Chapter 20

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Pic of Luke and Alyssa date


"Hello Alyssa, you look beautiful!" Luke says in his absolutely beautiful aussie accent.

"Thank you! Looks like you cleaned up good too" I glance down and see him wearing ripped black skinny jeans and a tuxedo shirt (like the ones the have a tie on the shirt), I didn't really expect him to dress up since he's all like a rocker and stuff.

Some don't pull off his outfit but he rocked it like a baby, lol I'm so weird.

Me and him go to the car and we drive, "Where are we headed?" I ask

"It's a surprise" He replies, I just rock out to his music and after about 35 minutes we finally arrive. He covers my eyes with a bandana earlier, and carefully leaded me out of the car.

"Ok watch you step ok?"


"Ok open"

I open my eyes and what I see and magical, cushions, hanging lights, a projector, loads of popcorn. This was a theatre date!

"Omg I love it, it's perfect!"

"I hope so I spent a lot of time on it, but it was worth it" Luke replies scratching the back of his neck, lolling down and blushing. I lift his chin up and kiss him on the cheek.

I cheeky grin replaces his nervous smile and I smile back.

We sit down a he starts the movie, it was Ninja Turtles.

"How did you know?"

"Know what?"

"That this is one my my favorites"

"Seriously it's mine too"

"Yep, I love Raphael"

"Pfft, Michealangelo is way better"

"Whatever" I slap his arm playfully and we continue to watch the movie.

Is it bad that this whole time I am thinking about Cam?

Everytime I look over at Luke all I see is a friend. I wanted Cam to hold me to sleep, I wanted him to sit with me through movie even if it was chick flicks, I wanted him to whisper cute things in my ear, I wanted him to hug me with his warm self and kiss my with those soft lips.

I love him.

I love him!

I love Cameron Dallas!

"I love him" I blurt out.

"You love me?" Luke say surprised shooting up.

"No not you" I say carelessly, "no not that I don't love you, it's just the I don't love you as a lover" I immediately get out to not hurt him any more than if I told him after leading him on more.

"Why?" Luke says water starting to build up in his eyes.

"Luke, please, I just can't, I love someone else"

"So this was all a lie?"

"No, not all, I love you as a friend"

"But I love you as a lover"

"I understand and I'm truly sorry that I can't return your feelings"

"Who is it?"


"The person you're leaving me for"


"I hope he makes you happier than I ever can"


"Stop Alyssa! Just stop. You've hurt me enough today, we'll talk later, but for now just stay away from me please"

He run to his car and drives away. I drop to my knees and cry my heart out. I can't believe myself, I am such a heartless monster! I wipe my tears and start my journey home.

I decide on a plan to get Cam, I rejected Luke, something good HAS to come out of this.

I run line over line in my head, making every detail perfect.

Gosh Alyssa, you must be really be in love, I say to myself.

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