chapter 24

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Grace pov:

"Ok first we need to get snacks" i said and she drove us. "Grace can I ask you something." she says. A little nervous about what topic we were about to talk about. "Sure" I responded. "Do you ever think that the boys could possibly kill someone" she says. Curious to why she is talking about this. "Uh no" I said. Her face changed emotions. "I just get nervous you know" she says. "I know Ava, I would hate to lose them" I said. Her mood changed. "Not like that ava, I just hate to lose them" I said. She pouted and continued to drive. "Glad to see you and Luke made up" I said teasing her. "Something told me give him another chance and were gonna have to work on communication." she says. "Well good, there not so bad" I said. "Are you gonna give Aaron a chance" She asked. I paused before responding needing time to think.

Did I want to give Aaron a chance? Its not that I didn't. I just cant take another heavy load anymore. Anthony ruined it for my love future. "Ava I don't know" I said. I could tell she was frustrated with this response. "Why not Grace, He's ready to give you the world." she says. "Ava we said that about Anthony too and looked how that turned out. I said. "Aaron is much more better then Anthony in the beginning already."

she says actually making good point. "what about Cora, I've already expressed my dislikes for her and yet he's stilllllll helping her" I said. "Grace.. one Aaron is more mature then us so maybe that's childish to him and two he always puts Cora in her place when she oversteps and three the boy could be confused cause your sending mixed signals." she says. "Ava I can not afford another heart ache". She paused and her face grew soft. "I know baby". The car ride was silent until we got to the grocery store.

Walking in and grabbing a cart "Ok what's first" she asked. "Uhh fruits" we went over to the produce section and grabbed bananas, strawberries and oranges. "Ok now chips" I said. "What chips" she asked. "Get lays, Doritos, cool ranch Doritos, barbara cue lays oh and cheese puffs". She heads in that direction, and I split off from her to get drinks. I grabbed fruit punch, grape punch, and grabbed some apple juice. I tried stacking them on a water case but it was to heavy I'll I have to get ava to come back.

I went to chip the ile only to find Ava staring at the cookies. "Can we get some please" she says with her puppy dog eyes. "Ugh fine only 2 tho" she garbs oreos and chocolate chip. I put all the drinks in the cart and next move was water. "Cmon I need a case of water" I said. "Ok lift on three" Ava says. " 1..2..3" I said. We placed it under the cart and dust ourselves off. "Ok now sweets" I said and Ava got all excited. "Ahh my favorite" she says. " how many do we get" she asked. "3 and 1 pack of baked cookies and I'm gonna go grab the milk" I said. I left her with the sweet picking because she always gets good favorites. A whole gallon or a half I asked myself. "Fancy seeing you here" a familiar voice says. I jumped a little bit and turned my head. "I didn't mean to scare you" Adam said.

"I'm sorry where have I seen you before" I said a little confused. He looks familiar but I couldn't match faces with name. "Ah I see, Its Adam from the club". I remember now I smiled.

and nodded before I remember how he disrespected me. I try to turn around but he talks to me again. "I wanted to apologize for my behavior that night, It was extremely rude and I am not proud of it" My face brightens as at least he had the decency to apologize. "You are forgiven we both had one to many drinks" I said. "Let me make up for it by taking you out for dinner." Aaron would kill me and him, all tho a date with mystery man from the club could be fun, oh but Aaron, and ava would kill me. "I must politely decline your offer" I say he face drops but offers another offer, "well let me get your number and maybe you'll change your mind."

A number won't hurt, not like I'll actually text him. I gave him my number and tried to escape again. "I'll call you" he says while waving me goodbye. Why do I feel so guilty about giving him my number. My mind racing and I completely forgot we were still at the store. "What's wrong baby you look like you just seen a ghost" Ava says, bringing me back to reality. "Huh, oh im fine" I say . "Come on now I don't wanna be in hre all day" she says pushing me to the front. We went to self checkout and scanned the groceries fast as possible. "No way we just spent 150 on groceries" I said. "We better eat all this damn food too" she says swiping her card.

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