chapter 23

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Aaron Pov:

Why did I hate to see her go but love to watch her leave, everything about her drives me crazy. My thoughts were interrupted by Luke. "Close your mouth" he says while laughing, I punched his arm and we walked to meet the rest of the guys. "What were you and Cora talking about" Alex asked. "Her reminding me she has to help set up tonight" I said. I watch as Jake and Matthew roll there eyes. "Do we have to" Jake groans. "Yes quick and easy" I said. "Are we staying" Matthew asked. "I don't know yet" I answered.

For a moment we talked about normal teenage stuff. Grades, classes the people we thought looked funny. Cracking jokes with one another. While the boys are talking with eachother Luke turns to me "have you thought of a plan yet" He asked. "I'm having someone watch the house". "Aaron if he touches Ava I" I cut him off before he could finish. "I know Luke I know". "Luke we have it under control even if shit does pop off" I said. "What about grace, she will be mad when she finds out" he says. " I hate hiding it from her but it's for the better" I said

The bell rung and it was time for us to go to our next class, as we were leaving the table I made the announcement to meet me at Cora's house. "Luke check ava location for me I think her and grace are together" I said. "There driving around right now" he says. I texted Grace while walking to my next class and Mark caught up to me. "Personally boss I think this would be a good move for us to go to the party, scout out the new students get to know them." Mark says. "Mark, are you just trying to get drunk again" I asked while laughing. "no boss of course not" he said while dragging me into class.

"Good evening Aaron and Mark" Mr.Evens says. "I have moved seats, Mark your over there and Aaron your right here". "Mr.Evens are you sure it's necessary to move Aaron and I we work well as a team" Mark states. "I believe you need to meet new people, I have partnered you with who I believe you would best work with". Why am I not surprised to see Cora sitting next to me and Julia right next to mark. "Oh my hell" Mark says. "Is there anyway I can get a new seating arrangement" I asked. "She's not so bad Aaron" Mr.Evens says. He walks off and I turn and face Mark, "Grace is gonna kill me" I say grabbing my face. "I got your back" Mark says.

Why why why. Just why, I couldn't seat with anybody else in this whole classroom

Cora waving to me already. "Cora did you ask him to switch seats" I said. "And if I did" she responded. "Cora you can not force yourself into my life, I understand your just trying to get to know me better but please this is very unattractive." I say. "Grace does it" she whines. "No she does not, if anything I'm more into her then she is to me." I say "Aaron she's practically on her knees for you" she says. "Cora, I will ruin your life you don't need me" I say. Her eyes light up

Uh oh did I say something wrong. "That won't hurt anybody" she responds. Before I could respond Mr.Evens does. "Ok class lets begin". Please hurry up class. Within seconds I shut my eyes and fall asleep. "Aaron wake up class is over" Cora says while tapping me on my head.

"Silly you slept through the whole thing" she said. "Come on bro last class" Mark says as we walk out. "Why do I have to be next to her." I said. "Her friend is not any better" he responds. "I couldn't get your attention either because you were sleep the whole damn time" he says. "You know you're lucky we didn't have anybody in that class we had a problem with or else you could've been gone" he adds. "Just needed a nap" I said. "Don't forget your taking me home" Cora texted me. "Why did I agree to take her home" I said showing Mark the text. "I don't know bro, You want me to ride with you" he ask. "Yea that would be great." I said. "Whats your next" I asked. "Math" he said rolling his eyes. " Mr.Andrews is pretty cool don't stress it" I said. "I'll catch you later" he says. "Alright Peace" I said.

