chapter 26

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I turn the music down and asked belle the question I've been dying to know.

"So belle, What's the surprise". Everyone's confused face to why I turned the music down turned into a eager look. Belle face grew a grin. "Should I give a hint" she says. "NO" Katie yells. "Tell us" Zoe says. "No I think I want you guys to guess." she says rubbing her hands. "Ok, what is the hint" I asked. "Should I make it easy or hard" she questions. "easy" I say were only 8 minutes away. "OK OK fine" she says rolling her eyes. "Hmmm let me think" she pauses for a second as her wheels turn. Her lightbulb flicked and she said. "what is it called when a certain class travels somewhere for the weekend or week." "OUU SENIOR TRIP" Ava shouts, her face brightness and she smiles ear to ear.

Belle shakes  her head yes and everyone shouts in excitement. "When" Ava adds, "Where" Zoe ask. "would we have to fly" Amy asked. "Girls relax" Belle says. "I can't share many details if I don't know many details, all I know is we raised enough money at our last fundraiser we can afford a senior trip. "I'm so excited" I say. "how long" Katie asked.

"Like I said Girl" Belle swats at Katie. " I don't know, many details. The trip might be soon tho because the quarter is coming to an end" Belle said. "Aww how sad" I said making a sad face. "What are we going to do guys" Ava asked. I can't rememeber the last time Ava and I split ways, it's been so long. Ever since I lost my mom Ava has been my comfort buddy. We would like to go to a college in the same state so were not to far. "We'll figure it out, you guys let's just worry about tonite." Belle says. "How much longer" Amy whined. "Only 10 more mins, I'm catching all the nights tonite" I respond.

"This back to school shit better be worth it" Zoe says. "It can't be so bad" belle says. I hope Aaron was coming. Ugh why was this so hard for me. Fuck Anthony for running for my future husband. wherever he is. "Can we change the song" Amy asked. I put on K pistol and everyone was distracted and dancing again.

"And we're here" I said. "I always forget how big this house is" Katie says. "We still need to figure out this shoe company" Ava says. "Too who's leading the way" I say smiling. "Nose goes" I say. I'm the first one to reach for my nose followed by Ava then Zoe then Bella then Amy. Katie is last. "Aw damnit" she says while slapping her knee. Me and Belle make eye contact and chuckle.

"Fineeeee let's go everyone" Amy says. We all freshen up one last time before we walk in. "Anybody have some lipgloss, I must've forgot mine at home" Belle says.  "Here". Ava says passing her lip gloss. "Thank you" belle responds. "Is everyone finally ready" Zoe says. "Yea girl come on" I say pushing Katie forward. Here we go 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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