Chapter 19

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Grace pov -

Quickly hurrying to the bathroom so I could meet bella. "Belle are you in here" no response. "Belle" I crouched down to see if there was any feet in the stalls and there was not. Shit i'm in the wrong bathroom. going all the way to the other side of the second floor "Belle". "Girl what took you so long" she grabbed me and asked "Sorry I was on the wrong side. "Ava what's wrong honey" I said seeing her on the counter. "He's not texting me back and he's not at school" she said. just in case Luke was trying to surprise her I didn't say anything.

"Aww come here honey" I said while giving her the biggest hug. "how long have you been in here" I asked belle. "about 15 minutes, so I gotta get back to class. I love you both very much. Listen to me Ava if you want I can have him expelled from this school" Me and ava looked at eachother and started laughing "i'm serious guys" belle said and stared laughing too. "No that's okay. i'll just have to move on" "if it helps I found out Aaron is taking Cora home and "helping" her with some boxes" "What is wrong with that bitch, I would've been had her expelled her but the principal said she's paying a lot of money. "damn the rich people" I said.

"I will drop matthew for you guys and I'm sure the other girls would do the same." belle said. "No No No" ava said. "Yea no don't do that, Ava and I will find better plus we don't need them, enjoy yourself bell" i said. "I love you guys" she said and gave us a group hug. "Now hurry on to class" Ava said. "byeeee" she grabbed her back pack and took off.

"speak of the devil, look what it says" I showed Ava my phone. "We need to talk and I'm serious. I will find you after this class." she read out loud. "What did you text Luke" I asked. ok well he said he wanted to talk and I said ok when, that's when I told belle to meet me in the bathroom. "Um excuse me why didn't text me first" I said with a pouty face. "Belle was closer" she said. "Oh I see" She continues her story. Then he didn't respond back so I just texted his name. He didn't respond so I checked his location and he's not even at school. "What do I do Grace". she said. "First relax and breathe second do not let any boy stress you to point where you have to hide and cry in the bathroom. third ik sure there's an reasonable reason for all of this. let's go back to class and try our best for the rest of the day" I have her a big hug and we left the bathroom.

we parted our ways and I told her to text me if see needed anything.

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