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For Jiwon everything seemed perfect for her. Not only was she going to dine with the king and queen but she's getting rewarded for what she did. The dining room was set up beautifully and behind her majesties chair was a small table.

On top of it, it had a glass cube covering a crown. Jiwon thought that was her reward for killing the pirates and her crew members. "Good evening your majesties." She bowed at them and the queen told her to sit sown. As she sat down the butlers immediately set up her food and put wine on her glass cup.

She whispered a small thank you before they went back to their original positions. "Let's dig in then." The king suggested as his wife followed and took a bite out of her meat, Jiwon started to cut the meat into little pieces before she started eating.

Minutes passed and they were finally onto the dessert, it was a raspberry lemon cheesecake tart with tea as the drink. When Jiwon took a bite out she immediately remembered of Onda saying that she liked this dessert a lot. Jiwon couldn't wait to go tell her once she got back to her room. "Miss Jiwon, was this meal up to your pleasure?" The queen asked with a stern look.

"Yes your majesty. Everything is splendid." Jiwon smiled at her and took another bite of her tart. The queen hummed, whilst the king was wiping off the crumbs off his mouth.

A few second more passed away and finally the king stood up, "Jiwon- as you know I promised you a gran reward once you had completed the task. Remember your father?" He asked.

Jiwon widen her eyes and nodded slowly trying not to cause a scene. "We've let him out of the cell. He's free once more. Do you want to let your dad live in the castle or do you want him to leave?" He asked her while looking at the crown that was there.

"And if I keep him here? What would happen your majesty?" She asked softly and looked down at her half eaten tart. The queen stood up and went around the table to her side.

The queen touched her shoulders and leaned into her ear, "Then you won't become princess and he will be working here until he dies." Jiwon gulped.

Me? A princess? If this is true then- once they step down from the throne- i can become queen?

She took a few seconds to process what they said to her. "And if I let my dad go?" Another question came out of her lips as she stood still. The hands of the queen came off her shoulders and they immediately grabbed her own hands.

"Then you will become a princess, and your dad can go back to his usual life. We can even find him a new wife to keep him happy." Jiwon looked into the queens eyes and stood still.

A new wife? So i would get a step mother-?

Both- the queen and king- looked at each other and smirked before turning their attention back to her. "C-can I talk with my father first? I want to-"

"Oh he's outside waiting for you- guards! Bring him in!" The doors opened and three people walked in the dining room. Her father was standing there with his head hang low. Jiwon stood up and was shocked seeing his father.

He was wearing brand new clothes and his hair fell on his face, his beard grew out and it made him look even older then before. The gray hairs coming out one by one. "Father!" Jiwon ran around the table and hugged her father tightly.

"Father! I missed you so much father- i'm so sorry I couldn't protect mother from those bad guys." Jiwon cried out and hugged her father tightly. Her father was hesitant to hug her, last time he heard of her was when the attack happened- he heard that his wife and child was killed.

After processing that she was alive his tears came rolling down and his legs gave out. They both fell on their knees and cried with each other. "I thought you were dead!" The father wailed as Jiwon remembered the past of how her mother was killed right in front of her eyes.

"Mother died- i'm sorry I couldn't protect her or anyone in that village." Jiwon screamed. Both their hugs tighten more as if they would disappear if they didn't hug each other.

Minutes ticked by and they both finally stopped crying. They stood up and Jiwon wiped her tears away. "Father- I was given a mission to complete and I finished the mission. The reward comes with a price." She asserted seriously as her father nodded.

"What is it?" He wiped the tears and took a deep breath in. Jiwon looked at the king and queen as they both nodded for her to proceed. She took in a deep breath and began to explain.

"Either I become princess or you will be working here until you die. But of course if I become princess then you would have to go back home." She stated and ended it with a sigh.

"And if I stay, what will happen to you?" He asked.

She took a second before responding. "Then you and I will live here but we will both work until we-"

"Yes you both will work here but Jiwon will be getting a huge raise and I will put her as a new duchess in this kingdom." The king told them and Jiwon nodded. The father was in shock of the news. Jiwon stood there waiting for a response from her father.

Her father finally decided to speak up. "Well- I guess I'll go back home. I want you to live your best life okay?" He thought about her future family that she will have later on in life and if the queen and king make his daughter a queen then he would be fine with it.

Jiwon looked at her dad and smiled while tears were forming in her eyes. "I'll go visit you sometimes father. Please take care of yourself." She whispered and hugged him once more. The king stood up from his chair and walked over to them.

"We will take her under our wing, so don't worry about her. Right my queen?" He looked over to this wife as the queen nodded back standing up and walked over to Jiwon placing her hands on her shoulders once more.

She nodded her head at her husband. "Of course we will, she's under great care." A smile formed on her face as the father raised an eyebrow knowing the truth of them both, but he knew that they couldn't do anything to his daughter cause if they did then everything will be exposed.

"Okay. Then- i'm going back home." He brought his daughter back in to a hug and she hugged him too. They didn't want to let go of each other, but they had no other choice. As they let go of each other the guards guided him out the dining hall and left the room. Jiwon took in a deep breath and smiled, she couldn't wait to tell her imaginary crew members about this.

The king rolled his eyes as he turned around to go get the crown. "Now then- shall we prepare a coronation soon? How about in a month?" The butler raised the glass cube and the king took out the crown. Jiwon took in a deep breath as the queen grabbed her hand and lead her to the king.

"That sounds lovely your majesty." Jiwon curtsied as the king placed the crown on her head. It felt heavy on her head as if the crown carried a thousand of worries. She stood up and straighten her crown while a bright smile playing on her face. Tear began to overwhelm her eyes as memories came back from a week ago.

Death will never get in the way of my mission. Jiwon thought as the queen, king and staff applauded at their soon to be princess. More fake smiles were shown around the room and the applause felt like a curse was being put on her, but nevertheless she will do anything within her reach to make people change their mind about her once she becomes princess.


Or so she had thought. Who knew that something horrible will happen the same day as the coronation. The end was nearing for them and the kingdom, a raid was happening far off the kingdom.

oops- i cant wait to post the next chapter ;)

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