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I headed to my new room to shower, I walk to my walk-in closet and run my hands across the clothes. Hmm I loved this feeling. I love clothes if you couldn't tell already.

I grabbed some high waisted shorts, and crop top that says 'Ima boss ass bitch' and a red plaid shirt to go around my waist.

Oh and some combat boots, can't forget about the shoes, am I right ladies!

I spent at least 20 minutes in the shower and finally decided to get out. I applied my usual make up which wasn't that much.

After that I just sat down at the desk and went on the iMac for a bit and started it, making an account and stuff. I walk over to bag and take out my MacBook and checked twitter. Wow I'm really spoiled, 2 computers.

I started getting bored and hungry so I head downstairs again. I grab my wallet and phone just in case we go out.

"Naasshhyy!!!" An annoying voice rang though the house, I wonder who that is. I turn the corner to see a girl straddling Nash. My eyes go wide and I hold my breath. Nash finally sees me and pushes whoever that was off him.

"Er, I was just gonna see if y'all wanted to go get some food." I stutter.

Cameron suddenly comes down with the Jacks, Hayes, Carter and Matthew. He immediately understands what was happening and thank god changed the subject. "Let's go to Taco Bell!" He announces. I nod.

"Lyss, this is Jenny my girlfriend. I wish you guys didn't meet this way"

I stick out my hand and say "Hey"

She looks me up and down and just turns away like I wasn't enough to look at her and muttered "slut". That bitch did not just say that to me. She the one looking like a slut wearing that damn tight tank that ends right below her boobies and the tiniest shorts in existence, also about 6 inch heels. You, mam, are the slut here.

"At least I get some and look at you, trying so hard but I guess it still isn't enough to get Nash to fuck you" That'll warn her not to mess with me.

A hear a few ooh's and nice one's in the back but all my attention is on her reaction. She slowly turns and looks like she's trying to think of at comeback to my comeback.

"Alyssa! What has gotten into you!" Nash yells stepping in front of his slut.

"She insulted me first! Didn't you hear her call me a slut?" I retort.

He looks like he's having a mental battle about wether to take my side or hers. I really hope he'll take mine.

"She probably didn't mean it" He whispered and that right there was enough to set me off. I decided since it was my first day here, I didn't want to straight out cuss him out but to just walk away. Oh how hard that was even just to think it. I clench my hands and walk towards the front door and get in my car. I just drive.


Nash POV


"Babe, I really don't think you should come over"

"Nash, are you fucking cheating in me! With the Alyssa girl! I saw the tweets, oh Alyssa coming to LA, oh I'm going to go buy stuff for Alyssa! I am coming over and that's that!"

I was on the phone with my girlfriend of 1 year, Jenny. She used to be the sweetest and kindest person in the world but she just somehow changed. Her style went from classy to slutty prostitute, her personality went from sweet innocent girl to mean, clingy, rude, slutty whore. I don't even know why I'm still with her. I can tell that all the guys despise her and want me to end it.

My front door slammed open and there stood my girlfriend Jenny, in a very tight tank that ended at her boobs and really tiny shorts. Basically she looked like a slut.

Jenny pushes me onto the couch and straddles me. I can't say it didn't feel somewhat good. I just hope Alyssa doesn't come down.

"Nnaasshhyy!!" Jenny's voice rang through the house, and I KNOW everyone heard that.

Suddenly Alyssa comes down the stairs and looks at me wide eyed. Fuck, Nash, it's your best friend's first day here and you've already creeped her out!

I push Jenny to the side and look at Alyssa again begging her to say something through my eyes. Luckily she did.

"Er, I wanted to say if y'all wanted to go get some food" she stutters.

Then Cam comes down with Matt, the Jacks, Carter, and Hayes.

Cam automatically understands the situation since he's walked in on us many many times before.

"Let's go to Taco Bell!" He announces and I take this as a chance to introduce them.

"Alyssa, this is Jenny, my girlfriend. I wish you guys didn't meet this way"

Alyssa holds out her hands and says "hey" but Jenny just turned away and muttered "slut"

She turned into such a bitch. How dare she call my sister a slut!

"At least I get some and look at you, trying so hard but I guess it still isn't enough to get Nash to fuck you" Alyssa replies to that oh so sassy voice of hers.

Oh God, this isn't gonna end well.

Before I could think about my actions I stepped in front of Jenny and basically yelled at Alyssa "Alyssa, what has gotten into you!" What!?

I didn't think about that

"She insulted me first! didn't you hear her call me a slut?"




Why?! Why!?

Alyssa or Jenny







Before I could say anything else I whisper "she probably didn't mean it"


Bitch fit coming up!!!

Alyssa looks at me teary eyed and runs out if the house.

"Dude! What the hell! Why'd you take the slut's side instead of your best friends!? You really are messed up" Cameron yells at me and runs after Alyssa. The others just stand there looking at me and follows Cam.

What have I done?






Hello my lovelies!!!

So I didn't know if y'all like this story so if you want me to continue this then comment right here ->

I'm sorry if I don't update in about a week or so, I'm just sooo busy with school and stuff.

I'm gonna start putting a qotd in each of my chapters so get ready for that.

Yeah, that's all I wanted to say! See ya next time!!!


QOTD- What is your favorite band?


Mine is 5SOS at the moment

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