Chapter 14

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Graces Pov:

I was so embarrassed right now. Aaron was just staring at me, with those icy blue eyes. I could get lost in them. "Lets see... where do I start." I said. "How about the part where you even thought of the plan". Aaron said. I tried to look at ava for help but she was half sleep. "Weeeeell, after you guys left. I walked into the house, spoke to her parents. Told them how life was treating without actually telling them how life was treating me. Ran upstairs spoke to Megan. Ava's little sister btw." "Your gonna love her Luke." He smiled when I those words came out my mouth. "Grace." Aaron said. I could tell his patience's was running thin. " Ok ok fine." I said rolling my eyes. "I had a rough day ok." I said annoyed. "How the hell did ya'll even get in. You have to be over 21." Aaron asked. "Well how hell did you two get in." I said, reversing the roles. "Grace just tell us why." Luke asked. "My dad has had his moments in life and this one actually bothered me. I didn't care that he was beating on me or causing me emotional pain.  My mom was my bestfriend. She loved everything about me and loved my father too. She loved Ava and Avas parents. She loved all my friends. She was the sweetest. She lit up a room whenever she walked in. If it wasn't for my mom. Me and Ava wouldn't even be besties. She basically was my twin, we were so similar in many ways and I looked just like her. "I begin to tear up. Ava looks at me "its ok baby." Ava said while hugging me.

"And I find out this piece of shit, had my mom killed because he's not man enough to fight his battles."  The more I thought about it, the more the anger grew inside me. I was ready to knock him clean out. Ms. Mary broke the silence. Here are the burgers and the milkshakes. "yall ok." she asked. Looking a little worried. "yea just a rough night." I said. "ok honey." she said and kissed me on the cheek. I missed my mom so much. "Ava wake up." Luke said touching her cheek. "Yay food "digging into her burger with no hesitation. "Aaron, don't hurt my father." "please, I wanna handle him myself." I said. A confused look grew on his face. "Fine, but if he touches you again. I swear he's dead." We ate our burgers and drunk our milkshakes. Aaron payed for the meals and Luke walked us to the car this time Ava in shotgun and Luke driving. I sat in the back waiting for Aaron. I checked my phone while I waiting. Bella texted me. "ofc" I hearted the message. Megan also texted. "Wanna watch movies wen you girls get back." "Ofc I said were otw back now." "awesome" its almost 1 why is she still up. Aaron got in the car and and I layed on him. "Your clothes are in the back." he whispered in my ear. He started rubbing my scalp and I was fast asleep.

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