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[Ateez pov]

"Set the sails and get ready to leave! Move it! Move it! Move it!" The guy with red hair said waving his hand from crew member to crew member. Everyone on the ship was moving quickly, they knew they couldn't stay here for so long. They hid their ship on the far east of the kingdom where the beach was vacant from any royal navy or soldiers  and they were missing two crew members, "Where the hell is Seonghwa and San?!" Hongjoong yelled as the tallest one came towards him and asserted firmly, "They went to go get something for the kitchen, they'll be back soon" Yunho stated as the captain sighed and walked past him. 

All the kingdoms that exist want to have his head as a trophy, but of course they could never catch him. They were all to slow or he would kill them all in one go, there was one time where he almost got decapitated in a battle, but luckily someone saved his ass, he only got a scar on the side of his face, running from his left eye to his cheek. It was painful, the person who killed his enemy brought him back to his ship and in return he let him stay there with him. He turned out to be an orphan.

Hongjoong ended up naming him San, he told the captain about how if he didn't get adopted soon, the caretaker had to kill him. They always did that to the people who still lived there and had an age of nineteen and up, so Hongjoong owed him and let him stay there. 

"We're here captain!" Seonghwa screamed as he ran up the plank with San behind him, "Where did you all go without my permission?!" he screamed at them, "We went to go get some cabbage, but on the way back we had a small problem and I'm pretty sure we have to leave now before they come searching for us" San stated as he ran up the stairs to the upper back of the deck and took out his gun, loading it with bullets, "What the bloody hell did you do?!" Hongjoong climbed the ropes that lead to the birds nest, and he saw a few bodies hiding in the distance.


He slid down the ropes as fast as he could and screamed, "Get the anchor up! We have to leave immediately! Set the sails! Pull up the plank! Hurry!" he screamed and the ship was in chaos, a shot was heard, two shots, three shots, multiple shots were being fired and Hongjoong ran towards San to help him out with the bullets. "Hurry the hell up!" Seonghwa screamed loud enough and helped raise the anchor with all his power alongside with the crew. The sails extended and the wind was strong making the boat shake, immediately Mingi took his place and began steering the ship. Yeosang came to his side and told him to steer straight ahead and to turn left when they were out of sight.

The shots were still being fired and Jongho stood next to his captain and began firing bullets. "Jongho did you leave the girl on the beach?!" his captain screamed at him through the sounds of the guns. "Yeah! I believe she was found by the navy crew! I can see ropes on the sand!" he squinted his eyes. The bullets couldn't reach far so they put down their guns and slid down the wall of the deck. "Oh god, what did you guys do to get their attention?" Hongjoong breathed out and unloaded his gun and placed it on the ground.

"To start off we didn't do anything. We were getting cabbage and a few other ingredients for Wooyoung to cook dinner, but we saw a funeral going on and we saw the girls from the navy and their captain. Two were missing and I didn't move so Seonghwa dragged me away and I think they remember what we looked like, so we ran away from them." San breathed out and looked at his hands, "Sorry captain" he stated faintly and Hongjoong patted his back.

"Alright, don't do that again and thank you Jongho" he said and stood up, grabbing his gun and walked down the stairs in exhaustion. "Alright Yeosang where are we going?" Mingi asked the smaller, "Just keep going straight and then turn left like I said and in a few hours we will arrive at a small island, no one lives there from what I've seen in the books. We could rest there before we leave again" Yeosang smiled at him and he nodded, maneuvering the ship steadily.

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