Chapter 12

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Aaron's Pov -

We got to the house and the guys from before were gone. "Looks like they dipped", Luke said. I knocked on the door just to warn him were coming in. "Dumbass" Luke said. Then he yelled " I DON'T HAVE YOUR FUCKING MONEY". Luke looked mad, only because he didn't have the money. Luke busted down the door. "Why the fuck do you not have my money", I said. "That money was for your dad son, and he's retired. I don't owe you any money." He said. Luke punched him across his mouth.

"Hey, we told her we wouldn't", I said. "You spoke to that bitch", he said. now I was furious. I punched him over and over until Luke pulled me off. "What happened to no." Luke said. He spit out blood and said, "I'll get you your money, just leave my house, And tell her to come home." Christian said. "I want my fucking money christian." Luke said. "She's not coming home, not till you stop putting your hands on her, or I kill you the next time I see you." I said. He sat there wounded, just holding his self. "Where is her room", I asked. "You don't need to know because you're gonna bring her the hell home", he said. Before I could punch him Luke beat me to it. "Down the hall" he said and spit out blood.

"You don't need to pack her things boy, she will come home. I'll go get her myself." Christian said. "No you wont" Luke said looking at him. "She's at ava's house isnt she. Ava looked real good this morning." Christian said with a smirk. I hear a repeated smacks and I think Luke is trying to kill him. "Knock it off Luke." I said.

I walked to her room towards the back and, it was peach and white. She's so adorable . I went to her closet and grabbed a duffle bag that had vs on it. I went to the drawers and grabbed her things. Like her underwear and bras clothes. I grabbed her some shorts and jeans and some tank tops and shirts, even tho her shorts were short and some of her tops were cropped and I didn't want other people looking her. I placed it in the bag as nice as I could. I went to her bathroom, which was across the hall. I grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste, and I grabbed her brush and hairties, her hair is always in a ponytail for some reason. I went back to her room and grabbed her perfumes. I grabbed her a blanket and pillow, folded how my mother taught me. Double checking, I grabbed everything, oh shit I forgot shoes going back to her closet. Damn, she knows her shoes. I grabbed the jordan's concord and some white vans she had. Heading out of her room ive noticed something. It was a picture of A women, grace and christen. This must be her mom. She looked just like her mom. I put the picture in her bag. I walked into the living room where Luke was just watching Christian.

"Luke let's go its getting dark." I said, Luke walking out the door pissed as fuck "You better have my fucking money in a week." Luke said, Looking at him with death eyes. "You're a dead man" I said, walking out the door slamming. Getting in the car driving on to the road heading towards "Don't tell Ava or Grace , that her dad owes us money. I don't want her stressing." I said. "I gotchu" Luke said. The ride was silent, Im still pissed about what he said about grace and Luke pissed about the money. We pulled up to her house, It was dark outside. Luke texted Ava and said were outside. Then Luke yelled " WHAT THE FUCK." . "WHAT" I YELLED, "There not home there at a club" Luke said. "WHAT THE HELL, where." I said, she's going to be the death of me. "I'm calling the boys see if anyone knows any clubs open at this time." Luke said. "do you know any clubs open at this time." Luke said over the phone "hurry up and think." I said. "Oh yea club Midnight." Alex said. "WHERE IS IT." I yelled. "I'm sending the address boss" Alex said. "Do you need any help." Matthew said. "Na we got it." I said.

"It's fucking 20 minutes away," I said. "Den lego" Luke said. I was speeding the down the highway when we hit the club, there was a line heading in, but I knew the guy so he let us in. Going in it was pitch back with flashing lights. Luke and I were looking all over then, Then Luke yelled for me, There was this guy all over Ava . "Get the fuck off" Luke yelled. "Lets go Ava" Luke said while grabbing her. "I don't wanna go" she said trying to focus her eyes. She was drunk you can tell. "She doesn't wanna go" The same guy said while grabbing Luke. I punched him the face, why the fuck does he think he can step like that. "Where's Grace" I asked Ava, "She said.. she said she was going to the bathroom." I gave Luke the keys and told him to wait in the car. Ava and him started walking to the car. Nobody cared that we was yelling, they acted as if it happens all the time. I dashed to the bathroom, and I saw her just standing at the door, she looked good in this red dress with nude heels. Then I see she's talking to a guy, they were smiling and laughing. "Grace" I yelled. "What" she said. "What are you doing here." "Trying to party duh" "Were leaving now" "Who said" "Me I did so lets go" "No I wanna stay." She burped every sentence, she was drunk too, "Leave her alone man besides she's mine."the guy said just eyeing her down. I looked at him "Shut the hell up, she's not an object." I said. "Im not even yours Aaron." she said. "I wanna go with him." she said laughing. "Grace were leaving now." I said. "No, Im staying with the pretty boy." I just looked at her, she's fucking crazy. I get distracted when Luke asked if I'm on the way because Ava just threw up. I texted him give me a minute she's being stubborn. I turn my head back to Grace as she looks uncomfortable wen the guy moves closer. "Hey what the fuck are you doing." She said, as he slides his hands up her dress. "Get off her." I pushed him to the ground and gave him one good punch to make him stay down.

"Let's go grace, NOW." I said angry. What was she thinking, she wasn't in her right mind set, She was drunk on a Friday and almost got rapped, we hurried in the car and Ava was inside laying down and Luke was on the outside. Grace ran to the car and sat with Ava .Luke was driving and I was in shotgun. Leaving the club it was silent, "let's get them something to eat." Grace said. before I could get a word out Ava said. "Could you take us Yogurt land" "They have the best burgers" Ava said. "yes, then yall can tell us why the hell y'all went to a club" I said . Grace looked pretty nervous at that moment. Yogurt land was almost closed, Luke and I gave the girls our jacket and when we got inside they ran to then older woman, She looked at us anger " What did you do to them." "It's not there fault." Grace said. "It's ours" Ava said while falling asleep in the lady arms. "I'll get y'all your favorite burgers have a seat in your booth." Ava and Grace ran to a booth in the corner to the left. Before we went to sit down the lady stopped us. "Thank you". We shook our heads as a sign of saying no problem. We sat down in the booth and Luke said. "So who wants to go first." Luke said. Ava looked at grace and said "She can, I need to sober up." We all started laughing and I looked at her and said, "Tell me why."

She rolled her eyes and smiled at me. She has a pretty smile.

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