Chapter 7: Olivia

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I can't believe that our parents forbade us from being together and my dad locked me up in my room on Asgard! He temporarily relieved hiemdall of duty on the gates and instead is keeping them locked so no one can run away to earth.

I know that they are trying to find a way to keep us out of danger while they deal with Loki , but we really need to help. They locked Patrick up in a cell because they think that he is guilty of something or other. But really the only thing he is 'guilty' of is being Loki's son. That is no reason to lock him up! Especially since he is the one who told us about Loki in the first place!

I need to find a way to get out of here and back to earth. First thing first, I need to get out of my room. But how? I have 17 guards waiting outside my door! There is no way that I can beat them all, without alerting my dad that I escaped. Then I turn around and see it. A window in the back corner of my room. I know that my dad can use his hammer to let him fly by spinning it fast enough. It is a very difficult thing to do and I have never even tried. There is no way that I will make it if I try. Even if I could fly, my hammer isn't in the room with me and if i signalled it someone would notice.

I decide to risk it. I hold out my hand, willing the hammer to come as stealthily as possible, hopefully though the window and not the door where all of the guards are standing. A minute or so later my hammer comes whistling in through the window with a loud bang as it shatters the glass. I run and hide my hammer beside my bed and close the curtains of the broken window. I quickly drop a glass vase on the ground just as a guard comes in to check what the noise was.

"Sorry! I just dropped my vase! I'll fix it, don't worry." I tell him. He eyes me suspiciously then closes the door. I let out a deep breath.

I run to the window and throw the curtains open. I grab my hammer and stand on the window ledge. Alright. Now or never. If I mess this up I'm pretty hurt, plus dad will kill me. Here goes nothing.

I close my eyes and dive out the window. I throw my hand, that is holding my hammer, in the air and spin the hammer furiously. To my surprise I begin to rise. It actually works! I begin to laugh then realize that soon people will start to notice me so I steer myself over to the prison building. I drop down quietly and walk over to the doors.

I open the doors just a crack and begin to throw pebbles in. The guards all come running towards the door. Before they can do anything I throw my hammer in and knock them all away. By the time that I enter the room all of the guards are knocked out and all of the prisoners are cheering and banging on the walls of their prison, asking me to let them out.

I walk right passed all of them to the end of the row of cells. I open up the last cell, which contains the one person I came for, Patrick.

"Took you long enough!" He says to me.

"Sorry! They locked me up too!" I reply "now hurry up! These guards won't be knocked out forever!" I grab his hand and lead him to the bridge. Usually I would continue to the end of it and have Hiemdell take me to earth. But since he is off duty, I use my backup route. I push Patrick off of the bridge and he falls 50 feet not the water below. I jump down and follow him.

"What the hell was that for?" He shouts.

"Shh! Not so loud!" I say " follow me!" I swim towards a boat located underneath the bridge. I hop in and pull him up in after me.

"Great! Now what? We paddle to earth?" He asks sarcastically.

"No stupid. There's a portal that your dad used to use that Is just over there. I use it all the time to get to earth when dad puts Asgard on lockdown." I tell him. I turn i the motor and we glide towards the portal. Just before we crash into a set of rocks the air around us turns to light.

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