin.

“You’re an asshole” I giggle.

“But you love me” He raises an eyebrow.

“Of course” I say.

“Let’s go eat!” Mahogany suggests.

“TACO BELL” I scream and raise a fist in the air. 

“That’s my girl!” Cameron says.

We drive over to taco bell and Nash goes up to order. 

“I need my fooooooodddd” I exclaim.

Cam and Mahogany just laughs and shakes their heads. 

I devour the food that Nash sets down and suddenly my phone vibrates. “My butt just vibrated!!!” Cameron yells and jumps up. “No, idiot, my phone vibrated” 

I look at it and its from that mystery number that texted me this morning. Well, thats creepy. It was a regular number but I couldn’t text back.

I read it and it says “What the hell did I say?!?! I repeat, stay the fuck away from my Cameron. If not, bad things will start to happen, don’t say I didn’t warn you” I let my smile fall and Nash seems to notice, “Alyssa, you ok?” 

“mmhhmm” I lie.

“Really?” Should I tell them? They could help me right? Nah, I don’t wanna act like that attention whore, and its probably just a joke anyway. If it gets bad enough I’ll tell them.

“Yeah, its just that I have no more food” I smile at the awesome excuse, it would totally be something I would say. I LOVE MAH FOOOODDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After eating we head home and I feel like just laying in bed and watching movies but of course my phone rings, I immediately know its Lauren my manager, she has a special ringtone if you get what I mean. I’ve been up all night, tryna get that rich, I be work work work working on my shiittt. LOL

“Hello Laurano, what gives me the honor to talk to you”

“I need you to come for a photo shoot first thing tomorrow, 6 sharp to be exact” 

“Well, I see that I don’t even get a hello back”

“Are you coming or not!?”

“Calm down and do I have a choice?”

“Nope” Then she hangs up.

“Good bye to you too” I didn’t know what happened to Lauren, she used to be real nice and sympathetic, well she just wouldn’t boss me around so much. I’m guessing stress.

I just shrug it off and head into my bathroom, hopping into shower.

My mind automatically races back to the mystery tester, I should nick name this person, like maybe pixie stick or cotton candy fairy. No, She or he is hence forth named that mirror person in Snow White because like it was in the mirror and now its in my phone, get it?. YASS. The whole idea of threatening does kinda frighten me, me and Cam haven’t even made it official yet, we haven’t even had a date. 

How did that mirror person in Snow White know we were together?

Now thats creepy.




“Wait what did you want again?” I say at Nash because he was mumbling something.

“um, I’m going with Mahogany to her hometown to see her mom because she has cancer and I really wanted to meet her, can I?” He mumbles again.

“And why are you asking me?” I say surprised because I’m not his mom by any means.

“I don’t know”

“Of course Nash, I actually think that with the house empty I think me and Cameron might have some quality time together” I smirk at my own dirty joke.

“Nope, never mind I’m not going. I am not leaving you here to have babies. I am not gonna have a niece this early” He quickly says.

“I was just kidding! Damn Nash” I chuckle. 


I laugh and get back to editing my youtube video. I should really be getting to bed knowing my plans for tomorrow. I decide it is finally time so I go downstairs for some water.

“Hey babe” Cameron says, he was sitting on a bar stool drinking something. I never stopped and realized that I am dating him. Actually dating THE Cameron Dallas. I was happy.


“uh yeah” I reply.

“What were you thinking about, I called you twice” Cameron explains. 

“Sorry. I was just thinking about how lucky I am being able to date you” 

“No hon, I’m the one who a beyond lucky to have you, I’d still be lucky to be in your life, in your presence” He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest, I have yearned for a moment like this since I was tiny. Someone that would treat me like a princess. 

“I must sound beyond cheesy, sorry” He chuckles into my hair and unwraps his arms around me. “No, don’t let me go, I love it when you’re cheesy” 

“My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can’t keep it in” He pulls me in again. 

“Oh my god Cameron, eww” I say and and push off his chest. 

“Babe, you said you wanted me to be cheesy” 

I shake my head and grab a water bottle out of the fridge and i feel arms wrap around my waist again but now from the behind. “What are you planning for tomorrow?” 

“I have a photoshoot at 6 tomorrow” I look pass him at a clock that said 12:24 “and it’s 12:24 now so I really need to get to bed”

“Well… want me to spend the night?” He says raising an eyebrow, “Cam…” I say, I wasn’t expecting this, we’ve only probably dating for 2 days. 

He probably saw the alarmed look in my eyes, “I’m kidding Alyssa, I won’t make that move on you unless we’re ready, somewhere where its worth it, at the highest peak of our relationship” I explain and I basically melt in his arms again. He was so sweet.

“Well, I have to get to bed, seriously” I say.

“Good night Alyssa” He replies and gives me a peck on the head. 




Awwhh. Isn’t Cameron sweet??? 

I just wanted a cheesy, romantic scene for you guys. I promise more drama next chapter ;)


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