I should check in with grace. 'Hey you ok?". "Yoo" Jake says, "Wassup Wassup"

"Hi Katie" I said. "Hi Aaron" she says walking off. "Hmm so you like" I asked. "Shes perfect, what I needed some inner peace, some who reminded I'm a kid still" he says. "Ay now don't go soft on me" I said while laughing. "Never that" he says while laughing. I look around the class and No Cora. Thank god. "Hi boys how are we today" Mr.Andrew ask us. "Were good" I say and we take our seats in the back. The bell rings and class begins "Where's Alex" I whisper. Jake shrugs his shoulders. "Excuse me Mr.Andrew, may I be excused to the restroom" I ask. "Did you not have any time before class" she says. "Uh no". "Hurry up" I left the classroom and searched for Alex, he's the youngest out of all of us so we all pay close attention to him.

I few minutes go by and I'm roaming the halls. I don't see him anywhere, I check his location and it says he's still at the school. Whatever I'll catch him later. I walk back to class and tell Jake no luck. The class went by fast and I was glad for it. Finally I can go home. I find the boys and still no sign of Alex. "Has anyone seen Alex" I ask as we make our way to exit the school. "Yea he's with Zoe in the library" Matthew says. "Hmm skipping class" I said. "Lets get him" Luke says with a grin. "Chill lets let him have his fun" I say. As we walk out of the school just catching one another up. I'm greeted by Cora. Fuck I forgot. "Hi pumpkin are you ready" she says. The boys look at me and laugh. "Hush, everyone meet me there" I say. "Uh actually I only need you" she says, grabbing me. "He's not going anywhere with you by himself" Luke says, removing me from her hold. "Why not" she says pouting. "You might rape him" Matthew says. I laugh but she did not find that funny. "The party doesn't start till 8 and it's only 3. I just need him to take me home and drop some stuff off." she says.

"And like Luke said he's not going anywhere by himself, I will be joining" Matthew says. "Oh yay" she says sarcastically. "Ok everyone load up" I said. "I'll meet yall back at the house"

"Cora send me the address" I asked. "Shotgun" Matthew says running to my car. "Aaron stop him" she whines. "You didn't think you were sitting in the front did you" I asked and laughed. "Uh actually I did" she added. "No sir" Matthew says as I unlock the car. "Great your 12 out" I said. "Yup maybe I'm not to far from your house" she says. Matthew rolls his eyes and I start driving. "No music" she asked. "Hand me the aux". "Uh no" I said. "Youre so lame Aaron."she adds. "This is the last car ride for you , you complain to much" I said. She turns and faces her head out the window.

I drive for a minute and we finally made it. I should call grace. I check my phone and she texted me back a few minutes ago. "Can you help me bring the boxes in" she ask matthew. "Ay you asked Aaron to help not me" he says. "Matthew help the girl" I say. I call grace and hope she picks up. "Hello" she says.


"Grace you okay"

"Yes Aaron im okay, Where are you"

"Uh outside cora house dropping off these boxes them im out"

"Hmm I see"

"House look okay, Should I stop by"

"Aaron if you miss me just say that"

"Ok maybe I miss you"

"Was that so hard"

"Yes, im not a emotional person"

"Well thank you, I miss you. You don't needa stop by you'll see me tonite"

"Ok fine fine"

"I'll let you know when me and the girls are on the way"

"Okay, I gotta go Aaron"

"Ok bye be safe"

"Aaron you be safe and smart"


She hangs up and i'm back in reality. "Are you done being a simp" Matthew teases. "Oh don't be jealous" I said. "I'm not, me and bella in fact are planning on hanging out tonight at the party." he adds. "Or Matthew you could hang out with Olivia and Aaron you could hangout with me" Cora says. Before I could say anything Matthew beats me to it. "Hard pass" I laugh and cora rolls her eyes. "Do you need anymore help or are we free to go" I ask. "Oh don't act like i'm bothering you" she says. "Your free to go but be here by 6:30 to help set up" she adds. "Fine" I groan. "C'mon Matthew" I say.  we load up and I put in my address back home. Great A 20 minute drive.

"So you like bella" I say. "yea she's good people" he says. "Matthew I know how you are with relationships, don't hurt this girl. give her a chance" I say. "I will try" he says. "Thats all I ask" I said.

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