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Jiwon's breathing was becoming more rapid as she tried to run faster to catch up to the pirates, but the branches and large leaves were slowing her down. The pirates were running as fast as they could to get away from her and her crew, they want to leave as soon as possible. 

Fuck, this will leave me no other choice, I have to initiate the plan soon.

Jiwon cursed mentally at herself, she didn't want to execute the plan so soon just after a week or so, but it left her no choice, she had to get rid of them once and for all. 

They were all getting closer to the shore as they could hear the ocean and the loud talking of their crew. Seonghwa looked over at San and the younger looked back at him, they were both wearing a smirk on their faces as they both ran opposite sides. The other crew mates and the captain ran past them without no question.

Seonghwa grabbed a long vine from the tree and snapped it out. He wrapped it around a stone and threw the stone at San with force that it almost hit him in the face, but luckily he doges it away quickly. He grabs the vine from one end as Seonghwa grabs the other and wraps it around his hand.

They heard footsteps approaching them faster, with one swift movement they extended the vine as Jiwon was coming. She tripped over the vine and the boys immediately got out of hiding and jumped on her. "Leave me alone you fuckers!!" She was squirming as they kept tying her hands and feet. 

San finally finished tying her up and sat her up. "Be lucky we didn't behead you here." Seonghwa cackled as the younger placed Jiwon to sit under a tree. "Well, see you never navy capt'n." San told her as they ran away to catch up to the others and leave immediately. Jiwon screeched at the top of her lungs as she struggled to get the vines out of her hands.

Back on the pirates ship Hongjoong saw the crew mates talking to each other. "OI! GET THE SHIP READY TO SET SAIL! RIGHT NOW FUCKERS!" Hongjoong yelled at them as the entire crew heard him and they became alerted, they all started to prepare the ship as fast as they could. Once the six men got on the ship they all went to help out as Hongjoong went to the foremast and kept a look out to see if more navy's were coming.

"HURRY THE HELL UP!!" Hongjoong yelled again as the sails had finally dropped and they were all getting their gear and canons ready, just incase if anything happens while they were on land or on sea. "Captain, Seonghwa and San are still not here and we're ready to set sail!" Mingi came to give him an update as Hongjoong sighed.

"Fucking shit, if they don't come any faster then I will leave these fucker behind and I'll come back to get them in the smaller boat at night." Hongjoong walked over to the steering wheel quickly and looked over to his crew mates, he didn't want to leave those two behind.

"CAPTAIN! SET SAIL! RAISE THE ANCHORS!" San yelled at the top of his lungs as they saw Seonghwa and San emerge from the large trees, running towards the dock. Hongjoong smirked at them and began giving commands to his crew.

"PULL UP THE ANCHORS AND GET READY TO SET SAIL! WE'RE GOING SOUTHEAST! THE PLAN IS TO FOLLOW AN ACQUAINTANCE OF OURS FROM THE SEA, SHE'S GOING TO LEAD US INTO AN ISLAND OFF THE MAP!" He yelled as loud as he could as the crew was surprised about what friend they were talking about, but of course they didn't have time to question the captain and they immediately raised the anchor.

 As the rail was moving side to side due to the boat rocking more, the both males got on the boat before they could pull it up while the ship was getting out of the dock, "I thought we were not gonna make it in time." Seonghwa breathed out as sweat was dripping from his forehead. San just nodded his head wiping the sweat of his neck.

Hongjoong turned the boat around and everyone was holding on to something as the boat turned to fast, causing a few of them to fall over. The older walked to the captain to tell him that they tied up the navy girl and left her there alone. "Good job, this will buy us enough time to leave and flee." He smirked.

Meanwhile Jiwon got out her pocket knife from her back pocket and tried her best to get out of the vine, while over thinking her plan again. 

I wish I had more time to think this over, but if the royal family ordered me to do this then I have to do whatever it is to get the pirates. Even if the plan causes death.

She finally got the knife in between her hands and she started rubbing the knife against the thick vine. After a few seconds the vine was finally off of her, she started cutting the vines from her legs and once she succeeded she stood up and dashed to where the pirates were heading. 

Jiwon arrived at the shore and she saw that the pirates already set sail, going around the island. "They're heading Southeast, but there's no nearby Island there... unless they wanted to flee so we could think that they went to other neighboring island as they came back here again at night." She spoke to herself and immediately started dashing again through the jungle.

"I have to catch them at sea to finally end this once for all." Jiwon said again and jumped over tree stumps, bushes and whatnot. She hoped she could catch up to them. After what seemed like hours she finally saw a clear path and her ship there. 

"GET THE SHIP READY TO SET SAIL!" Jiwon yelled as Yiren saw the captain with scratches and dirt all over her uniform. The crew got to work immediately as she got on the boat and started screaming at the crew to hurry up. 

Aisha found her captain and she immediately ran over over to her. "Captain! Mia was slightly injured but she's just resting now, what happened to you?!" 

"No time to explain- HURRY THE FUCK UP! WE'RE GOING AFTER THE PIRATES! THEY'RE HEADING SOUTHEAST!" Jiwon sprinted to the steering wheel as the anchor was being raised, the sails were set and in the lower levels they were getting the cannons ready. Aisha cursed and she went back to her room to get her rifle just in case if she needed it.

Yiren and Lea got themselves weapons even though Lea didn't know how to use them. "I-I don't know how to use these weapons." She told Yiren, but the girl was to busy to charging up her rifle with more bullets. Lea just sighed and hoped for the best if they ever do end up attacking the pirates.

"Let's go to the deck!" Yiren grabbed Lea's hand and dragged her up the stairs again to go to the main deck. "Position yourself like this and hold the gun well." Yiren gave an example to Lea as the mermaid nodded and did the exact same thing Yiren did. "Remember to pull the trigger when you have someone from the opposite side on your sight, got it?" Yiren pointed at the trigger and Lea nodded again.

Jiwon steered the ship to were they were heading, "Keep a look out on the pirates ship! We're going to ambush them so I'll get the ship as close enough as I could get it while you all jump to their ship and attack them! Remember to get the people from the cannons as well!" She yelled at her crew as they all agreed to her command.

The plan is almost assembled, I just need them all to a board the pirates ship.

Jiwon sighed out and looked back at her crew with a hopeless look. "It's now or never Jiwon."

The navy ship went faster by the second as the wind was guiding them towards their enemy. Just a few more-

"LOOK AHEAD! THE PIRATES SHIP IS IN SIGHT!" Aisha yelled as everyone on the ship was ravaging to finally complete this mission once and for all, meanwhile Jiwon was still planning how this would all go. 


oh the plot twist is next chapter hehe, i hope you guys liked this chapter and i also hope you all will like the action for the next part. 

don't hate on me once i publish the next chapter btw oop-

see you guys later and lemme just- HAPPY BDAY YUYU!!! I LOVE YOU BABY!! WISHING YOU THE BEST BIRTHDAY TODAY!! 

yall better say happy bday to our golden puppy if not this whole book will turn into a tragedy🔪 jk jk... unless 👀

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