Chapter 17

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Grace's Pov :

Walking into math class on time and surprisingly Mr.Andrews there greeting us and congratulating us at the door. I head back to the corner where me and the girls were the other day. "Whats wrong." Bella asked. "You know me Bella, I'm never pressed about a bitch." "I feel something for Aaron, but what did she have to save to him in private and why did he actually go ." "And you know what the worse thing is they all have to help Cora set up for the party. I could see Bella began to worry.  "I'm sure they won't try anything tho." I said. " there good boys what could they do." I said. She shook her head and smiled but I could tell she didn't believe me. I heard Ava and Bella whispering to eachother. My phone buzzed. "is it true" it read. I turned my head towards ava motioning yes. I texted the group chat. "We have to talk during lunch."

Class had ended and I didn't remember any of it. As I was trying to exit the class I felt someone grab my arm. To my surprise it was Luke. I saw Ava walk right pass us and she looked upset. Belle went chasing after her. I wanted to go to but Luke was holding on a little too tight. "Can we talk." he asked. We walked outta class and he began to ask why is ava upset with him. Last timed she had talk to me about them was just this morning. I thought to myself what had happened in the last 4 hours that he could've done to upset her.

Aaron looked at us and then proceeded to go to his next class. Then it finally hit. "I guess you didn't tell her you were helping Cora set up her party." I said. " No it just slipped my mind." he said. " Listen Luke we don't like Cora at all so for you to go and help her with something and not tell Ava is pretty bad." I said. "How do I fix it." He asked. "Buy her some roses, we love roses" I said. I beamed with excitement with the thought of getting roses one day. "I'm on it" he said walking towards the exit of the building. "Uh Luke we still have school bro" I said while laughing. He looked at me and begin to laugh "Yolo". I laughed some more then headed towards my next period.

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