ᴄʜ. xxᴠɪ (ending)

50 7 0

TW: mention of blood, dead bodies !!


"Who the hell are you?!" Jiwon demanded an answer as she stood there, with her hand on her sword. She trembled so badly that the masked man noticed her and smirked. "ANSWER ME!" A yell left her lips as it echoed all throughout the room.

The figure kept coming closer and closer until his chest had the tip of the sword pointed straight at his heart. "I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU STEP ANOTHER STEP CLOSER!" Another yell left her mouth, her eyes wanderer all over the room and saw her loyal subjects shaking in fear.

More of the enemies came in through the door, wet patches of blood was shown on their black clothing. Dead bodies of the soldiers were all over the hallway. Jiwon was surrounded by enemies, all she could do was stand in her guard and wait a few minutes till reinforcements come soon.

All this tension made her anxious, she couldn't believe she was getting attacked in her own kingdom. Just when she got crowned.

The man took off the hat and mask, making Jiwon gasp in shock, she couldn't believe who it was. Shaking her head, she slowly put down her sword, "DON'T LOSE YOUR GUARD!!" The king yelled from the distance as Jiwon slowly raised back her sword almost like a puppet being controlled.

"Don't you recognize me Jiwon?" He smiled at her and twisted his head to the side. Jiwon never saw a man being so intimidating before, that is, until now. Everyone kept shaking in fear as the man glanced at everyone around him. "My my, are you all that scared of me?" He chuckled at every reaction he got.

"F-father. Why? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!" Her hands were shaking even more. She couldn't believe that her father was right there in front of her. Out of all the people that could've attacked, it had to be her father. But why? Why was he attacking her kingdom and threatening her? His own daughter?

"Why are you killing people?! Why are you doing this?!" A tear fell down her cheek as the father just laughed.

"Didn't your dear mother tell you what I worked in?" He smiled so delicately, yet his smile had so much venom behind it. "Should've known, she probably never told you about it just to keep me as a hero in your imagination." Another chuckle left his mouth.

He looked up at the sky and stated, "You innocent little soul, I hope you're resting well sweetie." Jiwon gulped, she hasn't told her father yet that her mother died when he left on an expedition.

Jiwon's mouth ran dry, all she could feel in her body was pure anger. "HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT MY MOTHER DIED?! YOU WEREN'T EVEN THERE!" Her father looked back at her and started laughing loudly. Jiwon's entire body was shaking in fear once again.

As his laughter died down he grabbed the sword and pulled his daughter closer, "Oh my dear daughter, I already knew that your mother died along with that other lady. In fact I was the one that killed her." A vicious smirk played in his face.

Memories flashed through her eyes remembering that same expression from a long time ago. That smirk when he looked at Jiwon and Jongho after he killed both of their mothers.

"You wanna know what their last words were?" He pushed the sword aside from his path as he walked right past her, "Your mother told me that she regretted having a kid with me, and that if I ever see you to tell you that she's sorry. Her friend just cried out that boys name until her last breath." He walked up to the throne where the king and queen were and stared at them.

They were both shaking in fear, "GET YOUR FUCKED UP FATHER JIWON!" The king swore at her as the father reached in and grabbed his collar pulling him to his feet.

"What did you call me? Come on dear brother, what did you just say to me?"

The girl spun around with wide eyes, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BROTHER?!" Jiwon couldn't believe what she just heard. All the people in the room were all gasping and started talking all at once.

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