Chapter 11

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Aaron pov -
Me and the boys decided we didn't wanna go to school today since I had to handle something this moring. I was in the office doing some business work falling in my dad's footstep, I needed money from different places but I deciding to take a break and check on the boys, walking out of my office I heading downstairs to the kitchen and living room. Mark and Alex were playing the xbox playing gta 5, "Wassup boss" they said. "Shutup boys". I see Mrs.Mary working on lunch, "Hi Mrs.Mary, what are we having", I said all excited because I was hungry, "Burgers and Milkshakes honey", she said in her little southern accent. "Yummy" I said and winked. I hear the boys scream in excitement. I laughed, wusses I thought. I headed down the hall way to see what Matthew was doing, I knocked on his door, He was studying. "Whatcu up to nerd." "Studying for this test". "Matthew its Friday why would you study", I said. He looked at me and started laughing "Dumbass", he said, while throwing a mini basketball at me, and I threw it in the hoop. "KOBE" I yelled. I shut the door and left him alone to go to jakes room, Jake was not there. Hes probably in the pool, he used to swim a lot before he joined us. Headed towards Luke's room, Luke came running out "we got a problem." he said looking nervous. "What is it" I said. "Grace needs help" When those words came out of his mouth my heart dropped, please don't be hurt.

"Let's go" Anger filled inside of me as grabbed my car keys and ran out the door before I left I said "Ms.Mary you're in charge ill be back". "Boss, you need help." jake said, running inside and the rest of the guys behind him. "Na, I got luke, but we'll call if we need y'all, and y'all better be ready" I demanded. I got in the car, and Luke drove to Ava's house. "Ok now tell me what the fuck happened", I asked.

"I was on facetime with Ava, when Ava looked out her window and saw a bunch of cars coming into the neighborhood, and then she gasped and said Grace is in trouble and then Grace texted her, saying don't come to my house and don't bring anyone", Luke said. Almost to there neighborhood , I texted Ava and said hurry up were outside. Ava came rushing out there and Luke got out and helped Ava in the car, and they both sat in the back seat. "Hey Ava." I said kinda rushing into the car. "Aaron, you guys have to save her." she said. Luke was trying to calm her down, She knows something that we don't. "I promise im not gonna let anything happen to her." I said. "Someone needs to go get her." I said. "We can't her father is too dangerous", Ava said with a nervous look. If this is the person causing pain in her life, he's a dead man. We waited about 30 minutes before she came out the house all scared. I wanted to get out the car first but Ava beat me to it . Ava rushes out the car and gave her a hug, With me and Luke sitting in the car, I noticed she was bleeding. "Is she bleeding", Luke asked. "Luke". I said Already annoyed. She looks upset, All I wanted to do was make her pain go away. They were talking to each other before they heard something.

They came running to the car and I got out to help her, I gave her my jacket I was wearing. I helped her get in, Then Luke asked the dumbest question "Yo what happened to you." I looked at him, but something even more shocking she lied to him. "Nothing, im fine". I was frustrated I couldn't help her. "It's okay, I trust them", Ava said. We loaded in the car and I started driving randomly because I didn't want anyone to see her. It was silent until Grace said something, "My father has been abusing me since my mother passed away" I looked at her for a second. That son of a bitch is dead. Focusing on the road and Grace, she said some more. "My father is in a gang." That's where I notice him, Me and Luke made eye contact as he was gonna be a problem later on. Focusing on Grace's Words, she said, "And my mother's death was no accident." I grabbed her hand, I heard Ava crying. It was silent for a few minutes before I spoke up. "I can't let you go back to that house, Not with your father there , Not with those guys there." she looked at me like I was crazy or something. "Aaron i'll be fine", she said. This girl is crazy, if she think I'm letting her go back in there. " He's right, You can stay at my house, it'll be a sleepover like we used to have." Ava said. "What about my stuff." Grace questioned. "I'll go get it, Me and Luke." I said. "No way, you can't go in there." Grace said. "We'll be fine, we can handle our selves." Luke said. "please let them go", Ava begged. "Fine but be careful he has a gun." She said and looked kinda worried. Then A noise went off, it was from their group chat. Bella, their friend, asking where they were.

I was still mad that her father put his hands on her, and he owed me money. I couldn't tell her that I knew him and that he owed me money it would pain her, That's the last thing I wanna cause. "Aaron im ok, don't hurt my dad." Grace said. I wanted to do more than hurt her dad but I will listen for now. " I won't and I will do anything in my power to protect you." When I said those words, she kinda had a smile. "Ava what's your address, so I can drop y'all off." I asked. She gave me the address and I drove there fast So I could go get Grace's things. We got out the car and Me and Luke made sure the girls were ok. Ava told Luke to be careful and kissed him, Me and grace looked at each other and laughed. Grace told me to be careful and kissed me on the cheek. Luke and I watched the girls go into the house, and they watched us drive off. "Luke I wanna kill him." I said. "wait till we get the money" Luke said, "Boss hes a dead son of a bitch." Luke said. We started laughing. What the hell and I going to do now.

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