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Tw: meantion of bombing (read at ur own risk!)

Many days have passed since the accident and the navy captain has finally arrived at the dock, some fishermen saw her rowing the boat alone and a few of them ran back to the castle to warn the royal family about her return.

As she docked every person who arrived there were asking her questions, bombarding her with cries and mournings.

"The navy captain came back alone, what a horrible tragedy."

"Oh no, she's injured! Someone get her a doctor!"

"Make way! You're all blocking the dock!"

It was noisy and Jiwon didn't even say anything, she just fell on her knees on the wooden dock, staring into space, getting lost in her own world. The women were crying while the children were approaching Jiwon and their mothers to comfort them while the men took off their hats and looked down at the ground saying a few prayers to the dead. "Everything must come to an end right?" Jiwon whispered.

"That's true, but the navy crew received a horrible death. We pray to the gods that they are well received in heaven." A lady who was near her wailed into the air. Everyone here knew at least one or two members of the navy crew, more specifically Jiwon's usual group.

Minutes passed and people starting leaving one by one. The royal carriage arrived and out came the queen and king. Everyone stepped aside so they could get through and see Jiwon. "My dear! Are you okay?! Where's the rest of the crew?! Please tell me that they are coming soon!" The queen went in to hug her as everyone there cried even harder after finding out that their queen was worried sick about the navy.

"Your majesty- Our task has been completed, but everything comes with a price. My crew mates- they died in battles, the last battle was at least five days ago and everyone died. I somehow managed to escape before the pirates shot me. The last thing i saw was them bombing our ship. Mia was running towards me but she got caught in the fire. I saw all my crew burn alive, along with the pirates. No one else survived but me." Jiwon responded and cried on her shoulder, tugging her sleeves.

"Get a grip. Don't cry onto my shoulder." The queen whispered into her ear before crying with her so the people would see how caring of a queen she is. Jiwon got off her shoulder and looked at the king, faking his frown, but she knew that they were both smiling proudly on the inside. "Come on sweetie, let's get you a doctor." The queen went back to the king's side and wiped her tears with her handkerchief.

The towns people deeply appreciated their rulers and the navy for their hard work. People were praising them so much for taking care of them and their families. Jiwon had gotten up from the floor and walked behind her majesties to enter the carriage. People said many things to them as if they were gods who came down to save a poor soul.

When they got in, they closed the door and the queen and king wiped their tears and threw their handkerchiefs to the ground. They turned to see Jiwon who was now calm and smiling softly. "We knew we could trust you captain. Everyone was killed? Even the pirates, correct?"

"Yes my king. Everyone was killed when I threw that explosion, on another note I also killed a mermaid in the process. She was so gullible to even set a flipper onto our ship." Jiwon laughed.

"A mermaid you say?" The queen raised her eyebrow in curiosity, "I've heard that their scales are worth a fortune in other countries. Did you ever get scales from-"

E:U took out a small bag and waved it in front of them, "She was "shedding" her skin and left a few of them nearby a barrel, so i picked it up knowing it was valuable." Jiwon handed it to the queen as the queen gasped while opening the bag and saw shimmering light blue scales. It was a true beauty which was worth so much money.

The king extended his arm and said, "Not only did you complete the mission, but you made us extra rich. You will be rewarded greatfully." Jiwon extended her arm out and shaked hands with the king, making amends.

"Thank you so much your majesty. I will always be there whenever you need me." Jiwon smirked and sat back looking out the window.

"Once we get to the castle, immediately tend those wounds and I want you to come to dinner with us so we can discuss your rewards and how everything will be set. Is that clear?" The king looked at her with a glare while she nodded her head. "Great then." He stated lastly as the rest of the ride went smoothly and sliently

Jiwon was smiling on the outside, but on the inside she felt her stomach twist and turn with many feelings that she couldn't even understand what they meant. Everything felt different and weird to her, but she didn't understand why. She has grown up here so she had no reason to feel different. This is her home until she dies.

"Are you sure you're feeling alright Jiwon?" The queen asked her.

"Yes your majesty. I'm quite alright, it feels refreshing to be back home." Jiwon looked over to the queen and smiled at her. The queen nodded and looked back outside the window once more admiring the view.

A short while later they arrived at the castle and the servants immediately went to help out the queen and king climb out of the carriage meanwhile the rest were helping out Jiwon by carrying the stuff she had brought. "Thank you." She said softly to the man who grabbed her stuff.

The man just bowed and walked behind her. All of them walked inside the castle and said their goodbyes to get ready for dinner. Once she arrived at her room she collapsed on to the floor. "Ha- I can't believe I made it back alive. It was certainly amazing, right Aisha?" Jiwon looked at her right and saw a faint shadow of her.

In reality there was nothing there, she imagined that her crew mates were still alive. Jiwon sighed and walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower. "I'll go take a shower then Aisha, go back to your room." She smiled at nothingness and stood up, walking to the bathroom.

Jiwon was hallucinating her crew mates being alive even if they were dead. She felt empty on the inside as she soaked her body into the warm bath. Taking in an inhale from the warm scented vapor, she relaxed her body and closed her eyes.


uhm well...ehehe... that happened- i hope you're ready for the next chapter soon! the reward that the king and queen will give to Jiwon will be huge ;) i can't wait for the next few chapters! it's almost close to finishing

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