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It was just a few more days until the coronation, Jiwon and the queen were getting fitted for their dresses with the seamstress. Today and two days before the coronation, they had to make final preparations on their dresses. "Your majesty, may you please raise your arm a little bit more higher please?" The apprentice asked with a soft voice.

The queen raised her arm as instructed and the lady began to pin needles in where they need to sew a little bit more so it would fit her well from the arms. Jiwon was standing right next to the queen, also getting her dress fixed from the length. The seamstresses were walking around, bringing in mannequins, fabrics, measuring tapes and jotting down numbers from the two ladies attending jiwon and the queen.

A loud bang came from the door and everyone looked over at the doors to see the king come in very anxiously. "Please leave us alone, i have important matters to talk with my queen and jiwon immediately." He demanded while all the seamstresses left the room to give them privacy.

They closed the doors behind them and the three of them were now alone. "What is it your majesty? Is there something wrong?" Jiwon asked the king as he glared at her and started to explain.

"Yes, there is something wrong. I just received a notice from the guards to escorted your dad back home. They kidnapped your father and killed a few of my men." His glare had intensified while Jiwon gasped and started to worry about her father.

"What do you mean kidnapped?!" Jiwon asked as the queen looked out the window and rolled her eyes at her, "Who could've kidnapped him?" Jiwon felt tears on her eyes while holding back a wail.

The king sighed and asked her a question, "Are you sure you killed all the pirates on that boat?" He asked her while raising an eyebrow at her, waiting for a response. Jiwon immediately nodded, she saw how each person on that boat burned to death.

"If you did kill off everyone at that boat then who could've kidnapped your father?! The only ones who know about your father are the deceased navy crew, more specifically- those girls." He started pacing around the room, trying to think of who else might've known about her father.

Jiwon started walking to the doors and said, "Im going to go look for him. I'll go change at my room so I won't dirty the dress. Please excuse me your majesties." She curtsied and walked away, taking a seamstress to help her take out the dress before leaving.

Once the doors closed again the queen approached her husband and asked, "Is that true? Did he really get kidnapped?" She asked while the king nodded. He was dead serious about this. Jiwons father knows way too much about them and their past, it'll ruin his good reputation with the commoners in the village.

"Oh god, what are we supposed to do now? If word gets out about the truth then- what will we do? We can't go searching for him, the only thing is to let that wrench handle this situation. Hopefully this is solved before the coronation." The queen took in a deep breath trying to calm down her nerves and took a seat nearby. It's so sudden to hear the news that she couldn't process all of it in one day.

The king paced around the room trying to come up with a new solution before this comes out of hand. "I'm going to my study room to try to figure this out." He sighed and left without another word. The queen just sat there being worried.

Another knock was at the door and the seamstress opened the door. "May we come in now my lady?" They asked.

"Yes, keep doing your job, Jiwon had a job to do before coronation which is why she took off. So keep working on my dress." She stood up and walked back to the small podium so they could finish the exact measurements.

"As you wish my queen." The seamstresses curtsied and began working again as if nothing had happened.


reeeeee- im finally done with this chapter lol, can you guys guess who kidnapped jiwons father 👀

i cant wait to show you all the next plot twist, i just need like four or five more chapters to go until i finish! Ill finish this book before the new year so i can't wait to publish the next chapter ehehe

Also i just started college which is why i didn't wrote as much as the other chapters, please excuse this lol

Byebye and i hope you have a hunch of who it is ehehe

HaladiosNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