Chapter 19

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"Wake up"

"Wakie wakie"

"Wake the fuck up"





"Owww, Alyssa!"

"Let me sleep"

"No, it's 1"

"Seriously!?!?" I yell jumping up to a Cameron. Why does he always wake me up?

Forget that! Luke was picking me up in 2 hours.

"Get out" I say pushing him out.


"Because I have to get ready for my date"

"Wait, one sec"

"What?" I groan in annoyance.

"Can we be friends? Just friends"

"Ok but just friends"

"Good, hug?"


I hug him and it feels so right, but I'm dating Luke. He likes me so much, I can't just break his heart.

Why is life so difficult!

"Ok now you have to leave"

"Ok, wait one more thing"


"Nash wanted you to come to dinner with us, just be ready by 6"

"I don't know.."

"Come on, he said you haven't went to dinner with all of us yet"

"Fine I'll be here"

"Good, see ya then"

Then he walks out and closes the door, I stand there and just admire that he hugged me for a bit and slowly walked to my bathroom.


Oh god, I looked like a zombie. I forgot to remove my make up so there was mascara all over and I think some lip gloss on my fore head.

I quickly rubbed my ace with make up remover wipes because I couldn't stand my face, I was seriously ugly, I cover it with make up.

I quickly strip and hop I tot he shower. The water pressure is truly magnificent, like the way the water hit your back is just so relaxing and the pressure is just goddddd.

Getting a bit off topic there, I wash my hair and body with strawberry stuff then get out and walk to my closet. I stare and stare and stare.
Perfect! I've found it! The perfect outfit.

I chose a red skater skirt with a white lace bralette and a denim looking flannel along with some blacks heels.

I look at the time and it read 2:30 so I still had some time. I curl my hair and apply my make up.

"Where you going?" Jack surprises me. I jump and grab my heart for a dramatic effect.

"Jesus Christ, Jack, I'm gonna have a heart attack. You scared me to death" I say and crumble to the ground.

"Haha very funny" Jack laughs and hurries over to me and helps me up.

A horn honks and that means Luke is here!

I jump up and yell goodbye to everyone.

*Ding Dong*

"Got it" Nash yells, "Nash, you get away from that door" I say remembering the first time he talked to my date.


"I'm going on a date, he should be here now actually"
I say happily to my best friend Nash.

"Wait, are you sure? Do you know him well enough? Do you need me to go with you?"

"No Nash, I'm a big girl" I giggle and playfully slap his shoulder.

"Seriously, I wanna talk to his guy"

"No, I don't"

"Yep" *ding dong* "Guess that's him, I got the door"

"Nash no!"

"Hello Aly- um who are you?" My date John asks.

"I am Alyssa best friend and I wanted to ask you a few questions" Nash says serious.

"Nash that's enough" I reason.

"Sh, what school do you go to? Do you have a job?"

"Um, I go to your school and no I don't have a job"

"Oh right, but about the job thing, how are you gonna support her? Buy her stuff?"

"Ugh I don't know, I get allowance so"

"Yeah, I don't think Alyssa should date you" Nash says and closes the door.

"Nash, what the hell!" I yell and open the door again.

"Just kidding but seriously if I see a single tear, I'll kill you" Nash says and walks backwards to the stairs, glaring, but then trips.


"Let's just go" I announce and drag John out before Nash could embarrass me even more.

"Aye, don't forget movie night! You, I want her home before 10, have fun kids, not that much fun though!" Nash screams form the door.

"Oh god, is he crazy or something?" John asks me, I stop and stare at him.

"Did you just call him crazy?" I asks, nope, if he says that he said that then it's an ice breaker. You date me than you date all of me, which includes Nash.

"Yeah.. how do you put up with him?" John says and begins walking to his car.

"No he's not, he was just being a good friend, he's my best friend so if you want me than you'll have to deal with him, he is not crazy or insane. He is the best person in the world"

"Than I guess you're crazy too"

"Go fuck yourself" I push him and storm back into my house.

"I'm sorry" Nash says quietly, I guess he heard our argument, "I'm sorry for ruining your date, and being the way I am"

"It's fine Nashy, you didn't ruin my date. He was a total douche anyway"

"Movies and food?" Nash asks and holds up pitch perfect, vampire academy and the lion king. Our movies.

We just spent the rest of the night laughing, eating, and watching movies.

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