chapter 51 - just a friend

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10 Hours Away | Harry Styles AU

chapter 51 - just a friend

Walking back to our apartments, I realized I felt much better than the last few days. Talking to Carter had helped me and I was glad he could offer me guidance and comfort when I needed it the most. We had a special bond, and I was sure plenty of people had no idea we were so close.

Carter hugged me before we parted ways. He went to his home while I managed to drag myself to Mia's front door.

Multiple times I almost knocked on her door, but I stopped myself from touching it. I had no idea how I was going to start the conversation – did she even want to talk to me? I had been uncommonly distant towards her, which could've persuaded her to decide I wasn't worthy of her friendship anymore.

All the thinking had distracted me from reality because I hadn't noticed Mia had opened the door of her apartment.

"Liz." she said, sounding astounded.

"Hey, Mia." I greeted her quietly.

"W-What are you doing here?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to talk to me." I spoke up. I was impressed by the fact I pronounced those words with ease.

"Yeah, yeah, of course." Mia stepped away and gestured me to come inside, so I did. "Do you want something to drink? Coffee? Tea?" she questioned me in a hurry.

"Tea would be great." I voiced.

"Tea it is then." she confirmed while she unbuttoned her coat – I guess she was planning on going somewhere before I barricaded her entrance.

"We need to talk about something.." I began.

"Yeah, we do." Mia said, trailing off.

"I should have walked away from you during New Year's Eve." I let her know truthfully. The furrowed brows showed me she wasn't expecting an apology from me, but I was going to give one to her anyway. "Seeing you with Logan was weird – and it somehow still confuses me – but I bumped into Harry on the ground floor which is why I couldn't face you."

"No way. Harry showed up?" Mia asked with a puzzled tone.

I gave her a brisk nod. "I didn't know he was going to come by. He had promised Dylan he was going to stay home, but I guess he showed up nonetheless." I explained hurriedly, almost out of breath. "When Dylan and Isaac saw him, they told him to go but he didn't want to so they asked me what I wanted but I couldn't think straight.. That's when I panicked. And when I rushed to my apartment, I spotted Logan and you making out which messed with my head even more. I-I just had to get out. Had to be left alone. So that's why I didn't open the door and talked to you. That's why I have been ignoring your calls and texts and avoiding everyone who had caused my head to spin that night."

She sat down next to me on her couch. "I get why you didn't want to talk to me, Liz. And, honestly, I don't blame you for shutting the door right in my face." Mia declared. "Whatever happened that night was just too much. And I am sorry for playing a part in it."

"No, Mia, I don't want you to apologize." I replied. "You did nothing wrong."

"I did something wrong, Liz. I have been sneaking around with Logan and you caught me that night. I should've been honest with you instead of keeping it a secret because then you wouldn't have ignored me for days – which I deserved."

"I'm sorry for being the type of person who just disappears after something happens."

Mia grinned warmly at me. "That's just who you are, Liz."

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