Chapter 13

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Grace pov:

After the guys left Ava and I went inside. "Hello Mr. and Ms. Johnson, thank you for letting me spend the night." "Of course Grace you're always welcome" Ms, Johnson said. "You girls head upstairs chat a little whatever you girls do." Mr. Johnson said. Ava and I ran up the stairs, I went to go see her little sister Megan, Megan was such a sweet girly she was 13 in the 8th grade. "Hey Megan". she ran and jumped into my arms, "You're here, you're really here." She said. "ok get down." Ava said. "I missed you Grace." Megan said as I put her down, I gave her a big hug and said "I missed you more.". "Megan we'll be in my room and you need anything" Ava said. Megan jumped on her bed and played on her iPad watching a movie on her tv. Ava and I went to her room and I jumped on her bed, "So since when have you and Luke been dating." I asked. "Bitchhhh, we not dating yet but I really like him." She said all excited. "You can tell he likes you back" I said. "You can" she asked. "Duhhh, y'all almost made out the hell." I said. "Ok so what about you and Aaron" she asked. " Aaron's cute and all but we never really taken intreats into eachother." I said. Aaron was really cute and so sexy, He did not look 18, he looked like a grown ass man.

"What about your walk." she asked. "Ok well, we just talked about him getting here, and yes he's really in a gang" she cut me off and looked shocked. "Wait all of them." "Yes, all six of them and Aaron's the leader, Then my dad came out and girlllll when I tell you it looked like he was ready to kill my dad." "Luke does that too, it's fucking crazy." "At least we know why." I said. "There protective as hell. Ava said. "You know what we should do." I said. "What" she asked. "Go to the club, ya know club midnight." I said. "Hell yea" Ava said. "We need something different." She said. "Lets get ready, I need to borrow a dress and some heels." I said laughing. "Well duh bitch you not going behind me looking like that." She said. We went over to Megan's room to ask for help to distract the parents. Megan agreed and ran off downstairs to distract the parents. She did a pretty damn good job too they weren't even focused on us making so much noise upstairs. Ava and I both took showers, Then we got dressed she gave me this short tight velvet red dress with nude heels. Ava had on a sliver dress that was tight and showed off her curves. "Damn, bestie you look good" I said. "Look at you sexy ass bitch" Ava said. We started laughing and took a couple pictures.

Going downstairs, we peeked to see what Megan was doing with. She was making a cake, she told them to go wash there hands and we dashed out the back door. "I love your sister she's literally the best" I said, wishing I had a younger sibling. "She's alright sometimes" Ava said rolling her eyes. I ordered us an uber even tho it was a 10 minute walk, we did not wanna walk that far in heels. "Ava sit in the back with me" I said. She gave me the puppy dogs eyes and was upset when I rolled mine. "Where to ladies" the uber driver said. "Club midnight please" I said. "Okie dokie." she said, she was a lovely women who also looked tired she must if been driving all night. "You girls look awesome" she said Ava and I looked at each other and said thanks. We got to the club and I grave her a 5 dollar tip just cause I was feeling spicy tonite. It was only 11:00 o'clock when we got there so the line wasn't long. It was about a 5 minute wait until we got in. We walked in Ava and I favorite song came on. No guidance by Chris Brown feat. Drake. We looked at each other and ran to the dance floor. Us dancing with each other not giving a care in the world about anything, just minding our business and doing our own thing. Once the song was over, we walked off into a booth and was recording each other and posting it on snap.

Then bella texted us, "You girls are in trouble". "Sorry honey we love you" Ava texted. putting her phone down at the table , Ava went to go get drinks and I stayed back to watch our stuff. "Whats a pretty lady like you, doing by yourself." a man said. "Oh, I'm not by myself." I said not paying any attention about him. "Well do you mind if I join yall." he asked. Was he serious, what if I was with a guy. Lucky I'm with a female. "Actually yea we do mind we want a girls night" I said looking at him, as I turn my head his body spoke to me. He looked Hispanic, with brown eyes and brown hair. He was wearing a button up shirt with some black dress pants. He looked kinda good, "Actually you can stay." I said. He sat down and we starting talked, of course I lied about my age because duh. Ava came back with drinking with a surpised looked, "who's this" she asked. "This is Adam." I said before he could. "Hello sexy" Ava said, "You don't happened to have a friend do you" she asked, I looked at her and started laughing.

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