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As Hongjoong and Yeosang said goodbye to Sunmi, the siren looked directly at them and said, "Have you guys ever seen a mermaid? Wearing a crown?" She said curiously as both men shaked their heads no. Sunmi just nodded and waved goodbye again without saying anything else. Both boys went out of the cave only to be hit by water droplets.

"Damnit. It's raining." Hongjoong said as Yeosang tsked and walked straight ahead.

"Hey. Where are you going? It's raining Yeosang." He stated, but the younger ignored him and kept walking. The trees were covering the rain since so not much water was coming down. Hongjoong just sighed and followed him, he looked at his bag and wondered about the missing piece. Where could it be? They didn't have time for this, they had another treasure to go find instead of going on a hunt for a missing piece of a mirror.

"Capt'n? Its raining harder. Should we take cover for a while?" Yeosang yelled over the harsh wind that was blowing from the east. Hongjoong nodded his head and squinted his eyes trying to find a big leaf to hide under. They kept walking straight ahead until they found a huge leaf near the tree. Both men waited there for a few minutes but the storm seemed harsher then before. "Looks like we're gonna be here for a while sir." Yeosang asserted again as Hongjoong nodded.

"Yeah I can see that Yeosang." He told him back, the wind was blowing harshly again which cause the big leaf to hit them both slightly. They both groaned and took some steps back until they hit the tree trunk full of green moss. "Fucking great. This is really not my day today." Hongjoong told Yeosang, the taller just nodded. All they wanted to do was to go back to the boat to eat Wooyoung's fruit cocktail with rum, but now it raining and everyone's probably taking cover in the ship.

"Turn around, let me clean it." Yeosang pulled out a cloth and started dabbing on Hongjoong's white shirt from the back. The silence over them was refreshing and comforting. Hongjoong didn't like lies so he can't say he hates rains, when they're in the sea it does get harsh especially with the waves, but when he's on land he likes sitting outside or in a room listening to the rain fall while he takes in the quiet surroundings.

Yeosang on the other hand, he doesn't like rain at all. Not only it makes it hard for him to navigate the ship while there's a storm at the sea but when he's on land it's the same. The mud getting on his shoes, the thunder, and the cold water, he hated it so much and today wasn't his day either. He was going to rest before he took over navigating the ship, but that idea went down the drain.

After Yeosang cleaned his shirt up they both sat on the grass and their bodies felt tired. It's been a long week and they had a feeling this is only the beginning. "Capt'n?" Yeosang breathed out softly.

"What?" Hongjoong asked.

"Why exactly do our eyes glow? Ever since I saw the others eyes glow I've been wanting to know exactly why." He questions him as the older looked at him and started talking.

"I'll tell you once we get back at the-"

"Tell me now. I really want to know." Yeosang demanded to know why that happens and if it happens to anyone else.

"Fine. You better listen and when we get back to the ship I'll tell it again and I want you to write everything I said into paper. Who knows what happens when our eyes glow, you better get to the bottom of it, got it?" He told Yeosang as the brunette nodded and stared at him with glistening curious eyes.

"Alright well- it happened when I was in the canteen. The day I got these mirror pieces. I left the canteen and while I was walking back to my ship when I saw San, he was crying on a bench and when he looked up at me I saw his eye glow purple. I gasped and I felt a strong pull towards him, but I left for the day. In the morning as I was about to leave a battle broke out in my ship with one of my enemies, like I said before- San came in the right time and before my enemy could decapitate me, San attacked him. They only got to make a scar on my face as you can see." He pointed to the scar that ran from his left eyebrow and cheek.

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